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Y&R: Episodes discussion, week of September 14

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I'm still catching up on this week.

Why is Jill completely divorced from her beloved sons these days?Surely she could be seen visiting Lily or comforting her 'son' Cane or talking to Billy about his involvement with Mac/Chloe?

Maybe the nail salon thing could have worked if Jill had chosen to take the job as a way of starting afresh.

Paul stating that Patty wandered from town to town,living in homeless shelters?Since when?

Adam's motivations are confusing.Why would he hide the letter from Nikki?How could he even see the tiny writing.Why did Nikki's letter have a printed postmark?

Even Chloe knew Patty shot Jack!WTF?

Why didn't Colleen just take the gun from weakened MJ?

Almost every scene has me scratching my head.

And the future is looking bleak...

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Please, what show have you been watching? That's the Kay/Jill dynamic, not the Victor/Jack one. Is that why Jack walked over Victor's body when he had that stroke or whatever the hell it was? Is that why Victor tried to beat Jack's brains out with a fireplace poker? You've been bitching for months now that we hadn't known Victor's plans for revenge on Jack where Patty was concerned. Well, now we KNOW... and your'e still not happy.

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That's not the same as planing premeditated murder, which is what Victor was setting up and planning for months by hiring Patty to come into Jack's life and killing him. Try again, spin doctor.

And you're right, I'm still not happy, because now Victor looks like he was setting up a murder of someone and indirectly because of him, Colleen ended up dying, Summer ended up with brain damage, and Zapato ended up dead. Can you say character assassination?

Victor and Jack have NEVER planned one another's deaths, try spinning this sh.it someplace else, dear. What show have YOU been watching? Name the amount of times Victor and Jack planned for months to have each other killed? But of course, bad writing like this is acceptable, because you can always spin the reasoning!

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Victor bringing Patty to town was not brilliant but it makes sense to me. If he had contracted someone to kill Jack, he could possibly be found out and sent to jail - Victor don't like no jail. so rather than hire an assassin, he hired the next best thing to one - the person who came closest to killing Jack. Victor, knowing that Patty was still fixated on Jack and revenge, knowing that Jack would ultimately screw her over again thought that perhaps she'd eventually go crazy and try to kill him. It would be the perfect crime because while morally wrong, there was no contract for her to kill him or harm him.

But he didn't know that Patty wasn't sweet and naive anymore. The bitch was nuts! They haven't referenced her pills lately so I wonder if that'll be part of it.

But seriously folks - where's Heather? Are they just done with Heather? Does anyone know? I thought she had great chemistry with Chance. A Chloe/Chance/Heather triangle would be awesome cause it would be more believable that Chloe would be really threatened by Heather - who is effin gorgeous - than baggy Mac.

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I'm a huge fan of the Jack/Victor feud and I hate this beat. I did like Victor bringing Patty back, but I thought it was just to screw with Jack. I don't like it that Victor brought Patty to KILL Jack. I wish they based this story on a business story like Victor brings Patty back to distract Jack while Victor goes after a company Jack's going after, or something like that....you know like old school Y&R. :(

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I'm all for the Jack/Victor feud to be rested,rather than coming up with plot manipulations to keep it alive.It is tiresome.

Especially when Jack always comes out the loser.

Maybe the characters could move in other directions for a while and the writers weave it so that it leads back to another conflict.

When did Paul discover that Patty was homeless and taking low paying jobs?Just in the course of his current investigation?How was Victor able to find her if Paul couldn't?

And if that's the case,how was she transformed into a high powered business woman?

And Victor never stated what his plan was.After a few weeks,for no apparent reason,he was telling MJ the deal was off.The whole thing is garbage.

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Wouldn't he know Patty was crazy since she had already gone nuts and almost killed Jack, and had lived a horrible life since that time (unless Victor thought it was perfectly sane for a woman to agree to change her name and appearance just to go near her ex-husband again)? And wouldn't having a woman he knew was crazy make it more likely he'd think he would go to jail, whereas working with a contract killer with a good record and who didn't go around killing random pets and Australians and almost killing mute children might have left less of a trail which would lead to Victor?

Not that it even matters, because the show always make sure we know it's not really Victor's fault. He's just that awesome.

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