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Glee: Discusion Thread


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That Sondheim number she sang was great. I don't know if she sung it with no help or if they edited out the spaces between words. It is a very tough song, and off hand I would say that had to be the toughest song ever attempted on Glee. Back in NY, is hunky boyfriend Brody a gigolo? He was shown walking out of a hotel room counting money or did I imagine that? When did Santana go to NY? I don't remember seeing that at all but Brody said she and Kurt were out all night.

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Where to begin with what is by far one of the worst episodes of this season?

Rachel was actually the best written this episode. I love what they have done with her this season in really changing her and sometimes having her or others question those changes. I hope they keep it up and establish this is who she is now and dont regress her back. It is very real as a 18 yerarold fresh out of high school, imo. Loved her and Finn talking and working togethr and sleeping together. Love her and brody and their talk. Love that shes freaked out and might be knocked up now. DYING at Brody being a male escort.

Holy [!@#$%^&*] the song choices and singing was atrocious this episode though. Wow.

Still dont care about the newbies/knock offs. But it was nice to have no Kurtcadies in the episode although that other glee project loser ali was equally unbearable and shes back net week ugh.

I liked that Emma didnt go through with the wedding. Poor Will, who theyr eally should have married Emma and take off and made Finn the teacher but anyways...

Santa/Quinn were everything. I totally buy them getting drunk and hooking up and being whatever about it.

This episode, despite the mostly good stuff I posted though was, again, awful.

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the episode?

Honestly, i dont know how to exaplin it because the actual scenes are more good than bad, the stories are the same, but something about this episode was just really, really off to me. I mean, will/emma singing as she leaves him was by far the worst scene this show has ever done, but that one thing wasnt on ym mind all throughout it while i thought "wow, this is terrible as a whole"

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No, While i dispise Blaine being saddled with Kurt and thing they are much better with their new prospects, they were very, very well done and realistic this episode too.

Rachel & Quinn had scenes in Quinns last episode. She talked sense into her about appearing nude in a student film. They had quite a few good scenes, and as far as altcouples are prop at the top of the list in popularity.

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It often seems like the alt couples on these shows are far more popular than the real ones (hell I ship one and I haven't cared about most couples on TV in ages). I guess fantasy is usually better than reality, although I won't be surprised if some show finally tries it soon (making a popular alt couple into a real one).

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