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Y&R: Episodes discussion, Week of August 31

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Even when I post about the episodes, a certain poster will always manage to take what I've said to off-topic discussion and things escalate regardless. Don't act like it's not true. LOL!

I won't post spoiler related content, but this thread will go off topic regardless. I mean most of the posts in this thread don't even seem to be episode discussion. LOL!

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There is a difference in going off topic, and relating things happening in the day to day episodes to what has happened in the past. It's very hard to separate things like that. And before the monday ep airs, there are ususally a FEW posts and questions about the archive pictures I've been using, but that has always stopped once the monday show airs. People who haven't watched forever naturally have a question or two about a Lorie and Vanessa picture. We just don't go overboard with it. I honestly think the off topic tangents have been WAY improved, we have 15 pages by the end of teh week and not 50, that's REAL progress!

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So the Vanessa and Lorie discussion was so on topic, right?

Um no, off topic discussion is off topic discussion.

No it's not, just simply talk about the episode, right? I haven't been following that guideline, but neither have you, so.

Not always.


This isn't the "archive picture thread."

The fact that you extended on an already off topic discussion I was having with Toups and I responded back tells us how lousy we are in this thread about keeping it on topic.

I agree with you here, there has been some progress.

Anyway, if you wish to continue this discussion in this thread, do it. I won't participate. Take it to the potpourri thread or drop it.

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In today's previews we see Traci tomorrow, shocked as hell... saying to Ashley, "Your'e shaking like a leaf!" This is a nice move. Having someone who's not been around come in to give perspective. The way Victor's been lately, I'm not sure I WANT to see my girl go up against him. Only if she WINS. But if Jill couldn't win against him, what hope does she have? I know one thing, Beth Maitland is must see TV, and I can't wait till tomorrow. Considering that Tricia Cast is back tomorrow, that will be a double scoop of LOVE.

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I always love having Beth Maitland around but I just don't like Ashley in this state of mind, move it along, please. Is Adam starting to fall for Ashley? Man, I miss CE in this role, he played the character more perfectly than I originally thought; he added layers to the character by being able to portray the underlying innocence and guilt at the same time. Although, I cannot blame him for abandoning ship.

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I love Beth Maitland too, though I wish Traci was coming back under better circumstances and with better storylines to be apart of. <_<

That would be really nasty if those two start developing feelings for one another. Ashley falling for the guy that literally terrorized her? Then again, that kind of thinking seems to be the norm for Maria Bell, Sheffer, and Hamner. Adam falling for Ashley would be completely stupid and more f.ucked up at this point. I think it's time to send Adam off to prison, off screen. This character is over, and this whole storyline is one big clusterfuck. This is one storyline that should be quickly forgotten and never mentioned again. They totally pissed on the Adam character, and for what reason? If they try at this point to add more remorse to the role, it will be too little, too late.

I love Eileen, but at this point, Ashley annoys me and I'm so over this storyline. I seriously don't know how these hack writers can justify any of this crap.

I'm also over Michael Muhney's Adam too. He's far too cartoony and old for the role. I thought he was going to be good, since I liked him on VM, but no. He's not clicking in the role, and the writing for the character has only gotten more outlandish and stupid since he's taken over.

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I think they realized what an epic fail this storyline turned into and they're trying hard to make the character seem human again. Though, it's too late. The motivations for the Adam character are almost nonexistent. This character is beyond wrecked, and I don't think this writing team is talented enough to rehabilitate any character, as they've shown us how disastrous their character writing can be.

It's like they thought they were so badass for having Adam gaslighting Ashley. They didn't expect people to start hating the story and question Adam's overall motivations and why he's as disturbed as he is.

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Lemme say OF COURSE there is a sexual/romantic subtext between Ashley and Adam. And I LOVE it. I think that gives the future story legs...and Adam some hope at redemption.

I instantly pegged Wednesday's show as a Beall show...and I'm torn about it.

For example, I was hating when Lily was whining (again, I'm living with a person with cancer...so what Lily is saying is often FACTUALLY correct...but the delivery is so off) about "mani-pedis"...but then Lily immediately acknowledged she was whining in the next sentence. So there is some verisimilitude.

But I didn't understand all that nonsense about "Chicken Parm". It seemed very trendy...and what the hell is the matter with Chicken Parm? :lol: I'm not sure the implied elitism is actually healthy given the nature of the audience.

Doug Davidson, for all our critiques about "over the top" seems to be really investing in this story. He entered his Victor scenes with red eyes, and left in the same shape. And he was on the verge of tears throughout. It's like he really, really did the "work" to get into Paul's emotional state. I appreciate it...because his romance with Nikki was so devoid of emotion, I'm finally delighted to see some!

While I (of course) groaned at the Phick scenes (because he is concealing from her), I actually appreciated that Nick made a stab at providing some stability for his family, and I hope hope hope he makes the right choice and stays with his current family.

Finally, if there is any question that they want us to hate TGVN, yesterday erased it. But what a far fall for the character. It used to be -- in his most ruthless days -- he was also somehow charming. Now, with his beer belly and faded t-shirts and utter ill-manneredness, there is nothing charming left.

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The thing that made those scenes so compelling for me yesterday, was that Paul against Victor is truly a good vs. evil dynamic, as opposed to Jack, which is evil vs. evil-ER. This is almost reminding me of the Victor who locked Michael Scott in the basement, the utter unfeeling and callousness. But then again, Victor can treat someone like Paul (And JT, for that matter) as a friend, as long as theyr'e his "yes-men".... but as soon as disagreement takes place, he throws them under the bus. He's done the same thing with his wives.... and nobody in his family has TRULY called him on this, except that time that Heather Tom's Victoria berated him about his vendetta against Ryan (That whole scene where she screamed at him.. "Your'e a DESTROYER!! You ruin people's LIVES!" We need soemthing akin to that right now. I'm not sure Heinle could pull it off, though. And I REALLY don't think Morrow could do it.

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I keep thinking Victor and Victoria are brain damaged and that explains it. Victor is KNOWINGLY brain damaged. Plus his meds could alter his judgement. And Victoria still suffers the pillow-induced-coma problem.

I'd like them both to go to that miracle Swiss neurology clinic and get fixed up.

Isn't it interesting that THREE -- THREE -- Newmans are current brain damaged? Isn't that overkill?

Nonethless, if I were a writer, I'd use it as an opportunity to [ a ] explain all these character changes, and [ b ] as a device to launch a neurological miracle that gets everyone "right" again. I don't wanna hate Victor. I've loved his ruthless ass for far too long. Well, not literally his ass...but you get my point...

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Well, today's episode was the best in a while. Of course, Beth Maitland and Tricia Cast are mostly responsible for this. Victor needs to be hung up from his BALLS from the nearest tree... how DARE he say to TRACI "You'll take what I give you... but since your'e a nice person, and I'm in a good mood...". I've never been so infuriated at that condescending bastard in my LIFE! Ashley's and Traci's scenes were so hearftfelt, Eileen and Beth have such wonderful oncscreen chemistry, they work so well together. And the final scene where Ashley drops the water glass was done so perfectly. Since Colleen is in the house, I shudder to think how Victor is going to treat her and Traci tomorrow. I want Traci to lay WASTE to that man, you hear me? Now... on to Phillip and Nina. I LOVED the interatcions, Thom has really gotten much more comfortable, and now looks like his old self. I thought the "best friend" proposal was cute, and a moment of lightness this show DESPERATELY needed. Tricia and him are so good together onscreen. Nina's delivery of the line... "Jill..? She's a LIGHTWEIGHT". I had a big hoot over THAT one. Great dialogue today, it's about damn time. We finaly have some character development between Chance and his father, and his mother... we need much more of this. Even KAHLIL pulled out an appropraite performance today. I can't figrue this girl out.... she seems to lack focus, IMO. Goddard is really saving this cancer SL, and normally Kahlil sucks the life out of him, but he's not letting it happen lately... that man is really concentrating on what he's doing. Now, is it just me, or did the Newman ranch bedroom scenes today seem a little off on the audio balance? It sounded a bit shrill, and there were alot of hissing, hard S's going on there.

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Same here. I hated that line from Victor. Again, it was directed to the "wrong kind" of person. When he's nasty to someone who hasn't wronged him, it just makes me angry at him. I don't like this version of The Great Victor Newman. :(

Great scenes today with those two.

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