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Bannon is no genius either. He's a schemer and very dangerous, but he's got no interest in the intricacies of the rule of law and his authoritarian fantasies allow for storming about like a bull in a china shop, which is what he did with the immigration ban that has backfired on Trump tremendously and only incited more resistance. A clever operator, like Rove once was, would've ginned up public anger and then made it happen as the coup de grace. Bannon just thinks shock and awe will win the day in Washington. Ultimately he will be wrong. He's putting a huge target on himself.

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Are there people who still don't believe this administration has got China in it's cross-hairs?  Presidential puppetmaster Steve Bannon says so.


Steve Bannon: 'We're going to war in the South China Sea ... no doubt'


Picking fights with a country with at least a billion people. The height of hubris.

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King Cheeto was definitely his usual at the Black History prayer breakfast....he talked about the MLK Statue report, and the fake news reporting that it had been removed - all he ever does is talk about whatever in the past, how much he won by, how no one predicted it, how no polls predicted it, etc. etc.  He's going to be talking about the campaign for the next 4 years. 


What was really scary is during that little rant he mentioned all of the "fake news" several times but then said how they side with the "Opposition".  "The Opposition Party".  Wait for that to become the latest marketing/talking point to bad mouth Democrats and give them the brand of the "bad" party the way they've done for years by basically claiming you can only be Patriotic or love America if you're Republican.  That was his whole strategy to appeal to the same old masses....America must never have been great because he wanted to "make America great again".  We must have always sucked before.


But this business of...at a PRAYER breakfast to call the other party "the Opposition".....guess what - whe he gives a shi* about uniting the country, then I will.  He does and says nothing to make me want to support him and I won't.  Right now, it's too far gone for me ever to listen to him.  And he doesn't do anything to temper it either....just doesn't care.  So I don't.


And I guess the Right thinks we lose our memory or something.  Because I was thinking back about when Obama signed a couple of Executive Orders (and he signed less than any 2 term President in like...a Century)....but the Republicans at the time...many of them parrotted after each other on the News every chance they got....that Obama was acting like a CZAR!  He's CZARIST!    Because it wasn't enough damage/good enough to say he was acting like a "KING".....they had to use the word CZAR!.  He's acting like a CZAR!  So that it would sound more evil/bad to compare him to a Russian.


Or I guess no one remembers the emails and crazy articles flying around after Obama was elected the first time about the 25 or 50 reasons or whatever it was - why Obama is actually the ANTICHRIST!  Sent by all the Christian zealots day after day for awhile....(of which party you know they were with)...  Well, which President acts more like it now?   Haven't seen any apocolyptic emails after this troll was elected....strange. 


Now I just sit and laugh at them because they won't even say Trump is acting like a King....by trying to force/ramrod whatever and whoever he wants in there.  And boy, in his  instance and given his affinity for Putin (let's not kid ourselves) - Czar would be far more appropriate a term right now for him than it ever was for other Presidents. 

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^^^ And that is why we're hearing about the anti-LGBT EO being leaked again. Not because they want to distract the left but because they want to distract the right. Those people who thought Trump was going to keep us safe may turn a blind eye to green card holders being caught in a dragnet but they won't be so forgiving of him getting our troops killed out of his laziness. Best way to distract them is to get them focused back on hating the gays.

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