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ATWT: August Thread Discussion

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Ok first the comments on the P&G blog just made my week. SOOOOO loving it.

After Tuesday I'm not sure what they are doing with Teri but I still love the character and actress.

Audrey and Babs were a freaking blast, I flove every moment. All of the James/Henry whatever story has just been fun to watch for me--would so rather watch that story than brooding Luke and all that.

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The Luke/Mason/Noah story, Holden's death and Carly's family are the weakest stories, in that order (with Nuke being the worst). Wednesday's episode was a breath of fresh air. This James story involves so many of my favorite characters in top form. I'm glad Henry and Vienna finally have something good to do away from Katie. This could be an interesting long term dynamic. Barbara continues to amaze me. Colleen Zenk Pinter looked AMAZING in her white dress. So classy, sexy and the perfect soap vixen. In fact, all the women in Oakdale are looking good. I just wish they could get Bonnie a decent wig. Speaking of Bonnie, I LOVE this romance with Dusty. This is the first pairing since Dusty's return that worked. It's nice seeing him with a strong woman that he doesn't need to save. Unfortunately, you can tell by their screentime how invested they are in this pairing. Notice, a black actress is what it took to get Grayson off the frontburner. Sickening.

Can't wait to see what's in store for the Hughes/Stewart's today!

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I really want to like this James story. There's just this niggling suspicion whatever James' motivation is, it'll turn out to be a huge letdown.

At least it's putting Barbara back where she belongs---front and center.

I know I'm supposed to sympathize with Ali---but she's such a martyr, I don't give a flip. And it's obvious where this is headed---a Riley/Ali/Casey triangle. ICK. Does Ali have to do every Hughes male under 40? I can't believe the only real 20-something female on the show has this endless stream of men panting after her.

Floving Bob and Kim.

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Her staying quiet annoyed me because she could do Kim more harm than good by letting Bob continue to be with her in the capacity of a doctor. I don't know if she's changed her position yet, I haven't seen the last 2 episodes yet.

You're right, this will mean Ali has been with every Hughes man under 40, unless they SORAS Daniel to adulthood before the show ends. Oh wait, he's her biological nephew. Even the Snyders don't go there, much less the Stewarts. Phew.

I still wish they'd done more with Chris. I don't remember the last recast being that bad. Paul Korver wasn't that bad either.

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I always get the nephew/brother thing confused with him.

I think Scott Holmes has done good work as Tom in the past, especially in the 90s, but the screaming his lines I can't take. I also miss the Tom humor, which I know was never a major part of Holmes's version but seems completely gone now. But to be fair that's true for most characters.

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Y'know...even I didn't really think it was possible Liberty didn't comprehend it was Faith that Parker was hugging the other day. But lo and behold, that's the excuse they trotted out to excuse Liberty's bad decision making skills. *EYEROLL* And then Parker went on to elaborate you mean, my cousin Faith? You can bet Kriezman sure didn't pen that line. Not once did it look like Liberty realized that Faith is indeed her cousin too. I guess she's still having trouble untangling the Snyder family tree.

Why does Craig get to speechify at Rosanna, again? The man nearly killed her. Accident or not---that doesn't change the fact she nearly died thanks to him and his schemes. And yet, Craig gets to play the "I've changed, and you're a bitter old bitch" card. The fact Rosanna doesn't knee him in the groin every time he shows up at Carly's house (and walk in like he owns the place) is all the generosity he deserves. And all this ZenCraig the Noble crap irritates and bores me.

I'm not sure I like where this Stenbeck story is taking Henry or Barbara. I don't buy for a moment that Babs is so worried about Paul's financials that she'd work to get Paul a share of James' money. And I don't buy it from Henry either. Yeah, I know he's done anything for a buck in the past, but it just seems off somehow now.

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Barbara would never get involved with James again. No one in Oakdale who knows James's history would ever think that they could win or come out ahead when dealing with him. That's the problem with this sort of long term villain. The idea that anyone would trust him again is completely ludicrous and has been for about 20 years now. So the characters have to be dumbed down to make it work. I like it when soaps return to their roots, but unfortunately ATWT has played the James card too often now. They need another arch villain and Paul is not it.

And all this ZenCraig the Noble crap irritates and bores me.

I miss Hunt Block. His Craig was a bastard and enjoyed every minute of it.

Me too, but it was clear no one was going to believe her until they see for themselves. I'm a couple of days behind as well, so maybe Tom or Margo have seen by now. I guess it's a minor point, but it annoys me that Ali didn't repeat the dosage to Bob. I have to believe that any nurse would repeat the dose and the med name before administrating a drug without a written order. I know I'm nitpicking, but there should not be any question in Ali's mind that she gave the dose Bob prescribed.

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