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I know!! When I heard that, "WTF" was my reaction! Unless, Anthony Morina fucked up the directing/staging.

And I'm so not down with Victor getting Colleen's heart. This is like the anti-BJ/Maxie story. That story was so powerful and moving while this is just sick and wrong. Heart transplant stories are suppose to be heartbreaking (no pun intended) and uplifting at the same time.

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Compared to the two previous ones, this one will probably have very little impact or aftermath, though Out of Latham's Ass really had no aftermath at all. Though it was a more elaborate stunt they wasted tons of money on, and it still looked like crap and was horrendous story-wise.

Beth Maitland knows this is probably her swan song, no matter how much the story/writing sucks, she still at least tries. That cannot be said for many of her co-stars.

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A hand drawn IOU in Ashley's uterus which will be discovered by Dr. Taylor at Adam's behest after bartering the key to her chastity belt from Gloria & Deacon who find it in Tom's lock box under a bottle of Hi Karate & an Emerson, Lake & Palmer Greatest Hits 8 track.

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I think Victor is the cat's meow. But that is because he is a rotten bastard.

After the way he TORTURED poor Colleen since Brad died, nobody wants him to have that heart. Instead, they like the karma he's getting.

The only way this story could work is if Victor emerges a "new man". But that is a guaranteed fail. Look how much the audience liked sweet, brain-damaged Victor.

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They don't write stories like Maxie-/BJ anymore. :(

There's no emotional value in this story, it's just crass and nasty. Now the girl Victor indirectly caused the death of and the girl whose life he tried to make hell during her last months alive is going to have her heart transplanted into Victor. Nevermind Colleen's death was a useless and meaningless death of a core character, but this story is just nasty and there's no one we have left to root for. At least people wanted Maxie to get better, this whole storyline has caused so much damage to Victor, that I can't muster any feeling for him.

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Can I just say how exciting and interesting this sounds...I think this would bring the ratings way up and bring in 1/2 million viewers in a single week and have them hang around on the edge of their seats. Don't you think so?! :lol:

I still think there is a seismatic shift coming (ok, not that seismatic..but an earth tremor...don't know when but something is on its way. Someone is playing chess! Though I don't know if when it does I will still be banging my head against the wall or hysterically laughing.

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LOL. And...


And this is just downright lazy of them if this is a directing/writing clash. If they had already shot the scenes in the hospital and then went on-location to do the rest, Tony Morina and/or John Fisher being the SUPERVISING PRODUCERS should have paid attention to the script and noted what people were saying in the hospital. And Rauch should have known better also.

If this was a case where the location stuff was shot first and then the hospital stuff...hello, break out your pastel paper and make some line changes to reflect what was actually shot!

This just goes to show that not even the BTS people are reading or caring about these scripts anymore. Anything for a buck.

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Why do people think this is Beth's swan song?! As I said before, most of Traci's recent returns have had NOTHING to do with Colleen, so how will Colleen's death have any effect on Traci's future appearances at all? She still has three siblings in the contract cast. Whenever Jack, Ashley or Billy has a wedding or there is a Jabot board meeting, Traci will be there.

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