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Y&R: Week of June 8, 2009

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It depends. Honestly, I am watching daily for 2 reasons -- Adam and Mary Jane. I have some serious doubts about my interest in the Adam story remaining after the recast -- we'll have to wait & see. As for Mary Jane, if she becomes my only reason to watch, I might just watch on the days she's on and might even slip to just watching her parts on youtube. It also depends on what else is on TV. I've dvred new shows like Nurse Jackie & returns like Weeds so it just comes down to what seems most interesting. Another possibility (though unlikely) is that the upcoming Erica story on AMC is good enough to get me back. I doubt that though because Chuck Pratt isn't just a hack, he's a super-hack but curiosity will get me to at least check it out.

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I'll give the show until July or so, but these elements have spilled over from the Latham era and they've been present on MAB's writing tenure for at least a year now.

Y&R is not a crime/mystery/gothic soap, and if I wanted a soap like that, I would seek one out.

I miss corporate stories, stories about social issues, stories about lust, stories that have a huge emotional basis to them. So far, the show isn't providing me with any of that.

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I'm feeling the need to do another ratings trend analysis...to see if we still have an average upward trend (for the period after Josh Griffith left), or if she is levelling off.

In the end, it seems to me the current plots ought to have a discernible effect on the ratings one way or another, because they are "love 'em or hate 'em" polarizing.

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I don't mind gothic stories if they're told well, but I'm not sure if Y&R's gothic stories have been told well. They didn't have to make MJ so obviously crazy so early in her run, and in both this story and in Adam's story, I don't think there's anyone who is a counterbalance to them, a strong, sympathetic figure we should root for. We're probably supposed to be rooting for Ashley but I'm still too distracted by Ashley losing most of her personality and drive and wondering if any of this story will be about her fighting back, or will it be about Victor saving the day.

I think simultaneously making many potentially sympathetic characters very hard to like and also putting various crazies in town to menace them defeats the purpose. I don't know if viewers are supposed to hope MJ destroys everyone around her, or if they want to see Adam crush the pathetic Newmans, but I can't blame viewers if they do end up feeling this way.

I do see where these stories could help the ratings, as they are full of stunts which might bring in casual viewers.

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My assumption -- no spoilers, because I don't know anything -- is that the simultaneity of Adam and Mary Jane is ESSENTIAL. They have some common enemies/frenemies (Jack, Victor, though Mary Jane will have a little love mixed in for Jack while Adam won't). I think this is all building to a union of demons that will shake Genoa City to its foundation.

Rather than being bad plotting/pacing, I think we have two wackos because those wackos will work together. As I have said before, I think Mary Jane will give Sharon's baby to Ashley. I think they are setting up future story...two trains about to converge on parallel tracks.

(But brimike came in here and said he didn't think modern audiences had the patience for such a thing...I hope he's wrong).

The need for the art story in the midst of all this? Can't say. THAT, so far, is utter DRECK.

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I mean, seriously... How can someone say that this amount of darkness & crazy people is soap opera writing deluxe? :blink::unsure: There's no realism, no truthfulness, everything is so "shocking" and terribly written... A swamp...

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Agreed, and I don't understand how anyone can compare this current show to the Y&R of the old. I do not see it. It's almost a completely new show with the old characters.

Not to mentioned, most, if not all, of the storylines come from the same twisted darkness vein. There's nothing creative, innovative, or diverse about this show. It's completely hallow, emotionless, and homogenized.

Needless to say, the only think keeping me holding on is Nina's involvement in the Phillip story, though that's another cliche returning from the dead storyline. :rolleyes:

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Everything is way too dark and crazy, reminds me of OLTL after the good part of the Carlivati era.

I wanted Mary Jane to be a b :wub: tch, not Sheila2, Adam to be Mason Capwell/Adam Carrington, not AllanahStarrMeetsStefanoDiMera :(

Things might be better if there were some normal or decent people in Genoa City, even JERDAYS had some. Y&R is TOO MUCH.

I am still watching, but not entire episodes, just segments.

Can't stand the Japhyliniron mess at all, I can't stand this kind of soap, you see I grew up with Brooke, Ridge and Taylor.

Sometimes (not always) I miss classic, boring Y&R.

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