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ATWT: April discussion

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Annoying soap teens are the norm (I wasn't thrilled by teen Nikki or Dani either, back in the day), but the Ztwins are so laughably cartoonish it sinks to a new level of annoyance. It just proves that TIIC don't care to ever involve Nuke in a thoughtful, honestly dramatic plot, IMO.

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LOL....I think Mick's always been taller than Maura. But I do think he hit growth spurt sometime last spring (after the Sam trial), because he's now as tall as Michael.

Ugh...I know I'm in a minority...but I can't stand Jon Lindstrom as Craig. I can't decide if he's just got the wrong look for the part, or if he's just incapable of portraying warmth and sincerity. He's making Hunt Block look like Olivier in the part.

Solid, if uninspiring hour today. *eyeroll* at Meg's little speech about Paul teaching her everything she knows about lying and deception. HELLO....she was a teenage terror who lied to Dusty about being pregnant. You'd think he would have scoffed at her righteousness. But if she and Paul end up killing each other, I certainly won't complain.

Not even Maura could brighten my day, stuck in storyline hell with Liberty and Craig. ICK.

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Not to mention, they weren't just sitting on a bench in the middle of a park in NYC. Even the Jack/Lucy scene was on a dock, at a shipyard. I shudder to think where GL would have staged the same scene.

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What I like the most about ATWT's outdoor scenes is that they don't look like they're set in a ghost town. One of the most depressing things about GL last year was how all of the outdoors stuff took place on empty streets, in empty parking lots, in empty fields, etc. Springfield looked completely dead. Kudos to ATWT for avoiding that.

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It's amazing how stupid the Ztwins story is. You'd think it would be bad enough to focus a story on the lame Nuke romance. But throwing ZtwinZack at the sexless Noah is unintentionally hilarious.

But props to having a Damian/Lisa scene. Even though the set up is pretty lame (Lisa has "a lot" of Eduardo's things from her one-day marriage? REALLY?? If that's true, she probably needs half a dozen other storage lockers for her other six husbands. (I think she's had eight marriages, but married Grant twice.) I'm not normally a EF fan, but she looked a-may-zing today. She even had her Lisa-hair on.

Tomorrow---NANCY!!! YEAH!

Ugh...that little snot Parker. I don't mind him busting Craig's hump (oh, how the mighty Montgomery has fallen...outsmarted by a teen...) but the way he slams Carly is cringeworthy. And a lot of the drama of that confrontation went out the door because we've never seen Parker see Carly drunk. And I so don't get the dynamic where Parker trusts Craig enough to want him as the trustee of his trust fund, but is upset about the fact he's "after" Carly. Or that they are sleeping together.

But Maura sure brought out all of Carly's pain.

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That pretty much sums it up.

I was shocked to see a Damian and Lisa scene. Do we get royalties or something for coming up with the idea here at SON? :D But why hasnt Lucinda had any scenes with Damian? Hello...she would be front in center during anyones else HW and EP runs.

It is going to be great to see Nancy and Bob tomorrow.

And Noah being seduced by Z was priceless...LOL. I still doubt that he has even gotten to first base with Luke...LMAO!

I can see Z pumping and grinding Noah up in bed...LOL

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ATWT was pretty good today, I have to admit. I HATE Parker SO much! I'd like to see someone slap the snot out of that kid. The way he's acting with Liberty is ridiculous. I cringe every time he calls her his wife or brings up they're marriage. It's disgusting. Seriously, I'd pay to watch some guy beat the living sh!t out of Parker.

Maura was fabulous, as usual.

Did anyone else notice the hotness when Damian put his hand on Noah's shoulder? I pinged for sure. Now THAT's a triangle I could get behind.

Zac took his shirt off. Meh. I do like him attempting to seduce Noah though. I go back & forth with the Zs- sometimes I enjoy them, other times they drive me nuts.

The Damian/Lisa scenes were enjoyable, to say the least, though I'm not a big Lisa fan. Looking forward to seeing Nancy tomorrow. NOT looking forward to seeing Paul & Meg though.

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Parker need to die a slow painful death.

I actually think Damian and Noah have more chemistry than Nuke. Wouldn't it be great if Cherie's mystery man was Damian. Thus making Noah a Gramaldi. Nah....wouldnt happen.

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