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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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I liked the episode where Jenna went to visit vanessa, alex, Holly, Harley and finally Buzz.  It was a great good bye episode.


I did love in that episode where India said she wished she'd known Jenna better...with Alex saying they'd have a lot to talk about... 


And I do agree once Jenna married Buzz...she lost what made her unique and memorable.  She was the 90s version of India/Helena...yet was her own person so she wasn't a carbon copy.



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I will never figure out who Deas was balling to keep that job! God (and this is sick stuff I know) I would love to have had Buzz die in that car crash and give him a chance to do his usual over acting in his death scenes at the hospital...sputtering, arms waving, spitting, snot flying out of his nose..and have Rick or Ed say...."The patient would pull through if he would just stay still, but he wont..." and then in the middle of a massive arms flaying like windmills attack, he bites it, with his big maw wide open so he can kick it like he lived it.


Actually I would have had Buzz get killed by Brent instead of Nadine...how I would love Brent to say that infamous line to him instead..."How bout some diner food Buzz??" as he throws his body in the dumpster...


But yea, Rauchie and MADD got rid of her because of her sticking up for Zaz, but also, she was a bit of a diva herself, complaining if she didn't have a storyline...."There is only so much you can do in the background of the Bauer BBQ blowing up balloons." so I guess Rauch already had his hands full with Zimmer.

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But there it is, why was Blake (and Ross) off contract but they would keep Frank and Buzz? Switch that off and have your longest running vet and his wife head up a new young family.  I think Holly, at this point worked best on recurring, coming in and out of stories as needed. Just say she is a globe hopping journalist writing a book (and maybe looking for Roger) and she comes into the story when needed. 


Don't remind me of Gus.  Why they didn't fix that paternity problem I will never know..that manscara wearing twit was in no way a Spaulding...I loved when he died everyone was like..."Oh...hey what's for lunch???" 


The mental unraveling of Phillip and his  "death"  could have been a great story (and gotten GA an emmy)  if it wasnt written so crappy. It touched everyone on the canvas and could have realigned and fixed a lot of things..(i.e during the trial Gus "real" paternity came out, the "real" reason Alex was involved in the drug ring..brought Beth back to being herself,..etc.)  and they revealed he was alive in the summer...with GA back in the role.

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The weird part of that is that generally the push at that time was ditch the vets and put young cheap hot people on contract instead. But Frank and Buzz?? lol Not young or hot, I have no idea about cheap but JD probably wasn't and FD had been around for a long time at that point so he couldn't have been cheaper than a newbie. Anyway, I'm sad we never saw teenage Jason/Kevin/Clarissa. Mostly because I think watching Blake get a bit of a comeuppance dealing with a teenage daughter would be hilarious. I'd imagine the nice calm Ross genetics wouldn't override the Roger/Holly/Blake crazy ones.


Unrelated question, watching some old episodes and Dylan and Sam are babysitting Susan/Daisy. Mrs. Lemay is enormously pregnant. I was watching when Brittany Snow's Susan came back but I don't remember her having an adoptive brother or sister. Did they ever say what happened to the baby Mrs. Lemay was pregnant with then?? I remember her being dead when Susan arrived, then Jim arriving a while later but not with another child in tow.

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I seriously think that Frankie D was paying THEM to be on the show. He was not talented, he was no longer the hottie, his character was boring, etc. Deas, I think his "reputation" as an "actor"  in the goofy soap industry kept him around.


I always thought Clarissa should be fat and plain and a book worm and resentful of her sex pot Mom and more friends with Grandma Holly.


About Mrs. Lemay, you were expecting E & B and then later Kreizman to remember she was preggers? Hell, Kriezman and Wheeler sent her back in the same time machine that Amanda Spauldiing took to de age her to be a teenager...(presumably so BE could still be the "young" romantic heroine.)

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I remember when GL was over there was an interview with Deas or Margaret Colin that basically said that they'd decided he could keep a steady job while she went and did things that were I guess her passion (like a lot of theater work) and other work that would take her away, and it would also leave him free for the kids. In that case I imagine he probably kept taking cuts in order to stay on the show.

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Funny you mention clarissa... I remember in 2003 or 2004...Ross and Holly had a conversation about the kids...and Ross remarked that Clarissa was very spirited for a child..and a handful for blake/ross...but that Holly was great with her...and Holly said in her dead pan way..that she and Clarissa had an understanding.  So the show looked to be hinting that Holly would be the buffer between Blake/Ross and a spirited Clarissa.   

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No! Clarissa should've been a hot mess much like Holly and Blake were in their youth. It would've been funny to see Blake try and reel in and clean up Clarissa's messes much like Holly did hers and Barbara with Holly's messes. 


A few pages back I also said that I wished that Jason [Marler] was much like Roger (a tempest storm who was passionate & yearned to be loved) while Kevin was more like Ross (logical, ambitious, yet headstrong). I also said that I wish that Kevin look to Rick as a surrogate father (a nod to Ed being Blake's), which would annoy Blake because: 1. she feared he was trying to replace Ross 2. it would be a constant reminder of her tryst with Rick along with Rick one being believed to be Kevin's dad AND 3. Rick's part in Ross' death. 


That would've been so good and soapy...

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I also love the idea of Clarissa having sooo much ammunition to throw back at Blake (and maybe Holly) because really what could Clarissa really do that would be worse than the things Blake did!


I agree with everything you said about Kevin/Rick, except in any fantasy future GL Ross has to not be dead!!! I don't care if he never died, was in a coma for 10+ years, or was raised by a mad scientist as long as he's not dead. Maybe he's been living in Goshen for years

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