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All- Behind The Scenes Rumors

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She had a few good years in the 50s and 60s...and her movie 'The Stud' was an international hit in...1978. Joan Collins became more famous for being Joan Collins than most actresses ever hope to be playing a hundred roles.

Oooooh yes. Hillary B Smith is quite the bitch, she and Carolyn Hinsey were thick as thieves before Hinsey got the axe.

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Ah, best thread ever. :D

I can only come up with three of the top of my head:

-Rumor had it that Josh Duhamel (ex-Leo, AMC) and Rebecca Budig (Greenlee, AMC) had a hot and heavy relationship/affair that ended badly, and is one of the reasons that Josh ran so fast from AMC.

-Cady McClain supposedly threw a fit in 2000 when it was time to resign her contract and demanded that AMC give her the storyline they promised her in two years earlier when they brough Vincent Irizarry back as David. They gave her what she wanted, David and Dixie tanked, and when she tried to throwh her weight around again 2002, ie. Kate Hayward, they'd had enough and killed her. Cue 2006 and replace Vincent with Thorsten and we'll see a pattern emerging.

-Rumors for years paint GH's Steve Burton as a whiny baby who refuses to do what the show wants, and instead threatens to walk everytime he doesn't get his way. He's supposedly been whining constantly about wanting Jason and Liz and only Jason and Liz and that he'll walk if if he doens't get them.

Not as juicy as some of the others, but still.

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There were 2 AMC rumors concerning Jonathan Bennett, one of Jacob Young's predecessors as JR. One was that he and Sam Page (Trey) were hooking up. Another was that Bennett was fired because his alleged whoring all over New York City was seriously interfering with his job. He was getting a rep on the set as a major slut and was coming to work late and drunk off his ass half the time. Also, heard some stuff about Marty West (ex-Shayne, GL). For a while, I dated a guy who had been an extra on the show all the way back to the Michael Laibson EP days through Ellen Wheeler, who canned him, by the way. My friend claims, and I have no reason not to believe him, that he and Marty West hooked up a few times after hours. I also dated a guy who was a long-time extra on both AMC and OLTL. He played waiters and bartenders on both shows. He witnessed a blow-out fight between Strasser and JFP. It was so bad, they had to shut down the set that day. I'm gay and live in NYC, so I've met a number of people in the NYC soap world, both as acquaintances and dates.

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I love HBS and CH, but they strike me as the type to smile and indulge you to your face then crack up and talk sh!t about you the moment you turn your back. Can't you see it, HBS dragging deeply and cackling out huge plumes of smoke... :P

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Hunter Tylo tried to seduce Brad Bell to keep her job back in 2002...he shot her down.

Brad Bell thinks Dan McVicar is a loser and he wrote the episode where Morgan ties up Clarke with a python himself. He watches a DVD of that episode whenever he has a bad day.

Dan McVicar hates Ron Moss and had Hinsey limit his coverage in SOD. Brad Bell and Dan McVicar were playing golf once and Dan bet Brad that if he lost the game Brad could write that Clarke married Sally....guess who won....

Lauren Koslow had to change her phone number because Carolyn Hinsey harassed her.

Joan Collins and John Forsyth HATED each other on the 'Dynasty' set....truth is Linda Evans HATED Joan but Joan didn't hate Linda until the very end of the series when she'd just had enough. Michael Nader, Gordon Thomson, Jack Coleman and Diahann Carroll and John James were Joan's friends on the show. Everyone else was very cold to her because they felt she stole the show (guess what, she DID and she was fabulous)...

Louise Sorel is a terror to work with, every show she's worked on has fired her.

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I'm too scared to name this one, closed thread or not. A prominent actor who was on OLTL in the 70s is rumored to have propositioned the young boy who played Brian Kendall on OLTL, leading to his firing.

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If you mean Nolan Miller that couldn't be farther from the truth. Those two were and still are really close friends.

I think I speak for all Joan Collins fans when I say that the 'big deal' about Joan Collins IS Joan Collins. It's her personality, looks and attitude. You either love it or you don't...but for those of us who love Joan, she's an inspiration.

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I don't know about that one, she and Nolan seemed to be pretty tight, and Nolan is catty enough to call out Joan's bitchery were that the case. If anything, I think Nolan was the one Joan wouldn't dare to screw with, her clothes were half her performance.

I really wish someone would upload the complete Joan Collins/Susan Lucci 20/20 interview instead of just the Collins segments.

Oh, and Joan has written some truly catty things about Linda Evans during their tour of Legends. Do a Google search.

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