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The thing is, Iraq was a country we would 100% win a war against with. War against Russia is different. We could beat them, but it would be costlier and bloodier and not limited to just Crimea. Plus, Russia has nukes.

Mutually Assured Destruction has kept the U.S. and Russia out of war since the 50s. Putin knows which countries are sacred cows and which he is not allowed to attack. Now it's time for the U.S. to afford him the similar respect and stop expanding NATO east. tbh NATO should not even exist anymore.

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True and that's what the Democrats ought to be doing more of. The War on Women is a real thing in the GOP. As is the war on the poor and the war on voting. I was happy to see the Democrats finally grow a pair. That's one thing I'm looking forward to with a Hilary Clinton campaign. The Clintons are street fighters. Obama has always tried to play too nice for my taste.

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Agreed. Women are the biggest vote in this country, and the way republicans nationwide have treated them in the last 5 years has been quite horrible. Democrats need to run campaigns based in truth, because Lord knows Republicans only care about lying outright and running the sleaziest campaigns, going after someone personally and not their policies.

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Watching the Republican reaction to the ACA signups has been the highlight of my day. It reminds me of the way I felt when they called Ohio for Obama in 2012.

I'll never understand the political mindset that simply refuses to accept bad news. Nobody wins all the time yet the GOP can never admit when it's lost. They lost this battle. They lost it everywhere and in every way. They lost in the legislature when they tried to stop it. They lost in the courts when SCOTUS upheld it. They lost at the ballot box when the guy who promised to repeal it on day one got his ass handed to him by voters. They lost when they shut down the government to defund it. They lost when 7.1 million people signed up and every time somebody signs up they lose again.

It's not like there haven't been losses on the other side: the employer mandate, the contraception mandate, etc… so the GOP needs to take the victories it got and accept reality.

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They have to realize that there is no end-game that looks favorable to them when it comes to Obamacare. I mean what happens if they win the presidency in 2016? There will be more than the 7 million people currently enrolled by then. If they repeal, all those people will be cut off from their insurance, and they acted like it was a federal crime when 4.7 million lost their policies last year. At this point, they really can't repeal it anymore. They ran out of time to do it. I wouldn't be surprised if their talking points start to change now to maybe making changes in the law. Which is where Obama has been all along, but because their stance was either repeal or nothing, they actually ensured that they would be stuck with the law.

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Very happy that the ACA hit over 7 million! The best part though is now that the deadline has come and passed there will be 5 minutes of basically pure silence in terms of negative ACA news/headlines. The only thing that might dampen the good news is if rates for next year happen to be significantly higher but I have to think the White House will do everything possible to work with insurers to keep rates/costs down.

Its up to Democrats and the groups that support Democrats to put out ads fighting back against the Koch brothers and their misleading "Obamacare" ads...

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Because of the big headline, today is a good day for Democrats (in terms of perception) and a Republican shouldn't act otherwise. I am very skeptical about just how "good" this 7 million number is--such as whether all of these people have paid their premiums or whether that number includes some people who were previously insured but were kicked off their insurance due to the ACA--but we won't know the answers to these matters for some time.

I certainly don't see how the GOP lost every ObamaCare battle "everywhere and in every way." As you alluded to, the GOP scores a victory every time Obama caves and delays the employer mandate. Also, the Republicans weren't the ones who lost when the disastrous rollout occurred, or when many became very upset over the president's broken promise that if you like your insurance, you can keep it. And yes, while not the only factor, the ACA did play an important role in the defeat of the Democratic candidate in a congressional district twice won by Obama.

The issue of ObamaCare (and how drastically it will change) is an issue that I don't see getting resolved until the outcome of the 2016 election. (Today's news did not put an end to the debate, nor will the likely GOP takeover of the Senate later this year.) A GOP president will make major changes to ObamaCare (although full repeal probably won't happen), while a Democratic president will pretty much leave it alone. In my opinion, the desire to maintain the ACA goes a long way towards explaining why nobody from the far left is protesting the nomination of Hillary (because most know that she is the only Democrat who can win).

Edited by Max
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I see what you are saying, but the fact that it cannot be repealed is a victory for Obamacare. It was never intended to be endgame.

Also, I don't think Hillary can win. I want her to, and I wanted her to last time, but it's not going to happen. America is not ready for a woman president.

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I think that to many voters, the ACA will always be seen as a failure. The media and the GOP did a good job of setting that idea in stone. And the Democrats certainly did their best to help.

If the GOP had sense they'd just quietly and backhandedly praise the numbers. Instead they are being hysterical idiots, but it doesn't matter, because they will win anyway.

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The GOP is winning the Senate, that is for sure.

The next Presidency? They have a shot. At which point the ACA becomes their baby, and we probably get a lot of reforms to it that Democrats wanted anyway. They only care about spending when they don't have the White House. I would not be surprised to see more spending, even if disguised as tax credits, to fix the law.

Edited by juppiter
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The republicans currently have no one to compete with Hillary. Chris Christie will never be elected president because America doesn't cae for angry politicians and he is perpetually pissed. That and he is obese, which makes his candidacy DOA.

About Obamacare, numbers can be made to say whatever the person counting them wants so we will have to see who these 7 million are and how many of them come from the uninsured he was seeking to help. I have never been a fan of Obamacare because to me it just seems wrong to say "we know our system sucks and the insurance companies are crooks. Just because you young people are too smart to willingly give them your money doesn't mean you don't have to." It doesn't even make sense: "The insurance companies overcharge and rob every single american who has insurance, so lets make it a law that they get even more customers." The idea should have been to go for socialized medicine and put these insurance crooks out of business, not enhance their portfolios.

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Bobby Jindal??

Jindal is a false hope for the GOP. They tried with him once before touting him as a star politician, so they immediately trotted him out for some TV state of the union response and he revealed he has no charisma, no TV presence, a poor ability to give a speech, and a deer in headlights aura.

A democrat can only hope Jindal runs.

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