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The Game Show Thread!


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Rolling Shitstorm... :lol::lol::lol: funny as hell, and ACCURATE. And this latest debacle is just the cherry on top of that cowpie. I really used to tune into TPIR on a fairly regular basis. No, I NEVER tune in, thank God Martha Stewart is on in that time slot on another channel... and although I knew in my mind that Bob Barker was a prick in real life, he was a good host. He had energy, personality, and was a good looking man. Drew is boring, looks like a sloth on camera.... the worst choice in the world! And EVERYONE'S solution is to have some damn comic to "pump up" the entertainment value. It's like the ridiculous practice of having comediennes hosting awards shows. If I tune into a music awards show, I want to see a legendary music figure host it, not some slack jawed comic. And when I tune into a game show, I want a PROFESSIONAL HOST and a PROFESSIONAL ANNOUNCER to do this job.

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i'm not sure who it would be... it seems thee isn't much to choose from when it comes to a young crop of professional hosts. I mentioned Seacrest, but TPIR he probably considers "beneath him". I suppose they could steal Mark Steines from ET? They need to get SOMEONE. I guess they figured since Pat Sajak has the personality of a wet dishrag, then it doens't matter. But in the case of TPIR, it DOES. I know many have complained about it, but LMAD seems ot be working, and WHY? Because Wayne Brady is GOOD at hosting, has great energy, is personable, and the "brand" has remained the same.. even the font of the show's logo is the same as it was in the 70's. Some say it looks cheap, but realistically, LMAD has ALWAYS looked cheap. It's always depended on the zonks and costumes for yuks and entertainment value. But the most important thing is that LMAD LOOKS LIKE LMAD. Except Monty is now dipped in chocloate and has a much nicer ass.

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I tuned in to TPIR last week and was saddened to hear new music for the "Contestants not appearing on stage..." spiel. WHY change things that don't need to be change? One of the most comforting things about TPIR was the music. All of the music, even the stuff they added in the 80s and 90s all had that "TPIR sound," but now I'm hearing some random generic pop-rock music that doesn't fit the show at all.

This here is my ish:


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I bet it's some number cruncher at FREEmantle augmenting things with cheap, generic music to aviod paying as high a royalty to Bob Israel. It's like when Merv Griffin composes that crappy Wheel theme cause he dind't want to pay money to Alan Thicke anymore... and of course, Merv's pitiful composition couldn't compare to Alan's.


Pop/Rock oriented themes are fine, one could argue that "Tuning Up" is one of the most rock oriented game shows themes ever done, especially with the phase shifted guitar which was as hot as autotune is today back in 1972 when it was composed.

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AMS, I believe you were referring to this:

Contestants not appearing onstage will receive....

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And alphanguy, you're right. The Thicke theme is way better than Merv's Dinner Music one.

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What was the name of the game show, and no, not Name That Tune, where they had a Kathy-Lee like lady who sang diddies too? It had a thumpin' disco opening tune where she'd be boppin' while they introduced the host.. I saw it on GSN years ago...

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