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Y&R: Episodes discussion, week of September 14

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Me too, and we certainly aren't getting that with Maria Arena Bell, Hogan Sheffer, and Scott Hamner. This show has imploded and is a bloody hot mess.

It's amazing the amount of contempt this writing regime has for the fans and for legacy characters. They especially take the intelligence of their fans for granted.

A lot used the "give it time" excuse when I noticed huge problems with this show back in the Spring. Well, now it's almost Fall, and the toxic nature of this writing regime is out in the open for all to see the damage they're causing.

I cannot see how anyone can defend crap like this. This show and the decisions these writers are making is just beyond bad.

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And that's another big problem. How could they see Colleen as less important than say....


Jeffrey (in particular)




Kevin (as much as I hate to say it)

Jana (as much as I hate to say it cuz I luvs me some EOB)


If it is true that they would rather kill off an ABBOTT than one of these folks because she wasn't as "important" to the story, then that bites the big one (to put it mildly).

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I posted this in the "Fire Maria Arena Bell, Hogan Sheffer, Scott Hamner, and Paul Rauch" thread, but it applied to the discussion taking place here.

I will NEVER forgive the Patty character for indirectly causing Colleen's death, for killing Zapato, and for causing brain damage to Summer. She IS irredeemable. Almost all of the canvas should HATE her after all these things. The Abbot's should hate her, and the Newman's should hate her. I will never be able to buy ANY possible relationship between Patty and Jack, if they ever go in that vile direction again. Thanks for ruining a character and making her irredeemable that had unlimited possibilities, hacks.

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I found today's episode lacking in emotion and terribly campy. Lily's dreams about seeing Colleen were hilarious and stupid. I hate whenever soaps insert some supernatural tones into the stories. Lily's senses that something bad was happening to Colleen was just awful, and unintentionally funny to me.

And again, I agree with all those who said the Abbot's worrying about Colleen highlights just how much the character wasn't close to her family and how very rarely she interacted with her family since Tammin's been in the role, and the character was still technically in town, just doing nothing off-screen most of the time.

I wasn't shocked by their cliffhanger of Patty firing her gun, and if the spoilers are true about Colleen's heart going to someone, it will make all of this even more vile.

This show is a mess. NOTHING is working right now, guys. I should have felt something from this episode, but it all rang really fake to me. The writing and those scenes just felt fake. The stories on this show have no emotional resonance, no depth, and logical complexity.

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