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At least I know I can look forward to one more good Jessica because Danica was dreadful. I always hated the character when I watched the show. I can't imagine how it got to that point. I also need to know why I LOVE Luis and SHeridan so much? They chemistry is off the charts, but originally I always disliked both characters. I only liked Sheridan when she became a bad girl. This early stuff is so good. I love the way they met and how she feeds his hatred for the Crane's, but he has good reason. She has no respect and hasn't taken responsibility for her actions with him. It's very cute. I can't wait to see this develop and for them to finally become a couple or friends or something.

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Here's Jade on The Bay (would show you Passions clips but it might be sort of spoilish) in probably the best work she has done on the show: http://blip.tv/thebaytheseries/webisode-12-the-bay-chapter-3-part-4-4677903

Here's Danica's (defunct) websoap Coastal Dreams: http://www.nbc.com/coastal_dreams/

The laws of acting: Nearly destroy Maxie (GH) and destroy Jessica (Passions) and you get your own show. The Rules of Logic. :wacko:

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Ah sorry to post so much.

I just wanted to ask what did you all think of Simone's lesbian storyline?

Personally, I am on the fence about it. It would have been more of a logical move to make her bisexual (but this is JER were talking about, is there logic?) seeing as she was pining after Chad in the early episodes. I did like Cathy Doe's acting so it sort of saved it a bit for me.

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Cathy Jeneen Doe was a nice variation of Lena's and Chrystee's Simone's. I didn't mind Simone as a lesbian, to be honest.

And early Sheridan and Luis are awesome. They just hated each other and I loved feisty Sheridan. I hated when she became this whiney victimized heroine and then she morphed into just bad (though I truly believe it was Beth taking over Sheridan's life). It really bothers me how Shuis didn't end up together, for whatever reason. They were just as much of a force as the Theresa/Ethan/Gwen saga was.

Luis with Fancy never made sense to me. I much preferred Fancy and Noah. Noah went downhill when paired with Paloma. Well, the second, bad acting version of Paloma. I always felt the character of Noah was wasted, much like Hank was.

I always felt like JER had more planned for Hank, but for whatever reason, kept him a boring good guy before just writing him off.

Edited by KMan101
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I didn't know how it would work watching Passions since NBC has always been the network I had the most difficulty with. Port Charles was the first soap I watched regularly and I still couldn't manage to keep watching that from the beginning. With Passions however, I'm hooked and can't get enough. It's a total success and I'm thankful that I decided to start collecting it.

Right now I'm in the middle of October of the first year and the stories are well formed and the cast is really strong. Unlike so many soaps, they mostly got it right in terms of characters that can carry the show for years and years. I like that they didn't cram everything into that first month and are now branching out and introducing story for characters like Eve, Julian, Simone and Ivy. Also things aren't going nearly as slow as I know they become. It's still slow, but it's very similar to the Bill Bell pacing I'm used to. The show is also VERY traditional soap which I wasn't expecting. By the time it was on DirecTV the show was truly a parody of a soap. I enjoyed it, but I do see that the family connections were missing.

I find it VERY interesting that Simone is the one who originally spots Chad, yet I know Whitney ends up with him. When I first started watching I recall Simone being the evil little sister who was jealous of Chad and Whitney, but now I see that was her man! LOL! The original Simone is truly fabulous. Kay too. Just a dynamic duo and it's so sad neither continued acting. Going back to Chad, I wonder why Eve immediately was so worried about him. Strange when you consider how many years it took for the story to be revealed.

Something hilarious, I had completely forgotten about Eve and Julian and they were one of my favorite couples. Ivy was having a party with the Russell's and the Bennett's and when Eve and Julian met they revealed that they had a secret past. I don't know how I completely blacked out on that lol.

I look forward to seeing what the first sweeps period brings! I have up to either June or July 2000 and I think I'm ready to get more episodes. It seems like I have so far to go.

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