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GH: May Discussion Thread

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Indeed! No overwhelming mob story or violence! Right now, viewers should be at least slightly pleased and enjoy it while they can. I don't believe for one minute that Guza is gonna continue much longer without his "Sopranos" brand of writing!

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OMG, are they for real? Lucky gets dumped again? Did NotEmily not see his body? That torso? that tousle-y hair? That cleft on his chin? :lol:

Ok, I like Sam as bumbling PI girl. KeMo is a great little comedienne.

You know, I'm even ok with the Claudia-Sonny scenes because they're not talking about killing people.

I know I liked Nik/Liz last week -- but I'm liking Liz/Patrick even more. They have great friendship chemistry.

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Seriously! If GH wanted to invest -- truly invest -- in an equilateral triangle featuring Lucky/Liz/Jason? They would potentially have another Sonny/Brenda/Jax goldmine on their hands. This triangle has been YEARS in the making, and yet GH just will not touch it or write Lucky properly for it.

And I don't know what GV said to piss off the HW, but he is Guza's whipping boy. He is nu-AJ.

Tyler Christopher may have porked out some but it does make him look more man and less boy.

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So much word. The Lucky/Liz/Jason triangle should have been epic. Liz should have been torn between the love she has held for so long for lucky and the life she had made with him and the danger and passion and love she has held for Jason. Jason should have been torn between the only life he knows and the love of his life. Lucky should have fought for the women he loves.

Also, most of the canvas should have been involved. Carly as Jasons best friend/hater of Liz/cousin of Luckys. All three of those sides should have played for her. Lulu and her loyality to her brother but her sisterly bond to Liz and even the friendship she made with Jason. Nikolas and his deep f riendship to liz/hatred of jason/brother to lucky. Luke, Alexis, Sonny, Monica.... everyone.

Instead it was just told way to quick with people throwen under the bus. Im still pissed the dropped Maxie/Nikolas for Maxie/Lucky. Srsly, in like a scene. It was obvious they were going there with Nikolas/Maxie and then they had him let her down, go back to Em, and Lucky/Maxie happen. I still remember the scene in kellys where Nik let her down and she decided to go for Lucky. The only great thing that came out of the summer of slut was Maxie, lol.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: @ summer of slut.

That summer reeked of massive rewriting. I remember thinking Maxie & Nikolas was going to happen, but I also remember a lot of people "protesting" at how young KS was and how much older TC was/looked.

And then we had Sam/Ric which looked like it was going to be Sam seducing Ric from the previews and build-up. I think they reshot a lot of it to make Sam look less predatory.

And then, of course, there was Lucky's insta-addiction...

TIIC should have set this up so differently. And so much better. If they wanted to break up JaSam, for example, they should have had Sam exploring her Cassadine roots and getting drawn to Da Dark Side. That would have conflicted with Holy Jason's "Save the World, One Bullet at a Time" mantra. That's when Jason and Liz would get drawn to each other once again... while Lucky would have broken up with Liz to fight his addiction on his own, to avoid bringing her or Cameron into his world o' pain. And he would have fought back the hurt while watching Jason & Liz get close from afar. And when Liz finds out the sacrifice Lucky made to spare her and Cameron... the old Liz/Lucky feelings come back, too.

Damn. If I can come up with that on blurry eyes and zero coffee this morning, surely Guza and his writing team could do it on a cushy ABC salary and minions to run to Starbucks on their behalf!

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I could never accept a Liz/Jason romance unless he gave up the mob. Liz and Jason's window was closed the moment she had Cameron. I would have been open to a quad with Maxie/Lucky/Liz/Nikolas. I always liked Maxie and Lucky and hated how Lucky's insta-addiction ruined it.

I could never accept a Liz/Jason romance unless he gave up the mob. Liz and Jason's window was closed the moment she had Cameron. I would have been open to a quad with Maxie/Lucky/Liz/Nikolas. I always liked Maxie and Lucky and hated how Lucky's insta-addiction ruined it. Sam/Jason/Robin/Patrick might have worked, but the Sam/Rick fling came out of nowhere.

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OMG, how amazing were Lucky and Liz today? Watching them had me tempted to go back to GH. I like that they can laugh about Jason, Sam and Maxie and not be angry. Who would have thought that would happen a few years ago? I liked they didnt gloss over their past but took responsiblity for the crap they both did and want to try hard to not make those same mistakes. The kiss and then Cam interrupting them yelling "mommy and daddy are back together!" was just too cute. I love this family and couple

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