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Y&R: Episodes discussion, week of September 14

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I don't blame you, this show is a hot mess.

Jack/Victor isn't the only big feud this writing team has misunderstood though. Jill/Katherine is another one, where Katherine is the saint and Jill is the pathetic demon who just yells insults at her. We all know Katherine was as responsible as Jill for the problems in their relationship. But with this writing regime, it's all about pushing their agenda, to hell with what's really true.

This show and the people writing it just make me sick.

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Don't you just love the rewritten history LMAO :rolleyes: Victor is so SPECWIAL to have s/ls rewritten just for him in the span of a year!I guess they can't find anything to do for EB either so back to the recycle bin we go!! :lol:

2 things here that I have struggled with and that's why I haven't given this plot-driven bugger of a s/l with MJ/Patti that much focus, #1. I have watched this show for years and either I am beginning to have severe memory loss but Victor did not know anything about Patti shooting Jack, hardly anyone did and #2. how did heck did he find her when no one else could. Jack had so many other relationships w/women that Victor could have brought back to mess with- we have yet to hear the explanation of what Victor was actually trying to accomplish bringing Patti back and with a newly reconstructed face, WTF!! Are we going to get an explanation here, some back-history perhaps - I don't think I will hold my breath for this one but I am hoping we will.

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I guess the intentions of the writers is to not make us care about any of the characters to the point where they can get away with anything and reek even more damage/havoc on the show. It sure feels this way.

This writing team has such contempt for character writing, family dynamics, and classic soap opera elements.

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At the risk of also being called obvious or sycophantic, I am somewhat in agreement with Cashton.

Relative to Thursday's show, I enjoyed Friday's much more. This doesn't take away from the fact that I don't like that Colleen was killed off, or the general darkness (and cartoonish nature) of some of the recent Patty story.

But today I liked:

- Colleen's ghostly visit to Lily. Y&R has now firmly established this aspect of itself (ghost John, ghost Cassie), so ghost Colleen makes sense. And I liked that she gave a message of hope and love. I needed that.

- Ashley's fierceness. Eileen has been playing the hell out of this story. I loved when she suddenly grabbed Traci's face. It was unexpected and intense.

- Victor's admission in front of Jack. "Come on Patty. We created Mary Jane together." I loved how Victor and Jack had reactions when Patty was calling their nemesis out.... You could almost see each guy thinking "shoot the other one".

The off-camera canoe rescue was a bit laughable. Why was Jack dry? But no matter. When the shots ran out at the end...reminiscent of Patty's three-shot of Jack a quarter century ago...I knew I'd be tuning in Monday to see what happened.

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