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Anytime @Roman. There were degrees of pain, disruption and resilience back then. In 2001, I remember distinctly because unfortunately there was change and upheaval in my life even before September 11th. I know about the recession in NYC because I personally experienced it- I was in Grad school and working at a newspaper when my entire department was made redundant and everyone was let go except for one person who was transferred to another, consolidated department. You know it's a bad sign when your Boss is the very first one to be fired.:(  


I guess it's no secret of my disdain for Giuliani. I will concede that he did dismantle the Mobb and the goodwill that produced carried him all the way to the Mayor's mansion. I will also concede that Giuliani should not get all the blame for 'Disney-fying' Times Square as I recently read that those plans were created at least about a good decade before Giuliani became Mayor. Typical Giuliani though, he took up the mantle (and the credit) with gusto and when his term was over. He. Just. Wouldn't. Leave. Even though I didn't vote for Bloomberg, even I had to admit that Michael Bloomberg handled Giuliani with a lot of class and restraint. If it were me, I'd be like, "I've got the keys to this city, you can go now, Rudy":lol:


With those squeegee guys, never understimate the power of the NY suburban voter, is all I can say!  Remember when Bloomberg tried to introduce congestion pricing? Man, those suburban voters linked up with commercial industry drivers faster than you could say "Don't Block the Box!" and they absolutely torpedoed that congestion pricing idea, though it has worked successfully in London and other busy European cities for decades.

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I see that "predicted every election since 1984" man is being interviewed again. I don't understand why this is interesting, aside from a media that would sacrifice their children for a Trump win. The only election that has been close since 1980 has been 2000. 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2004, 2008, and for the most part 2012 (even if I thought Romney would get it until near the end) were all obvious from September or even earlier.

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The GOP are unified barely. That's why none of the names are campaigning for Trump including the ball-less wonder Paul Ryan. Yet all out of office GOP members are voting democratic. When I hear Jimmy Carter or Al Gore endorsing Trump then I'll worry.


Call me when the Bush family and Kasich endorses which will never happen. Bush because their political careers are over and Kasich is positioning himself for 2020.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Well honestly as hard as I am on the MSM and they are scum I have not heard any of that. In fact I heard many people outraged at how Kasich was lambasted by that jackass Reince Preibus. Not that I think it's noble in any way. It's ratings.


Keep in mind the trust in our MSM is worse that Hillary or Trump at around 15% so while its frustrating, neither dems or GOPers care. I have stopped llistening at all and only manage to read select articles from the Post and the NYT and of course Eichenwald;s stuff at Newsweek. As a former teacher in Chicago(CPS) I finally gave up my subscription of the Tribune due to it's comparing the teachers union to Kim Jon Un. I basically follow sites like TPM which are a hell of a lot more credible than anything else.

Edited by JaneAusten
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I think the Dems are more unified than the Republicans, but it wouldn't surprise me if the media made people think otherwise. They are the reasons I keep hearing or reading how Hillary and Trump are both flawed or how this election is about choosing the lesser of the two evils. 


Hillary Clinton Campaign held press conference calling on moderator, media, and voters to fact check Trump's lies during the debate. They're helping people out by providing 19 pages of fact-checked lies. 




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I have given up caring what the MSM thinks. And honestly based on the polling on trust, I think most Americans have as well. Many news sources people get these days are from the internet. Not that that is all good because a lot of the news sites are biased but if you read a couple of credible right leaning sites and a couple of left leaning sites, that are not like Breitbart or PoliticsUSA on the left, you can get a decent balance. The Post has been better. Fahrenhold has done a fabulous job on the Trump foundation story and Eichenwald at Newsweek has done the same on the business ties, So there actually has been some decent journalism that has happened. The New York Times IMO is past redemption despite their attempts. I have not been more disillusioned with journalism as I have been with their coverage. Based on their reputation it's been a disgrace. Yes I know they have hated Clinton but that is no excuse. I have cancelled my subscription with them along with the Chicago Tribune(another story)


I was actually shocked to see that piece on ABC about the Trump Russian financial ties. Never expected to see any real journalism on the main news channels anymore but we'll see if there is followup.

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