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Y&R: Episodes discussion, Week of August 31

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Hung by his balls is not good enough, he needs a good ass whipping. Does EB have it written in his contract somewhere that he never gets physically hurt???

Anyone who has a sibling that they are really close with could identify with their performance, especially if that sibling is in trouble ( physical or mental) and in denial.

Sorry but to quote DEE DEE-- "Cane needs to die " biggrin.gif

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Oh please, who wants to sit thought Ashley possibly having feelings for the guy that drove her insane, mentally raped her (teaching her how to conceal her mental problems), burnt her unborn fetus, and continues to mislead her?

The writing for women is problematic enough on this show.

Story and legs with this writing team? :lol:

Adam and redemption? Too little, too late. What motivation does Adam even have anymore? This character is a waste and they wanted to make him some sort of super villain without ever explaining why he's doing all the extreme stuff he's doing.

Can anyone fully justify the Adam character over the past 6 months? Keep waiting for your redemption arc, because you'll never get it and they won't waste more than a week on it if you do get it.

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Braeden would never let Victor be brain damaged. Didn't he hate the epilepsy story? This would be going much further.

We're supposed to be in awe of Victor. We're supposed to worship him. When he goes too far, that's just more proof of how awesome he is. Soon, he will show a brief flicker of humanity and the cast will line up to fall at his feet, as they always do.

This is Sheffer's "men with balls" writing. No one knows the troubles Victor has seen. He is the biggest victim of them all.

I hope at some point the writing will get to a place where we don't have to use all types of explanations to justify the behavior.

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Everytime I see Lily I have to laugh. She and Cane are written like two mentaly challenged idiots whose brains were fried when their stupidity collided. This vanity cancer story is painful. So far this week I've only really enjoyed those scenes with Phillip and Nina. I also enjoy the Patt/Kitty Kitty/Boris/Natasha highjinks and I would LOVE (yes even with Tammin and Amelia) this Colleen/Deacon/Victoria/JT story if better developed. Forget Amber, that story could've been a great major romantic entanglement throughout the summer and fall. JT and Victoria needed someone like Deacon to take them into a new direction and he has great chemistry with Victoria. Then throw in Colleen and Victoria has plenty of chances to play the self-righteous Newman who does no wrong.

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Thanks. :)

Looks like my comments will be a normal thing, since the Queen Hack, Maria Arena Bell, says that she and her team haven't made any mistakes and the the show wasn't uneven this summer. Yeah, if she thinks this current incarnation of Y&R is good soap opera, I'm hoping she passes whatever she's smoking on to me. The ego and blatant lies from these idiots running these shows into the ground, I tell ya...

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Was yesterday the day that Victor told Traci, " You take what I Give"? The reason why I asked

Who would actually give this man Colllen heart from the Abbott family. Or this is one of that would be a serect donation. The family thinking they help somebody that been on a list for a long time.

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Oooh, good point!

There is a sitcom in there...a family entirely made up of brain damaged people.

Poor Alvin. I mean that sincerely. Your dissatisfaction is palpable and I do agree that for myriad reasons, you will see no relief. I can only say that I have stopped taping B&B at times for this reason, and I no longer watch 24 for his reason. I may even try to stay away from Lost for this reason. There comes a point when you just can't take it any more.

So, for me, there were some very interesting moments on Thursday's show.

- For Colleen, it truly does seem they are pushing her in the path of her father. No job and no career prospects...a kind of uncertain future. Giving away her guardian angel. It all just smacks of a sad end. I don't like it.

- I thought Traci took an interesting tone with Ashley...compassionate but firm.

- I disagree with others who do not like Ashley's "insanity arc". I think Eileen Davidson is ROCKING it. It is a different "flavor" of "nuts" that she is playing...but the actress is at the TOP of her game playing this torment

Alvin says I'll be waiting forever for Adam's redemption arc. But honestly, somehow, I see Victor and Adam realizing that they share the same brand of evil...and somehow helping one another to become better men...as a potential future story. Anyway, the "Pollyanna rationalizer" in me sure hopes so.

And let us say that Ashley's memory flash--seeing Nikki--dropping the class--was a purely perfect soap cliffhanger.

- The Victor scene with Traci was...jaw dropping. "I'll have to insist!" and Victor says something like, as MoTheGreat noted, "You take what I give. But because you are a nice person..." Wow. Just wow! Never before has the writing regime wanted us to hate Victor this much.

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I'm not sure if we're supposed to hate Victor. He is going off on characters the show probably sees as not very relevant to current viewers. Traci makes occasional appearances, Colleen is a bit part, Paul is a relatively minor character. I think we are supposed to see him as being in a bad place emotionally but also as being put-upon, and having no choice but to get tough.

I don't think they will redeem Adam because they have to have a caricature villain to drive this storyline. They may show MJ or Adam making sad faces so we will have a little pity party every now and then, but they have to remain bad people because otherwise the plot will never move.

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