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Y&R: Episodes Discussion for the week June 22

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Jack & Sharon's age difference is an issue. That's why Jack is always taking care of Sharon. The actors are amazing but the couple is not some great love story.

Nick & Phylis work because (for some) because the relationship is very sexual and her being a bit more experienced works for that.

As for MM's Adam and the young kids. I don't know. MM is attractive but he looks his age and then some. Why are young blooming beauties, Rafe and Heather, so fuzzy headed for a guy who looks so much older, is blind, has no money, a criminal record, is under house arrest and lives with his father? Is Genoa City that hard up for single men? :D

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You know how the New York bar is supposed to be the hardest in the nation? Maybe Wisconsin's is the easiest! It consists of 10 multiple choice questions with questions like: Is it illegal to commit an illegal activity? All the folks who can't pass the bar in the other 49 states come to Wisconsin to practice law. That explains why Heather and Rafe are such idiots and why the state is so desperate for good lawyers they even let a criminal like Michael Baldwin practice. :lol:

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Phyllis and Nick work because their age difference isn't that wide in real life, I think. In the context of the show, though, she's like fifteen years older than he is, right?

Dude, they are definitely hard up on good guys in Genoa City LOL. When Heather explained why and how she loved Adam in Thursday's US episode, I was appalled. The dude is an ex-con to betrayed his father and has utterly no nobility or honor in him. Every chance he got, he begged Heather and Rafe to get him out of jail. Why would anyone be into someone who begs them constantly? It must be a pity thing.

And Miller's charming as hell but why Mac and Chloe are after him is beyond me.

Then, there's Phyllis and Sharon free-confused-smileys-327.gif

This soap is like a wet-dream for dudes lol.

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I adored that scene. And when he placed his fingers on her face before he kissed her. Sure, it's been done by other blind characters forever but it was so touching. MM definitely shows more variety in his scenes and is more present than CE was. He's just as good in his scenes with Gellman.

I really really like this recast so far.

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<object width="320" height="265"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhzxoMUHwr4&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhzxoMUHwr4&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhzxoMUHwr4&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="320" height="265"></embed></object>

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It was pretty effortless. I think the fact that CE's been so absent in the last four or five episodes helped make it pretty seamless. (to me, at least. I know others have issues with him) But I think it's fine. Not too jarring, not too "I'm here, people, and I am a good actor!". Just very easy and slid right in. ("That's what Rafe said." Sorry. Couldn't resist. :D)

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Nothing would make me happier than Victor and Ashley never finding out her baby is dead. Like John never found out Ashley was not his little girl.

Nothing would make me happier than Mary Jane taking away the Nick-Sharon "bond" by ensuring their offspring goes to Ashley. But I realize I am the sole holder of this opinion in the free universe.

Yes, it was awful. I think it was meant to [ a ] explain motivations that the writing/acting had not succeeded in explicating to that point, [ b ] help the actor get up to speed, [ c ] help the audience associate Engen's deeds/motivations with Muhney.

Awful, yes. Tolerable on a one-time basis? For me, yes. But it can't be done too often, for this device is the one that provokes more soap eye rolling than almost any other...the only thing worse is when it is done via voiceover.

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You're not alone, MarkH! Remember I was the one who said I would love it, just as long as AShley NEVER found out it wasn't her baby? (Like John/Ashley) Of course, today's daytime audience would never allow that. Gotta get the baby back by Sweeps. But I stnad with you in your solitude, my friend! :-)

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I don't think any daytime audience would have ever allowed that. Ashley was a grown woman when she learned John was not her father. Dina's deception happened decades before the Abbotts ever arrived on the show. No baby switch story, even in the eras when fans were more patient, ever ended with parents not learning the truth about the baby switch. At least as far as I remember.

The circumstances of this story are so unpleasant and Ashley is so mentally unstable that I think even patient fans would not be able to bear seeing her with this child, knowing the baby is not hers, knowing she only has the child because of people who murder or harm children.

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They're only a month apart. Ashley found out she was pregnant in February. Sharon found out she was pregnant in March.

And yeah - I accept I'm in the minority with MarkH on this one. LOL! I won't even try to argue it because I know you're right, Carl. No daytime audience would accept it. Still, I love the poetry behind the initial concept of the idea.

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