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ANOTHER WORLD: May 3, 1974


--Janice Frame and Lenore Curtin assist Alice Matthews as she prepares for her wedding to Steven Frame

--Steven Frame and Robert Delaney discusses John Randolph's sorry state

Act One:

--Pat and John Randolph argue over John's refusal to attend the remarriage of Alice Matthews and Steven Frame. Later Mary Matthews arrives to comfort Pat

Act Two:

--A bitter Rachel Davis condemns Steven Frame and his actions towards her, but confesses to her mother how devastated she is to lose him

--As the guests mingle before the wedding, Mary Matthews fibs to excuse John's absence, while Aunt Liz Matthews introduces Robert Delaney around

Act Three:

--Sam Lucas reprimands a drunken John Randolph

--Alice and Steven Frame remarry on the patio of their country house, while across town, a miserable Rachel Davis flashes back to her own wedding to Steven

Act Four:

--Rachel Davis barges into John Randolph's house, to egg him on and encourage his anger at Steven Frame. She is rude to Pat Randolph, when Pat telephones home

Act Five:

--As the post-wedding party is in full swing, Mary Matthews and Alice Frame discuss family outcast John Randolph

Act Six:

--Tim McGowen proposes to Janice Frame

--John Randolph crashes the wedding party and verbally assaults Steven Frame during Robert Delaney's toast

--Alice Frame gives John a scolding


--After the drama has subsided, Lenore Curtin encourages the band to resume playing music, so the guests can return to partying

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I know he does have the following discs available to the public, because I received them from him. They are all excellent, and loads of fun for vintage AW fans!

AW CD 56:26


Various scenes from 1969, mainly centering on the

story of Rachel's pregnancy.


-At home, Sam remembers reuniting with Lee upon his

release from prison.

-After hearing that Susan and Fred Douglas are

romantically involved, Aunt Liz throws a major hissy

fit and promises to speak to Susan alone after Fred

leaves. Fred refuses to be bullied.

-At a farewell party in their honor, Bill and Missy

say goodbye to their family and friends in Bay City.

-During Steve and Alice's engagement party, Rachel

corners Alice in the bedroom and takes vicious

pleasure in telling Alice that she's pregnant with

Steve's baby (Robin Strasser spits venom like no one


-Over his protests, Alice proclaims her disappointment

in Steve, and breaks up with him.

-Susan marries Fred; Aunt Liz attends, but makes her

displeasure known by giving them a tacky wedding gift

(a check).

-After waiting for a time when he and Mary can be

alone in the house, Jim tells Mary the shocking news:

Rachel is cuckholding Russ, may be pregnant with

Steve's baby, and Alice broke up with Steve because of

it. Mary goes beserk, in a well-written and

brilliantly-acted scene.

-A thrilled Pat, after believing for years that she

was sterile, announces she is going to have a baby.

-At the hospital, Russ tells Ada and Ernie that Rachel

has just given birth to a healthy, "premature" baby


-Rachel tries to force Steve to give her money "for

the baby's sake". She's furious when Steve shows her

nothing but disdain, and kicks her out.

-Wayne Addison proposes to Aunt Liz.

-Sam and Lahoma reunite when he professes his love for


-Russ tells Rachel some news she doesn't want to hear:

his parents are not going to endow the baby with a

large cash trust fund as they had originally

discussed; instead, they are going to set Russ up in

his own medical career, and buy his office equipment.

Rachel is aghast at this and says she wants the MONEY

instead. They have a heated argument in which Russ

finally lays down the law and puts her in her place.

-To prevent Russ from being suspicious about the

baby's parentage, Jim and Mary feel cornered into

setting up a trust fund for Jamie after all. Alice is

bitter when she hears the news, and procliams that

manipulative Rachel was won yet again.

AW CD 56:22


Various scenes from 1969, mainly centering on Liz'

atrocious behavior and the circumstances of Lee's



-Aunt Liz visits Steve in his office and makes it clear she

thinks his luncheon date with Rachel was suspicious.

Steve doesn't care, doesn't let her manipulate him,

and ushers her out.

-In John's office, Liz enjoys spreading nasty gossip

about Rachel and Steve, until John reprimands her and

reminds her that Bill's near-fatal car accident was a

direct result of her gossiping.

-On the day Sam and Lahoma are to be married, Sam,

Lahoma and Lee all awaken to thoughts about what the

marriage will mean to their lives.

-Sam and Lahoma's marriage and reception.

-At Bill and Missy's new home, Bill offers a

straighforward (and unpleasant) opinion of his

mother's character. Liz reacts badly and screams at

him on her way out the door.

-At home, Liz is further annoyed by Susan's negative

opinion of their mother/daughter relationship. Aunt Liz

screams (and screams and screams) at her too.

-While driving, Lee has hallucinations and crashes her


-Sam hovers over Lee in the hospital, and hears her

confession of love before she dies.

-John phones Pat and tells her about Lee's death.

-Lee's funeral.

AW CD 50:21


Various short scenes, starting in December 1968, and

focusing mainly on Rachel's attempts at manipulation

and social-climbing.


-In their bedroom at the Matthews home, Russ and

Rachel argue about her selfish behavior. Russ tells

her he cannot allow her to remain a scared child

forever because it will negatively affect their


-In the car outside the Randolph home, Sam reassures

Lahoma that Lee is in his past, and that it's Lahoma

he really wants

-Rachel, on the phone with Ernie, tries to avoid

accepting an invitation to a party for Ada

-Sam comes to the Matthews house and lambasts Rachel

for not wanting to attend Ada's party. He orders her

to go, period

-Lee and Lahoma discuss Lahoma's upcoming wedding

-Rachel tries her hand at social climbing by showing

up unannounced at Aunt Liz' house and volunteering to

help with Liz' fund-raising work. Aunt Liz makes it

clear Rachel wasn't born for that kind of activity

-Rachel visits Steve in his office, pretending to be

an important part of Liz' society circle. Steve sees

right through her, and lets her know it

-Russ informs Rachel about an appointment he made for

her with Dr. Clater. He wants the doctor to assure

Rachel she can go ahead and have more children. Rachel

refuses to go, but Russ gives her no choice

-In Dr. Clater's office, Rachel tries to manipulate

him into agreeing that she shouldn't become pregnant

again, but the doctor assures her that she has no

health problems preventing future pregnancies

-At the hospital, Russ overhears Alice talking to Lee

on the phone, and he realizes that Alice is avoiding

spending time at the Matthewses' house. He asks her if

she doesn't want to go home because Rachel is there

-While Mary is preparing dinner in the kitchen, Russ

quietly asks her oif he and Rachel can be excused from

eating with the rest of the family. He feels it's best

if they take a tray up to their room. A somber Mary

understands there's trouble in her son's marriage, and

agrees to his request

-Jim and Mary visit Pat and John for a game of cards

-After yet another fight with Russ, Rachel storms out

of the Matthews house. Russ wants to chase after her,

but Uncle Dru steps in and advices Russ to let Rachel


AW CD 42:05

The End Of Walter Curtin

Various clips, mainly surrounding Walter Curtin's exit

(1972), including:

-Jim, Mary and Steven discuss John's heavy workload

-Walter confesses his crimes to a shocked Lenore, then

runs out of the house when she rebukes him

-Lenore receives a package with the incriminating


-Walter realizes the kind of man he has become, and

crashes his car

-Russ finds a distraught Lenore and tries to help her

and Wally

-Pat tells Lenore of Walter's death

-Walter's funeral (brief clip)

-Mary finds Alice, who has fallen from a stepladder,

and is unconscious. She phones Jim and asks him to

track down Steven through John


December 24, 1971: A Matthews Christmas

In their kitchen, Jim and Mary Matthews prepare for

the holidays. While Jim marvels at how how Mary is

able to organize everything for large family parties,

she reminds him that she has had 30 years' experience

doing so. They discuss how much it means to them to

have their family over for Christmas Eve. Later, when

the guests have arrived, Jim advises John not to let

his growing work responsibilities take priority over

Pat and the twins. Russ' date, Dr. Paula McCray, tells

everyone that she grew up in boarding schools and

always missed out on family gatherings like this one.

Steven and Alice discuss her pregnancy, their

relationship, and Steve's seeing Jamie...and Rachel.

Everyone gathers to sing Christmas carols.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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Way back then, the soaps were character-driven dramas, often featuring just a few people in each scene, so I had no problems identifying who each voice belonged to, even before they identified each other by name.

Die-hard fans should not be turned off by the idea that these golden scenes are only available on audio, because they are still mesmerizing entertainment. Posters on youtube have uploaded audio-only eps of OLTL, Y&R, and other vintage soaps, and those are worth a listen-to, as well. :)

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Audra Lindley is amazing as Aunt Liz in all these audio episodes. She really was terrifying, and listening to her scream and scream at people was quite the experience! When she was replaced by Nancy Wickwire, the character was toned down to the point that she was no longer the fire-breathing shrew she had previously been, alas.

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I've been watching 1980 episodes of AW. One of the episodes was about the return of Robert (Delaney) and Clarice and Larry having issues over it because of Cory being Robert's. I didn't know that Robert was married to Olivia's mother, Olivia. Did this lead to her introduction on the canvas?

What was everyone's thoughts on Larry Ewing? For some reason, he gave me Joe Carlino teas. Just bossy and righteous one second and insecure and whining the next. Was he well-received by the audience?

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