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B&B: Week of March 30th, 2009 Discussion

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Been out of the loop for a week or two.

I liked today's ep. I wasn't sure how they were going to do the young Steph/Eric scene. "You're carrying my first child" .....well...not actually, lol.

I couldn't figure out what Nick was getting at with talking about Stephanie so much. I can't think of anything recent that she's done to him. And most characters have short memories anyway. Obviously they're competitors, but he seemed obsessed.

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Could be. I read somewhere, I thinmk it was on IMDb news... - that the case is actually rather old and this took place in 2006 or so. DCFS -damn, nothing ever that exciting happened whilst I was working there :P - has just now started court procedings.

EDIT: Susan Flannery on location - now that is great!

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I am inclined to agree with both. I don't think she is that enthusiastic about her material. But even at her most lackluster, her character is consistent, engaging...and elevates the stuff enough that I don't feel like a sh*thead for watching. No other performer on B&B, not a single one, gives a performance that doesn't make me feel stupid for watching. Even when I loved Kyle Lowder's "I own your ass", I was enjoying it for the campy goodness, and not because it moved me or touched me or even smacked of artistry.

I'd much rather have a performer who made me feel something (reference: Jess Walton), but I'll take Flannery at least trying to give an honest, non-eye-rolling performance way before anyone else (ANYONE else) on that cast right now. I'm astounded how performers I once loved (Jack Wagner on GH, Heather Tom on Y&R) now make my skin crawl. That is evidence of something really wrong on this show.

The only one that doesn't induce nausea for me is Flannery. I don't even like Stephanie, but Flannery just radiates truth...and that compells me.

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Flannery may project the truth, but this post-revisionist view of Stephanie annoys the heck out of me. Stephanie has never (to my knowledge) been portrayed as some kind of madonna-esque glue at Forrester, who knows every's cutter and janitor's wife's mother's name and sends out get well cards when little Johnny or Janie is sick.

From the way Stephanie talks, it sounds as if Eric has had affairs throughout their marriage, even before Brooke entered the scene. Her children talk as if she never interfered in their lives, and her manipulative and controlling nature is barely a footnote. What utter b.s.

Eric was right when he said she pits people against each other, then picks a side to be on. She sure was fine siding with Rick when he was all about ending Brooke/Ridge.

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I beg your pardon!? If Stephanie hadn't taken care of all the flower arrangements at FC and sampled the cafeteria coffee each day who on earth would have done that!?

The many working hours she lived there. Even taking out the trash (at least when Brooke was concerned) if it was necessary and hence aiding the cleaning crew!?

FC would be nothing without Queenie!

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I don't think the case is old because TMZ reported that the car was a 2006 benz so maybe therin lies IMDB's mistake. The recession is stretching everyone financially thin, looks like it caught up to Winsor too.

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Honestly, it seems he's getting paid his guarantee (which must be low) and not a dime more. We never see the dude.

That must cut into the cash reserves. He has that swanky house and all that he's had photographed for SOD and SOW.

I wish I liked Winsor as Thorne. As it is, I'm just thinking he should go back to AMC as Del or something. I'd like to see (the age almost works out, not quite) Grant Aleksander as Thorne. (Please, no rotten tomatoes).

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