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OLTL: Disscussion for the week April 20

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I was enraged by Tim Gibbs as Kevin. I wasn't even a fan of Kevin Stapleton (he was OK), but I hated what Kevin became when JFP was around. I hated that they made Cassie into a psycho to try to create sympathy for Kevin and pathetic Sonia Satra (who killed a man and paralyzed Cassie!!). I hated that Cassie was shipped off (and I didn't even like Cassie) and Kevin was the victim. Kevin boned Grace not long after Cassie left, then faced with another failed pairing, Grace was murdered, slowly, for a week, in what amounted to an artsy snuff film. And once again it was poor Kevin, and how does poor Kevin solve his woe? He gets a boner and Kelly is his new true love, and who cares that she's married to his brother. This is not what Kevin should have been and this also set the precedent of selfish and sleazy "heroes" dominating OLTL, who also treated women like crap.

I hated everything she did with Max. Lazy, sleazy trash. I hated Skye's storylines. I hated Ben and the "Blondie" romance, where Viki preferred having sex in the attic to dealing with her friends and family. I hated how JFP would put her dream men with leading ladies and rewrite the personalities of those leading ladies because she wanted to pretend she was with John Bolger, Kale Browne, Mark Derwin, and Tim Gibbs.

I really think she was the one who set the tone of misogyny which has been with OLTL ever since, as well as the frankly shocking contempt for the African American characters.

The Rappaports were a huge self-righteous waste of space. Lindsey only worked because of Cat Hickland. The only time I tolerated Will was when he was in his underwear.

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That's a very nice way of saying "unhinged" :P

As much as I'm angry about some of OLTL right now, at the time I felt like Cujo. I'm probably not being fair, I just hate everything JFP represented as a producer on her last few soaps.

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I just watched Thursday & Friday's episodes. I'd give Thursday's show a B and Friday's a D. I'm not sure how, but somewhere along the way Lola became insanely fun to watch. The girl's completely out of her bird and everyone's starting to notice it. Camilla Banus has either grown as an actress or the writing's become a lot better, I can't really tell. It's a shame she's leaving in June now that Ray is clicking perfectly with Dorian and Lola's becoming the psycho-schemer she was meant to be.

The jury's still out on Rachel. On one hand it's nice to see a black character on the show that's not sassy and completely stereotypical, but on the other hand Rachel is already making stupid decisions (like letting Cole slide on faking his drug analysis!). I'd like to see her interact with Todd and Marty. And I can't tell - did they De-SORAS her?

Friday's episode represented everything I hate about the show with one exception. I can't watch Natalie and Jared talk about their "secret" anymore, and the whole Stacy/Rex/Gigi fiasco is getting worse by the scene. Roxy and Gigi are acting so obvious and Rex is being made to look like a moron. You're going to tell me he doesn't see the holes in what's going on? Come on. The one saving grace for the episode was ML's smokin hot bod...

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Why does Mark Lawson need to shave his chest? You can see where he once had hair and now he looks like a bare ape. Embrace the body hair, ABC Daytime.

My favorite part of Friday was Roxy's hat, which was very Debbie Gibson or Desperately Seeking Susan.

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