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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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I love the show right now and though today's US was great.

I liked the throw-away line regarding Devon's family. He' s a stand-up guy and isn't going to freakout at Lily's wedding though he was thrown for a loop.

I liked the subtle way the P3 was picked up. Cane unsure about taking the Chancellor name. Him telling Nina he consider her & P4 family

I liked how Adam "helped" Victor think through the situation.

Bravo to Billy for telling Kevin off. Why should he be nice to him? Everyone else forgiving Kevin is a whole lot harder to swallow then Billy hating on Kevin.

I don't see this latest Heather/Adam chapter ruining her character at all. It's revealing her character and finally helping us to make sense of who she is.

Why do characters have to be all be smart, wise, healthy, kind, enlightened and all that jazz? Pick up any great novel or any great play and you'll find horrible and horribly screwed up people. Hamlet thought he saw dad's ghost, wanted to [!@#$%^&*] his mother, and killed his uncle. I think we can put up with a flawed character or two on Y&R.

The claim that the show is misogynistic just because Phyllis won't leave Nick to be laughable. In another thread, Mark compared Phyllis' situation to Elizabeth Edwards, which I thought was very astute. Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Edwards, and so many otherwise strong, intelligent, feminist women decide to stick their marriage for whatever reasons. I am not saying it's right. Personally, I would not tolerate cheating but I don't think that my beliefs are universal and I would never get on a soapbox (pun unintended) and call women who decide to stay in their marriage as anti-feminist. Moreover, even if Phyllis staying with Nick is the "wrong" thing to do, that's what happens in real life. Sometimes women leave, but sometimes they stay. Why is Y&R misogynistic if it represents a realistic situation with the Phick marriage? Nick has got all the cards here. He is far richer than either women, he's better looking and younger than both, and he's the father of both of their kids. Sharon & Phyllis have every reason in the world to want to the Prince Charming fantasy with Nick. Even if both women think their odds are only 50/50 at getting Nick for good, consider the reward from their perspective. If Brad Pitt can have Jennifer Aniston & Angelina Jolie fighting over him, what's so odd about Phyllis & Sharon getting a bit desperate to retain Nick?

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LMAO! Just saw Billy insulting Kevin and that was the funniest.

Hmmm so Olivia forces a thermometer laced with poison into Ashley's mouth and then suggests that she gets admited to the hospital and tells Victor she might be having a breakdown. Someone needs to stop her!

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MAB: Oh, crap, we've been found! Quick, Scott, Hoggie, find another dead character we can resurrect so that they'll get all excited and won't care that the rest is crap! Quick!

HOGGIE: Um, Ryan?

SCOTT: How about Sean?

MAB: Um... he's already on the show.

SCOTT: ... Crap.

MAB: This show is going to hell... Okay, what to do... Let's see... I know! Reveal that Nina has been secretly writing the script in L.A.! Now, all we need to do is the filming next week and the release the week after that! Yay! They won't know what hit them!

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Thank you! I usually don't despise Lane that much as I see them as inconsequential at worst, but CK is annoying the [!@#$%^&*] outta me. If it's not the Baby-Waby voice, it's the saccharine cuteness. I swear I got toothache when Lily hoped that her wedding guests would be as happy as her and Cane. Like, OMG! Totally!

Don't even get me started about Neil boohooing about how Lily has a new man in her life besides him? Um, where have you been, Neil? The child-bride is in actual fact a child-divorcee!

She's about to enter a big story by dint of being married to faux-Philip. I dread to think what her reaction will be when the truth is uncovered:

You lied to me. That is, like, so uncool.

RECAST LILY NOW. I'm sick of watching this vacuousness on my screen.


Phyllis and Nick's scenes proved to me that there has never been anything to this marriage but the sex. Phyllis is hypnotized by Nick's peen. She is obviously wrestling with terrible jealousy and mistrust and the exhausting need to control her HUZ-bind's whereabouts. And yet, whenever they start having a conversation about their marriage, all Nick has to do is stand two inches from her face and she is all "pant, pant."

LML's Y&R had an unexpectedly revealing scene once, back when Nick had amnesia and thought he was still married to Sharon. Phyllis brought over to the hospital all the keepsakes of her relationship with Nick in the hopes of rejigging his memory. I think LML thought we would all be charmed by the cutesy quirkiness of it all, OMG, Phick r so cute!, but watching Stafford keep repeating "...and we play computer games! You love computer games, Nick. And you bought me this hat in Arizona. Do you remember? Huh? Do you? Do you? And then we have... more computer games."


Eileen Davidson rocks so hard. I actually think Victor & Ashley as a couple have more chemistry than Victor & Nikki, but I know that's an unpopular opinion round these parts. My only concern is that Ash will lose YET ANOTHER baby (and I do not want to see Fauxtoria being all smugly triumphant when that happens) and go loco while Adam will be written into looney-bin/early-grave territory.

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Wouldn't it be awesome if they cast Brenda Dickson to play screen-Jill in the "movie"? JW's Jill could be all "Who?" and then "No way. That actress is FAR too old to be playing me! She isn't even a brunette!"

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I'm sorry but I've sadly had to learn that we won't get rid of her. Never.

People are hoping CF gets fired, but it seems that every single actress that the fans consider to be talentless is welcomed with open arms to the show and pretty much won't leave for years.

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LMAO Valley girl voice and all, I totally agree. Unfortunately I'm growing more accepting of the fact that TPTB gets what THEY want from this girl. I can't quite fully put my finger on it for the life of me I don't get it.

That's my whole thing there is no depth about them. Without Sharon I am completly uninterested and that is being honest. It's not even about rooting for a couple each character are favs of mine but lord LML was working on changing that which lost my interest. Thank God for strikes and small favors

I can't fully agree here about ASH &VIC vs VIC& NIKKI. While Nikki and Victor aren't favorites of mine (couple wise) in terms of romance, I can't think Victor deserves someonelike Ash. I think Nikki or even worse is just what the doctor ordered for him cause in so many ways it's sweet torture for him that he can't get her out of his system. ED is an underrated actress. I do not like Ashley she's a snobby, rich, schooled blonde (personality wise). But God would it and has it be enso much less tolerable w/o ED in the role (IMO). Yet and still Ashley means well and Victor does not deserve that.

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