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Y&R episode discussion

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The show has less and less money, and they aren't going to care about bringing people back unless they have to. Given the general contempt this team has for the Abbotts, I can see this being it for her. Ashley and Billy barely interact with their family and Jack is becoming too unimportant to bring people back for.

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Well, Alvin... in many ways, soaps have ALWAYS been like that... just not so FAST and so ALL AT ONCE. Women were victimized on Y&R all the time over the years, the idea behind this is it's SUPPOSED TO MAKE THE WOMEN WATCHING FEEL BETTER about their own lives, cause someone else's is way worse.

1: Gwen Sherman (Greg's girlfriend) badly beaten and put in the hospital when she treid to leave her pimp.

2: Jennifer Brooks - breast cancer

3: Chris Brooks- fooled around on by Snapper, and brutally raped and beaten in her apartment (Her rapist was played by Tony Geary) Then later, she was held hostage by Rose Deville.

4: Leslie Brooks- Had an emotional breakdown in New York, and was taken to a nut house as a Jane Doe, and stayed there for WEEKS while her family looked for her back in Genoa City, and she was tormented by the other patients, and they stole all her food and suffered from malnutrition while the staff could care less (This was DISTURBING, at least for a 7 year old watching it)

5: Sally- Snapper convincing her to be "friends with benefits" because Chris (Who he was dating) was a good girl, and he needed to get his rocks off.

6: Jill- Kay drives her own husband off a cliff just so Jill can't have him, tries to buy Jill's baby for a million dollars, and when she's not successful, bribes a judge to declare Jill and Phillip's deathbed marriage invalid.

7: Nancy Becker- driven to a psychotic break by her abusive husband.

8: Nikki- attempted rape by her own FATHER.

I could go on and on... I can think of at least 3 or 4 stories where women are victimized form EVERY YEAR in Y&R history. Theyr'e just pacing the sh!t too fast, that's all... it doens't need to come ALL AT ONCE.

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EVERYTHING on Y&R these days, in every storyline, is about some woman being victimized in some way. There isn't a single strong woman on this show at the moment in any storyline, and it's very noticeable.

Even diva-like characters like Jill have been rendered useless and pathetic. Who wants to see Jill with money problems that's being played for laughs, or her being painted as some demon to St. Katherine? We want Jill getting her cougar on or busting some balls in the boardroom.

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I don't consider Nina to be in any storyline at the moment, at least not a main one.

Chloe is very pathetic and always in need of a man. She does all these crazy things to bet Billy's attention because she's obsessed with him, not exactly the most positive portrayal of a woman, I'd say.

Mac is just a disaster. Her entire being on this show has been about Billy. It's a shame.

If women aren't being victimized, they're somehow painted as living only for a man, and not in a dominant way, but in a way where they see a man as the be all and the end all of their existence. There's no man pining or obsessed with any woman on this show right now to counterbalance that. This is deeply misogynistic too.

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I think Bill Bell was also interested in seeing the women improve their lives, to overcome struggles. Leslie was fragile but she overcame her problems as best she could. Nikki overcame the abuse of her father. And these stories were ABOUT them.

The constant victim stories on Y&R now treat the women as an afterthought. In the old days of Y&R, if Chris Brooks was raped, it was by a nobody who only served that storyline. Now, when Ashley is violated, the man responsible is shoved at viewers day in and day out, the story all about him, while Ashley herself is the generic ingenue in peril.

The only time women get assertive is if it's about helping a man. So we get Victoria planning to troll emergency rooms and offer cash to those who might have dying relatives, and Nikki degrading herself for a man who has repeatedly wished her dead. Helen Reddy, eat your heart out.

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