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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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Incidentally Long wrote a character for Tesreau on Santa Barbara.


Re: Reva's love interests outside of Josh, I liked her relationship with Richard, though ironically most of that (her having Jonathan) occurred off camera. I was always hoping for elaborate, newly constructed flashbacks of her as Princess Catherine, married to Prince Richard. It captured my imagination but we never really saw that because Richard was used more with Cassie.


I liked Josh with his Venezuelan wife Sonni (before all the Solita nonsense).

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I guess I was one of the few who liked Josh with Harley, though that pairing was very brief. As far as Reva...for a romantic pairing, I never did have a favorite for her.


Very well said regarding Bill Bauer, @vetsoapfan. I also wish they would have explored Ed's hypocrisy towards Bill in more depth after Bill returned from the dead. For the most part, Ed ended up being EXACTLY like Bill. Actually, both Bauer boys were philanderers, although Mike didn't seem to loathe Bill the way that Ed did.


Bill remained pretty much the same meek character, whether played by Sudrow or Bryce. Whenever I see old footage of Ed Bryce and Charita Bauer arguing as Bill and Bert, it reminds me of my maternal grandparents - they would argue and bicker just like Bill and Bert.


I always wanted to see TGL move forward with Steve Jackson and Bert. I wonder why the show never went there during the 1970's...

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The Loved and the Loathed: The Guiding Light edition


Feeling very nostalgic about TGL lately, after being involved in the discussion of its history, I am curious: who were your favorite citizens of Springfield, the characters who made the show really feel like TGL to you; the characters whom you considered an intrinsic part of the fabric, and who would  keep you loyal to the show, even if its writing were not top-notch for awhile? And who were the characters whom you  simply loathed beyond endurance (LOL), whom you did not love-to-hate, but just...hated, and wanted off the show ASAP?


It will  be interesting to see in any particular characters show up on most viewers' lists.



--Bert Bauer

--Papa Bauer

--Meta Bauer (particularly Ellen Demming)

--Bill Bauer

--Mike Bauer (particularly Don Stewart)

--Ed Bauer (Mart Hulswit, and even Robert Gentry)

--Hope Bauer (Elvera Roussel)

--Peggy Scott

--Holly Norris (Maureen Garrett)

--Roger Thorpe

--Ross Marler

--Robin Lang (Gillian Spencer)

--Dr. Paul Fletcher

--John Fletcher (Don Scardino)

--Sara McIntyre (Millette Alexander)

--Amanda Wexler (Kathleen Cullen)

--Vanessa Chamberlain

--Henry Chamberlain

--Maureen Bauer (Ellen Parker only)


Honorable Mentions: Rev. John Ruthledge, Trudy Bauer, Kelly Nelson, Nola Reardon



(As they pop into my head)

--Jeffrey O'Neill

--Richard Winslow

--Lesley Ann Monroe

--Fletcher Reade

--Susan Piper

--Reva Shayne

--Hawk Shayne

--Minnie Pearl Shayne

--Rusty Shayne

--Roxie Shayne

--Jackson Freemont

--Cassie Layne

--Danny Santos

--Tony Santos

--Abuela Santos

--Father Ray Santos

--Rose McLaren

--Buzz Cooper

--Beth Raines (Beth Chamberlin's unbearable version)

--Eve Guthrie


(It's harder to keep this list short, considering what a mess the show was in its final years!)




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Some of  your choices I agree with, some I don't... that is what makes the world go round

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1) India Von H.  Her visits in the 90s and 2000s were always a highlight.  Still a crime she didn't come for a visit in 2009 when Philip turned out to be alive.  

2) Beth Raines (Judi Evans version and Beth Chamberlin's 1989-1991 stint)

3) Roxie Shayne

4) Mindy Lewis

5) Nadine Cooper (1989 to 1993 version before she got saddled with Buzz)

6) Holly Norris

7) Blake Lindsay (from 1988 to 1995 before they turned her into a ditz)

8) Bert Bauer (she was so calming and warm)

9) Maureen Bauer (up till 1991 where she fun, supportive, and warm.. till Curlee & co turned her into a baby crazed jealous harpy.. which could explain why rated low in focus groups).

10) H.B. Lewis

11) Henry Chamberlain

12) Alexandra Spaulding (both versions)

13) Roger Thorpe

14) Jenna Bradshaw (her first stint from 1992-1994)




1) Buzz Cooper

2) Lucy Cooper

3) Cassie Layne

4) Richard Winslow

5) Edmund Winslow

6) Harley Cooper (1997 and thereafter)

7) Reva Shayne (1995 and thereafter.. I liked her during her first stint)

8) Dinah marler (Gina's version in the 2000s.. too harsh and butch when the first 3 Dinah's were more feminine)




I had said that when Pam Long left January 1991, the writing suffered for several of the female characters.. and I had listed Holly as one of them.  She was much more confident and with it in regards to business.  She had a good rapport with Ross, and interesting friendships with Nadine and Gilly.  Once Long left in January 1991, that was when the whole Holly still being stuck on Roger came back into focus.

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It would be highly improbable (and kind of boring too) if everyone had all the exact same choices on their lists.


That being said, I'll bet a character like Bert Bauer will be a consistent winner (for anyone who watched her). I can also see someone like Buzz Cooper being on many posters' loath lists.


Seriously, I would be shocked if any longtime viewer said he loathed Bert!


We will see.


BTW, I had completely forgotten about India. She was great and should have had a stable, more permanent place on the canvas.


I had also blocked that abrasive Lucy Cooper from my mind. She deserves a place on my hit list. Lucy was to TGL what Katie Peretti was to ATWT.

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Female characters I loved:

HOLLY (my fave); VANESSA; JACKIE (played by Cindy Pickett); BERT; REVA; ALEXANDRA (Beverlee McKinsey's version); SALLY (Patricia Barry was an excellent actress, loved her voice); CASSIE (played by Laura Wright); MICHELLE (played by Joy Lenz, definitely my most favorite younger actress); CLAIRE (Susan Pratt was always feisty and never played a doormat); HOPE (Elvera Roussel); ANNIE (Cynthia Watros); GILLY; NOLA; DINAH (played by Wendy Moniz); HARLEY; LILLIAN; MARAH (played by Laura Bell Bundy); LIZZIE (Hayden Panettiere) and SARA (McIntyre not Shayne).


Male characters I loved:
JOSH (my fave); ROGER (Michael Zaslow); ROSS; ED (Peter Simon); ALAN (Chris Bernau & Ron Raines, loved both interpretations); H.B.; HENRY; FLETCHER; JUSTIN (Tom O'Rourke); MIKE; PHILLIP (Grant Aleksander); ALAN-MICHAEL (Rick Hearst); BILLY (Jordan Clarke); RICHARD; JIM (the adopive father of Harley's daughter, played by Anthony Addabbo, he was refreshingly decent and honest); KYLE; DAX (loved Thom Christopher's acting); FATHER RAY (the one Santos with a conscience); TONY (played by Jordi Vilasuso); HAWK; LITTLE BILLY (Bryan Buffington); JONATHAN (Tom Pelphrey was always entertaining) and SHAYNE (Jeff Branson).

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Many of the characters whom you mentioned would have also fit into my best-loved list, had I not been determined to restrict it to a reasonable length, and not include too many names.


Joy Lenz was wonderful as Michelle (Rachel Miner was very good too) and could have developed into a strong tentpole character over time. It's unfortunate about the revolving-door of actresses in the role, because I think the character really clicked and left a mark on the show with Lenz and Miner playing her.


Beverlee McKinsey was, of course, a goddess, and any show would have been lucky to have her. When written well, Alex was a jewel in Springfield's crown.


Robert Newman exuded leading-man charisma, and he aged beautifully, helping the former bad-boy Josh develop into a solid hero who was never boring. Tom Pelphrey ended up being a real find, and an excellent scene partner for Kim Zimmer. Even when the character misbehaved, you wanted to watch him anyway. He had that "certain something." After some misfires, TGL finally found the right Shayne in Jeff Branson.


Over the decades the show presented us with so many wonderful, memorable characters.

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Yes, I wanted to make sure I had a few on my list from the last decade. While I think Wheeler was a dreadful producer, and the writing became increasingly abysmal some of the new cast members in those last few years were certainly way above average and they gave us some memorable characters. I did like Gina T's version of Dinah but I think Wendy M felt more believable playing Maeve Kinkead's daughter. And while I mostly loathed late '86 and the first half of '87 (before Pam Long's return) we did get the introduction of Dinah during that period, and she became a legacy character.


I really think this show did a good job of casting the juvenile roles, especially in the late 80s, all through the 90s and early 2000s. The kid who played Little Billy was great; I loved watching little Hayden Panettiere as Lizzie; and as you said Rachel Miner was certainly good as a very young Michelle. In the 2000s, I liked the kid who played Cassie's troubled son Will-- can't remember his real name, but he was another compelling child actor on the show. Good casting goes a long way towards creating memorable characters.


Some roles, thank goodness, were never recast. Nobody else would have played Reva as well as Kim Zimmer during those five years she was away (1990-95). Similarly William Roerick was aces as Henry Chamberlain. I sincerely doubt anyone would have done justice to that part after Roerick died. I was glad they did not recast it but wrote his death into the show. Lisa Brown's Nola was another one who never could have been played by anyone else.

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How were you able to block Lucy Cooper from your mind? LOL


I think the reason India didn't have a stable, more permanent place was due to the actress not wanting to be tied down long term.  It was tough to keep jet setter India in Springfield long term in the 80s, and it made sense having her come and go during the 90s and 2000s.  What burned me in 2009 was when fans wanted her to come back (since Philip was back from the dead).. and the show saying there was no plans to bring India back nor a reason to... and the actress said she was open to making visits.


I think that was why Jenna was created in 1992 because the show needed an India type character.  It was great the show realized India/Jenna were a like when after Jenna's death in late 1998, India remarked that after hearing about Jenna.. she wished she had gotten to know her.. and Alex chuckling saying that the two probably would have had a lot to talk about.

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While the show failed in many, significant ways under Wheeler,  TGL was lucky to find and cast some actors who were perfect for their roles, like Pelphrey and Branson. Earlier than that, you are 100% correct: the show brought us brought remarkable talent among the younger set. Good casting can help override weak scripts in some cases.


William Roerick had been on the show previously in another role. He was the last actor to play Aunt Meta's third husband, Dr. Bruce Banning, in the 1970s. When he reappeared as Henry Chamberlain, it was a jolt to me at first, but I quickly adjusted because he was so perfect as Vanessa's father. No other performers would ever have been accepted as the show's most iconic figures: Bert Bauer, Roger Thorpe, Nola Reardon, Reva Shayne, etc., and I'm glad the show never tried. ATWT attempted to replace Penny Hughes and Lisa Miller a few times, without success. I like Lee Merriwether, but she simply felt wrong for the part when she took over for Mary Fickett as Ruth Martin on AMC.

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Yes, unfortunately, the shows do have to work within the confines of the actors' availability and willingness to sign contracts. Mary Kay Adams was worth making the effort for. I wanted her to appear consistently on the series, but at least we did continue to see India from time to time.


What bothered me about the actors/characters who made cameo appearances towards the end of TGL was...it looked like the show had only sprung into existence in the 1980s. Characters from before that, who had been on the series during its halcyon years, were under-represented. Couldn't they have asked Elvera Roussel back as Hope Bauer, to interact with Alan one last time? If she had been able and interested, I would have loved to see Helen Wagner pop up in Springfield as Trudy Bauer, a role she had played decades before. Or if that did not work out, why bring on Jeanne Cooper as an irrelevant, anonymous nobody for a few scenes?  Why not cast HER as Trudy Bauer, as a nod to TGL's roots? And why did we not see any flashbacks or tributes? I thought at the time: Wheeler and P&G do not want to remind viewers how stellar the show USED TO BE, compared to the drivel it is now.


It's too bad that the show went out with a whimper rather than a bang.



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I still think my idea of Rick Bauer nearly dying and reuniting with his birth mother, Leslie, in Heaven was a good idea for GL's finale.  Just as I still would like to have seen Phillip reunite with Elizabeth (in the flesh) and with Jackie (in spirit).

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Interesting comment about Roerick's previous turn on the show. I think Jordan Clarke had also been on GL in the 70s as a different character, before he appeared as Billy Lewis in the 80s. There must have been enough of a gap so fans didn't mind.


Roger actually was recast in 1997 with Dennis Parlato. He was fine on OLTL as a similar character (Michael Grande) but he felt out of place on GL. And of course, Zaslow cast a long shadow. I guess after Rauch, Esensten & Harmon Brown chose not to write Zaslow's illness into the show and dropped him, they needed Parlato to finish out the current storyline and wrap things up. But it just didn't feel right.

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