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Y&R: Week of June 8, 2009

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I can only hope MAB cooks up something that's not plot-driven or art related so that I don't have to read the same, "She doesn't know what she's doing. Where's the Y&R of old gone? Only the Adam/MJ/Phillip storylines are keeping me interested," posts everyday, same time, same damn place.

I'm sure I'll get the, "if you don't like it, hit the ignore button" comments, but, I wish these complaints were rooted in the daily episodes at least. Otherwise, create a new thread and discuss amongst yourselves.

Now if Victoria falls into a coma, will she awaken recasted with a bitchy streak, wonder why the hell she married JT and proceed to begin a heated classic soap opera rivalry with Chloe or Amber or Jana? it's been a while since people have been bitch slapped.

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Back to the Cane thing, if they overlook stolen identity and the fact that its a federal offense, it really shows their incompetence. Kay and Jill can't simply refuse to press charges in this instance, because it's beyond them. I think Nina will have the good sense to inform the proper authorities.

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I wouldn't mind seeing Cane go to jail (whatever it takes to get rid of him), but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't. People get away with crimes all the time on soaps. He hasn't taken any money and he's there at Phillip III's request, so if he does time, I'll be surprised.

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It cant be any worse than ATWT with Paul kidnapping a baby and no charges brought against him. At least Y&R isnt being written by Jean Passanante. I shudder the thought of her HW Y&R.

Exactly! Characters dont pay for their crimes anymore.

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I don't think Daniel has to be a comic relief character. He's been bogged down for years by poor stories but he has potential for far more. Jana should too. I think Bill Bell would have loved Jana and written major stories around her.

The one-sided writing for Jill/Kay is one of the reasons I couldn't be happy about undoing Kay as Jill's mother. More and more I think this was done only to put Mac and Billy back together. It hasn't made any difference in Jill's position on the show. I think we'll get more when they find out about Phillip but the dynamic with Kay was too frequently reduced to Jill yelling at Kay while Kay tried to be noble. At least this was lessened for the Cane/Lily wedding. The other story, the foolish story, I don't put on the unrelating, I put that on Y&R always needing to remind us of how brilliant Victor is supposed to be.

I think Mac is an obvious mistake who obscures the biggest mistake in Billy's character. He's a jerk we're asked to feel sorry for and want to root for, yet I don't think they have given fans a reason to care about him. All he has done since return is sleep around and screw up. Any relationships he's had have been trashed as he jumps from one new screwup to another, and now suddenly we're supposed to also care about how he's fated to be with Mac.

The dark tone to the stories, the poorly written or invisible motivations, the unsympathetic central characters, the pacing issues, the writing which is degrading to women, I think these have all been problems for a long time now, even before MAB, Rauch, and Sheffer, but the first big story they had (Nikki's breakdown, Jack and Adam forging the diary, Nick and Victoria returning to Victor's fold after a long period of very interesting estrangement between them and their father) was full of these problems for me, so I've always been cautious about just how much the show had improved.

I think it has improved and there are many different parts of the show which shine, but I also believe those who are now in charge of the show either don't know or know and resent the basic tenets of soap. That's one of the reasons I was disappointed they hired Hogan Sheffer, because I think this happens to every soap he writes for. I think if they get rid of him, and Hamner, and find a stronger co-writer who genuinely knows how to write for soaps, then progress will be made.

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I'm all for Cane being off the show, but if Cane is charged they'll probably have to charge Philip with conspiracy or as an accomplice. It's better to let Cane slip out of town. Maybe his last scene can be Jill helping him go on the the run or something.

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