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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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  1. From ALL MY AFTERNOONS: THE HEART AND SOUL OF THE TV SOAP OPERA by Annie Gilbert. A&W Visual Library. New York. © 1997
  2. Leslie Bauer was played by Lynne Adams who was a 2nd generation Bauer because both her parents were "radio Bauers".
  3. Meta Bauer was played by Ellen Demming; Michael Bauer was played by Don Stewart & by Glen Walken. Michael Bauer was named so to prevent confusion with Charita's real child; Papa Bauer was named Theo & everyone said he was always 'playing himself'.
  4. "Bauer Power" came from Mart Hulswitt when he was playing Ed & he philosophically dubbed the theme ... BAUER POWER!
  5. There was some romance and behind the scenes stuff between & among writers. The best GL example is Fran Myers & Roger Newman.
Edited by Donna B
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I just really can't decide. When I ordered this & got it in & then watched all 3 days I was really delighted because I did NOT weep. Now, I'm not sure if I would blubber away.

Phillip realizes Alan has died, sitting on the bench. Phillip calls Rick to come.
Jonathan offers to Lizzie & Bill to take Sarah with them & to pick her up later.
Rick double-checks Alan.
"Only Love" theme song.
Natalia is grieving that she just got Rafe back & he's leaving now. Olivia says she'll make a copy of a picture for Natalia. Rafe is now on diet control as a diabetic. Rafe & Frank hug & Rafe thanks Frank. Frank says he's a good man.
Jonathan is frustrated & Reva is making sandwiches. Jonathan has never been away from Sarah.
Bill & Lizzie are talking about playing dress up with dolls. Bill likes action games like Tag.
Daisy tells James she needs to leave & go to Company to have a going away party for Rafe.
Phillip tells Beth & Alexandra that Alan has died. Alexandra says "No" a lot of times.
Alex says there will be a lot of calls to make. Beth worries how to tell Peyton & Phillip says to tell her that her father loved her. Phillip is going to go tell James & Lizzie. Alex is going to get on the phone to people. Alex is looking at a picture of Alan & crying.
Beth tells Peyton.
Phillip takes Lizzie off under a tree, taking her on a walk with him, and he tells her.
Lillian takes a call at Company & passes the phone to Olivia, who tells everyone.
Jonathan gets a call from Bill to come get Sarah & take her to the Spaulding Mansion because Alan has had a heart attack & died.
Alex fills in the servants. She tells them that in his own way he loved them.
Alan had talked to everyone at the wedding. Rafe talks about Alan being proud of him for going into the service.
Reva says it's too much loss.
Franks says Alan is the man behind the curtain, the Wizard of Oz, and then POOF he's gone.

Beth says her relationship with Alan was SO complicated but now she can't imagine the world without him.
Emma is sad. Rafe gives her a magical quarter to think of him.
She says she'll miss him.
Olivia & Natalia are holding hands all the time.
Buzz is with Emma.
Rick says the autopsy showed that Alan died of a heart attack.
Alex says they know all they need to know about it.
They say they'll have to plan a funeral. Alex says that Alan said he wanted to be cremated & for them to not to do anything elaborate. And he said he loved them all.
Frank & Rafe hug again.
Daisy hugs Rafe, too.
Natalia is about to start crying, she doesn't want him to go, but she loves him.
Rafe says BYE to everyone & gets on the bus.
Olivia embraces Natalia.
Lizzie is with Reva, Bill, Jonathan & Sarah.
Lillian embraces Buzz.
Alec goes to the hospital to Alan's body & weeps copiously.
Phillip says Alan saved them all.
"Life happens here"

I made it through the show without crying!

(Thursday, 6-6-2019)

Guiding Light logo
Telenext Media logo
Previously on Guiding Light:

Bill brought Phillip Alan's ashes in a box.
Bill: "It's strange that a life as big as Alan Spaulding's would be as big as this."
Man called Daisy to come to college by Monday---she has 4 hours to think it over.
Jonathan & Reva are competing drinking straight out of the milk carton.
She invites him & Sarah to live with her.
Josh wants Billy to help him kidnap Reva to marry her.
"Only Love"
Josh isn't going to Venezuela any more. He wants to marry the love of his life, like Billy did. (I've got to watch that wedding DVD!)
Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Billy repeats it all back to him. He says Josh is on his own with this. It's been a year. A lot's happened!
Josh drives off in the antique truck.
Alex and Phillip discuss taking care of each other. They're going to the lake. (I presume to scatter ashes.)
Frank can't pick a baby name. Olivia is willing to do it.
Reva is trying to save herself every single day.
Shane has a picnic lunch planned for everyone.
Danny & Michelle & Robby are moving back!
Lawrence didn't file a record of the marriage. They have no insurance & aren't really married.
Jeffrey called, he's on Edmund's trail. Thinks he's working out of a warehouse right next door.
Billy to Josh, "Where's your girl?"
Josh: She's come a long way … There were children all around.
Rick is harassing Ed Bauer about moving home from California. Ed claims to be reading. Really he just doesn't want to have to help Michelle & Danny move out of  their truck.
Spauldings at the lake, … (I really like Bill & Lizzie together.) There are a whole lot of waves to be a lake!
(No one mentioned getting in touch with Alan-Michael, Vicky or Amanda! None of them are present.)
Reva says Kathy on the phone that Kathy, that's great!
She tells Jonathan she has found him a perfect place to live.
James & Phillip pitch a Frisbee.
Frank has asked out his online friend & she wants to see him, in person, on the bridge.
Big fight between Jeffrey & some man. Then, across the way Edmund is laughing at Jeffrey.
Here's Maureen in that striped shirt & Ed has just come to the door saying he's going to travel. Maureen asks how long she has to pack? He says 10 minutes. She says 15. He says he'll be there waiting for her.
Phillip is both as sad as he's ever been & as at peace. He says Alan wanted to be brave.
Alex says she'll be fine.
Fletcher has come to see Alex. She's both hilarious & crying.
Daisy's telling James she wants to go to Berkley. He's okay with it.
Josh is going to Tulsa first.
Jonathan's talking to Tammy "up there" about living in Cassie's place with Sarah.
Reva loves it!
Coming up on Guiding Light:

Blog 66 DVD GL 9-18 FINALE

Billy asks Reva if he missed Josh. He asks her what she's going to do in a year. She's crying & she doesn't know. Matt's daughter Maureen volunteered him to do sets. He's in construction. She's putting them together to ride bikes together.
Everyone's getting together to say bye to Daisy & Ashley.
James & Daisy say they love each other. They leave. They're driving to California!
Blake & Frank both have to leave. Phillip thinks its weird to be the oldest Spaulding.
Beth thinks Phillip should write everything down. She gives him writing materials.
Rick calls him to come to the park. He tells Beth they're going to the park.
Blake & Frank run into each other on the bridge. They figure out they are their online names. Frank says he really has enjoyed talking to her online. They go for a walk. Natalia & Olivia tell Frank they've picked out the name Francesca for the baby, after her Daddy.
Jonathan is taking Sarah to feed the ducks.
They're going to give Frank & Blake a hard time!
Mindy and Danny & Michelle & Robbie are all back in town, in an enormous truck!
Shane lost the coaching position at the high school but he got the assistant coach's position.
Reva says Natalia can keep Olivia in line---and someone sure should be able to!
And, she told her about meeting Josh in a year --- or not.

"One Year Later"

Billy says they got the bid on the new grade school & asks Jonathan if he wants to be the foreman. He does!
Frank says she has two mommies but he always has to change the diaper.
Rafe is home.
Rick & Mindy are going to get married tomorrow.
Daisy & James kiss passionately.
Dinah & Mallet are watching the wedding.
Josh is at the lighthouse & here comes Reva & Colin.
Reva says she knew she was going to show up. But, she needed to live her life & find herself again. She found Reva again. Did he find Joshua? Does he still want her?
Yes, he wants Reva. She loves him. She's in if he's in. They're both in! They kiss. Her stuff is in the car. Let's go!
The Four Musketeers are together!
Reva says she's "Always" ready.

enormous truck!
Shane lost the coaching position at the high school but he got the assistant coach's position.
Reva says Natalia can keep Olivia in line---and someone sure should be able to!
And, she told her about meeting Josh in a year --- or not.

"One Year Later"

Billy says they got the bid on the new grade school & asks Jonathan if he wants to be the foreman. He does!
Frank says she has two mommies but he always has to change the diaper.
Rafe is home.
Rick & Mindy are going to get married tomorrow.
Daisy & James kiss passionately.
Dinah & Mallet are watching the wedding.
Josh is at the lighthouse & here comes Reva & Colin.
Reva says she knew she was going to show up. But, she needed to live her life & find herself again. She found Reva again. Did he find Joshua? Does he still want her?
Yes, he wants Reva. She loves him. She's in if he's in. They're both in! They kiss. Her stuff is in the car. Let's go!
The Four Musketeers are together!
Reva says she's "Always" ready.

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The Guiding Light
by Dr. John Ruthledge
1938. The Rev. Dr. John Ruthledge was a liberal, nonsectarian clergyman in the small Chicago suburb of Five Points. Week after week, parishioners from all faiths came to the Little Church of Five Points to hear Dr. Ruthledge speak out against the insidiousness of racial prejudice, the horror of war and the injustice of poverty. But Dr. Ruthledge's influence on the townspeople extended far beyond his weekly sermons. In the window of his study, his reading lamp -- known fondly as the Friendship Lamp, given to him by an Italian immigrant named Luigi Pasquali who worked in the paint factory at Five Points. Ruthledge's lamp always burned brightly, a signal to those in need who would seek his counsel. This lamp was as constant and comforting a presence as Dr. Ruthledge himself and was known to all in Five Points as "The Guiding Light."

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They were all retcon, "fake" Bauers who never actually existed until modern writers with no interest in or knowledge of the show's true history decided to dream them up. None of those characters are canon.



Papa Bauer's name was Frederick, not Theo. Theo Goetz was the actor who played the role.

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Are you talking about the Coopers, or the retro-fitted Bauers?


In retrospect, it just seemed silly to introduce this branch of the Bauer family tree we had never heard of before, when simply bringing back Hope, Mike, or even back-from-the-dead Hillary would have sufficed.  If anything, having more Bauers on the canvas to interact with might have helped the audience accept Johnny, Lacey and their parents more.

Edited by Khan
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