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GH: "What if B.J. hadn't died?"

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i would love it! not gonna lie.

my fave would have to be.... Kirsten as Alan. oh man, she and LC did have some nice chem dring that christmas special!

I am excited. Not gonna lie. I love Kirsten, I love Maxie. I love GH special episodes.

If it perfect? No. There is no Felicia, Bobbie, Tony, or Frisco... or even Georgie. It goes based off Maxie's current history with Mac and Robin, not the history at the time of her death. However this sounds good because Maxie lives her life thinking this way 0 if BJ had lived and she would have died the world would have been better. She always has felt she didnt deserve to live. So whatever, i cant wait.

and Kirsten is hot with darker hair. I remember when she was dating that dude from o-town her hair was brown. and when maxie & coop broke up her hair was a darkish copper.

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I agree.

I loved them as shawn and belle, not gonna lie. up until high school ended. then something with the chem changed. and it just doesnt work. i dont think they have no chem now, they have a little. but she has such a mega amount with brandon and bradford. why waste her with jason? Hell, Kirsten & Steve Burton even have sex chem. Thos Kirsten does have chem with everyone, i think....

yeah. everyone.

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Kirsten doesn't sparkle with Bradford. Maxie is Spinelli's lap dog and mob lacky. It is the only reason that Kirsten has gotten any airtime. Maxie and Matt have the potential to be a great non-criminal couple who can help fill out the hospital side of GH and I hope that it happens one day. Let Spinelli find himself another mob hanger on, maybe Winfred.

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I don't know why they continue to saddle Maxie with Spinelli. No offense to Bradford Anderson, but Spinelli is like that dog that you should have taken out back with the rifle or put to sleep a long time ago.

And wasn't Guza a part of GH's writing team pre-Labine? Like back in the 80's? Wouldn't he know Tania is BJ's biological mother, not Bobbie?

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BJ was played by Brighton Hertford at the time of the character's passing, and to my recollection she had auburn hair, a reddish brown. And an older picture of Hertford (meaning when Hertford got older) showed reddish hair as well.

When BJ died and Maxie was sick in 1994, Mac and Felicia WERE together at the time. Maxie's illness made Mac put his feelings for Felicia and his insecurities about her past with Frisco aside in order to bring Frisco back to Port Charles to support Maxie through her illness. It was Frisco's return and relief over the transplant that led Frisco and Felicia to sleep together again, conceiving Georgie, who was born under a table at Luke's in 1995. So if Maxie died before Mac ever went and got Frisco to bring him back to town, Georgie likely wouldn't have been conceived in the first place, so her inclusion in this episode wouldn't be necessary. Frisco's return and reconnection with Felicia was proof to Mac that he wouldn't have Felicia's love like Frisco did, and they ended their relationship, choosing to be friends. Mac moved on with Katherine Bell in 1995, and Felicia moved on with Tom Hardy. Mac and Felicia then moved their way back to each other by 1998, when they fake-married-only-for-it-to-turn-real, in that double wedding with Lucy and Kevin.

So Mac/Felicia/Robin were VERY close at the time of the BJ/Maxie story, and would have all been personally affected by this if things went south for Maxie. I'm not sure how it relates to Robin losing Stone and how it would have been a different outcome, unless all the back-to-back loss of Robert/Anna/Maxie/Stone was just too much for Robin so she never opened up again.

Bobbie, Tony, and Lucas SHOULD be featured in this episode, but surprise, the writers are lazy. Hate to be the one to break it to you all. But I guess their lives would be happy with BJ alive, so they don't want to show that. They want to show everyone miserable with Maxie dead.

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