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GH: May Discussion Thread

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I am ambivalent about Lucky and Liz's reunion. It has come out of nowhere and I cannot shake the feeling that Lucky is not getting a woman who really appreciates him, flaws and all. I am surprised that they got all those scenes today so maybe I got Guza wrong. Cameron is a sweetheart.

Nikolas and WasEmily are creepy and make my skin crawl.

I threw up in my mouth a lot during the Luke/Ethan scenes. WTF is Luke's problem? His son is a cop and the father of two boys who adore him. What is there to regret? I am glad that Luke had a happy childhood while his sister was being whored out upstairs. Luke has become a bitter unhappy pathetic loser. Time for him to say goodbye forever.

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Really? I am liking this story. It really has brought Luke to life and it is not just him drinking and discussing nothing of note. Lucky has morphed so dramatically over the years I could understand Luke's confusion and being at a total loss. This Lucky wouldn't play Timoria, he would worry about illegal downloads.

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I think the problem with the Luke/Ethan story (and a lot of SLs in general on GH) is that

1. as Sara Bibel pointed out, the writers are not writing for the audience. They are writing to please Frons, and

2. the HW and Head of ABC Daytime have already decided which characters YOU should like and which characters you shouldn't.

Frons famously talked about "training" the audience to accept whatever TPTB threw at them. This is the reason why. Guza (and Frons) have decided who they like and who they want front-and-center. So they push that agenda. And when the audience doesn't respond right away to OMG Sonny and Carly and Jason and Lulu are the bestest people in the whole world!, they do more work to prop them up. Entire SLs have been conceived to pimp these characters.

And in order to make, say, a mobster and his hitman look good, other characters (like cops or Feds) have to be made to look worse or dumber or completely emasculated in comparison. AJ was a joke when they finally wrote him off the show. He had a broken back in hospital and even his own mother turned away and let (what she thought was) Michael "kill" his biological father. Lucky Spencer is another AJ, only dumber and with (hopefully) a less horrible fate in his future.

Since he can't ever measure up to Saint Jason ever, like, why on earth would Luke want him as a son, too?

Personally, I find those Luke scenes hard to watch. I don't hate Ethan though I wish there was less of him on my screen. But it has been a while since I enjoyed watching Luke and Tracy. I know they have a big fanbase and lots of people think they are Kindred Spirits and hilarious together, but whenever they come on, I have to lower the volume a touch because of Tracy's screeching. They have very repetitive dialogue.

And everytime they talk, I feel like it is just an excuse to tear down the Spencer legacy, Luke & Laura, and Lucky. Not saying it was this perfect, untouchable family, but Luke once loved his children and Laura deeply. I saw it! To pretend that it was all this big, fake con is insulting to me. If he's in love with Tracy now, why destroy what went before and pretend it never happened? Why not mine some history and bring the Cassadines into this, too, since they drove such a wedge in the Spencers' lives?

And why not have a SL featuring Lucky, Luke and Ethan but make Lucky and Ethan equally matched in the eyes of the viewer? That sort of male jealousy over "who is Luke's favorite" would be a great soap SL, but here it is being used to give Geary something to do before his next 5-month vacation and to prop up a newbie nobody has really taken to.

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Even the tail end of Jonathan Jackson's Lucky wouldn't have played Timoria. Lucky has not been a Luke clone since 1997. That's what Luke misses. Luke still respected and loved Lucky for many years after he became his own man. Only since Luke has been written into the world's oldest teenager has he decided Lucky is beneath him. It's just yet another of his many pity parties Guza likes to use as an excuse to destroy anything the Spencers ever meant to fans.

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I do not believe that this Luke/Ethan story is to please Frons. It is to please Guza and Geary. They did not have to ruin Luke and Lucky's relationship to sell Ethan. They both love spitting in the faces of long time Spencer fans.

BTW, Geary's drooling over Nathan Parsons is pathetic.

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So we're supposed to buy Luza's BS that Luke would cheat on his Angel Laura with Holly? FU Guza

Teethan just needs to go, the actor is awful and I can barely understand a word he says, his mouth barely opens when he's talking :mellow:

I can't stand Luke anymore, he's so worthless.

Liz and Lucky part whatever *yawn*

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All I want to do is rant about Luke and this shitty story. When did Luke have an opportunity to fly to Australia and cheat on Laura with Holly around the time that Lulu was conceived? Luke and Laura were on our screens at that time. So WTF is Guza talking about? I want both Marble Mouth Ethan and Luke to die!

You know what, the boiling anger that I am feeling about this story is not rational or healthy. Guza does not care. Geary does not care. So I am going to have to learn not to care also.

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So much freaking word! I wouldn't be surprised if Frons jumped for joy at this, this lessens the chances of Genie returning in his mind I would guess.

It also makes Luke a big hypocritical ass, given the grief he gave Laura for conceiving Nikolas, all the while he had cheated on her with Holly?

F*ck off and die Luke Spencer

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That line from Luke about how awful it was for Lucky to "raise other people's children" shocked me, because he's basically saying people shouldn't even adopt, you have to keep some type of pure bloodline. Does he remember how Bobbie loved Barbara Jean and Lucas as her own children?

Then again, no one at GH remembers Lucas, and BJ is now just Kristen Storms in a bad wig.

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And the way Guza talked about that "Maxie-as-BJ-in-bad-wig" mini-arc, it sounded like he was angling for an Emmy. "Moving"... "profound"... "mining GH's history" etc. :lol: The wig ended up out-acting everybody! Kinda like whenever they needed to pull out Comatose Laura between 2001-2006. They just propped a pumpkin in a wig on a rocking chair, took a deep breath and crossed their fingers.

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