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GH: May Discussion Thread

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Oh, I know how you feel, Ann. It's just a soap, but it still inspires rage in me at how little TPTB think of the audience. I will give Geary kudos, though, for looking absolutely devastated at Lucky's reaction to the Teethan-is-mah-true-loveson news.

And another Geary plus: Luke's chemistry with Epiphany. "Hello, my exotic flower." I actually sort of love it.

And since I'm on the nice train, how about we give a round of applause to Laura Wright's hair which was looking sensational yesterday? Seriously! She looked gorgeous.

On the downside: Natalia Livingstone is starting to look increasingly like Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana with her blonde hair. And Jane Eliot looks like a man with hers combed over her eyes.

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I have to see I quite enjoyed yesterday's episode with Nik and Emily Rebecca painting her apartment and her standing on his back to correct his backpain, Nik getting his foot caught in a paint bucket etc. A refreshing change from all the constant drama, "OMG you look like Emily", "OMG you must be Helena's plant" that we've had since Natalia Livingston came back.

the scenes in the waiting room were quite nice also. Nice to see Jax, Carly, Jason and Sonny united for once instead of arguing.

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The "funny" scenes between NotEmily and Nikolas were not as funny as the show obviously thought they were. They kept playing that "Look! It's funny! Laugh, you morons, laugh!" music to cue us in on the ha-ha. However, it is obvious that NL and TC are comfortable with each other and that showed. Especially when NotEmily put some music on and Nik started wiggling his tush to it.

I also liked yesterday's show as it felt like Real Family Drama to me. I think I even liked Sonny and the fact that Sonny and Jax put aside their hatred in order to be supportive and Do What's Best.

LOL at Patrick using the World's Smallest Scalpel to cut into Michael's skull.

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I may be alone in this but....

Everything Claudia is saving this show, she has really drawn me back into this crapfest disguised as a soap opera lol. I just love SJB's humor she brings to Claudia, and although Claudia is so guilty, I feel for her and I don't want her to get caught.

And im loving her in the waiting room with Sonny, Carly, Jason, and Jax. She is becoming the bright spot on this show, for me.

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I bitched about Claudia and Sarah Brown big-style a few weeks ago. I don't what it is I am smoking lately, though, but I am liking the fact that she is all Lady MacBeth at the moment. She is driving story and she's not afraid to make Claudia look bad. This is quite a departure for a show that shows its shrewish characters doing unspeakable things and then urges us to root for them. :lol: (like they had somebody yapping about Carly's "amazing maternal instinct" on Thursday and I just had to LMAO). I don't feel that way with Claudia and so, right now, I can just sit back and enjoy her machinations.

BTW, did anybody see on Thursday when Michael was being wheeled into surgery and Claudia tried to stroke his cheek and Jason just gave her this death-glare and almost karate-chopped her hand away? :lol:

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Exactly Cat...you and I are kinda on the same page here lol. The best way for a soap to make us root for a character, is by not forcing the fact that there actually "decent" down or throats! Although, you can tell she feels genuinely bad about what she did to Michael, its obvious she cares more about what happens to her lol.

And the fact that no other characters are trying to prop her up, makes watching her even more likable (unlike when they try to pull that proping crap with Jason, Sonny, and Carly).

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