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But I tell you this. If Republicans AND Democrats knew about this, they ALL should be gone, regardless of party. I'm an American first above all else, and others can play that BS partisan crap all they want. I'm tired of being lied by both parties, and even though I will vote Democrat because they speak to my values a HELL of alot more than Republicans do (on top of the fact that I will not vote for a party who has Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, Malkin and the like as their representitives) that will never excuse them from being as hip deep in this torture business as the Republicans are.........

Which may be the reason why the President doesn't want that to get out.

With all due, if you don't care, the why did you post in this thread?

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Your contempt for this woman is amazing. I wonder what exactly has she done to garner these kind of remarks about her (disgusting liar, little credibility, stupid twit, foolish hag) from you. It's interesting that someone of such supposed high morals and "values" would stoop to name-calling to get a point across.

While you ponder that, let me just say that it's too early in the investigation to call her guilty. There are some rumblings of hearings on this matter and I think we should let them take it's course. NP has said she wants some sort of special counsel or investigation - but that's too far. Let the Congress investigate and see what they find. It's all evidently a matter of record.

If she is found to be guilty, Brian, I will say she needs to go. However, if she's not, would you apologize in this thread for the remarks you made about her? Hmmm.

Sorry to get in the middle your little spat with Roman (for the umpteenth time). Continue on with that if you must.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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No spat with me. I stopped listening to Brian months ago. Can you imagine how he would react if I or you or someone else called GWB or DICK Cheney or anyone at FN the names he called her? I have called them names in the past and he tels me I shouldn't get personal, but he does it and its fine?

That the hypocrisy that keeps me from holding a civil discussion with him about politics.

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The interesting thing about the Nancy Pelosi "controversy" is that it all contrived. It is meant to hide the big question about whether the United States violated the Geneva Conventions and tortured captives. If so, is it now OK for other countries to use "enhanced interrogation" techniques on U.S. soldiers held captive?

Those briefers between the CIA and members were one-on-one. Nancy Pelosi was not even Speaker when she was briefed. It is very possible that she interpreted briefings one way and other members interpreted them another way. I guess the question is, are Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats being overly critical of the CIA, or are the Republicans covering up for them? Or is it possible that neither is doing anything intentionally dishonest? Perhaps, oh my goodness what a concept, the CIA never told anyone they were waterboarding because no one asked. Perhaps the CIA said they were not using torture because they believed they were using "enhanced interrogation techniques." It's all semantics, and perhaps we would be well-served to stop demonizing those with whom we disagree.


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Hey, where is everybody? Testing is finally over. Yay!!!!

Any thoughts on the SCOTUS nomination, prop 8 in Ca and what's going on with the appeal to the Supremes? I think it may not be the right time for that , but I'm not sure.

Hope to read some intersting ideas soon.

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This is so another reason I am jaded to the whole politicial process.

Note to all politicians if you make a promise you better jump on it the day you get into office. Because it doesn't matter what else is going on in the world, all that individual groups see is the picture right in front of them - not the big picture.


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I have been totally shocked in the last few days by the response to Obama basically groveling to the Muslim religion.

I am a firm believer in separation of church and state and I find it hard to get behind our President who claims to be a Democrat - a party that has tried to separate itself from religious and moral issues - going out of his way to apologize to the people of a religion. And that is all that being a Muslim is. It is not a nation like the others that he has apologized too.

What does he hope to gain from this?

Espeically as a gay man I find it offensive for him to go to them like he did. Because let me tell you it is not just the extremist in the Muslim religion who believe in putting gays to death - that is all of them. They are one of the strictest on homosexuality.

I also agree with the people on GMA Friday morning who points out the hypocrisy in Obama on this issue. The whole time he is trying to get to be our President he takes and downplays his whole ties to the Muslim religion and points out they are not as great as his opponents said they were. And then he gets in front of a group of Muslims and he points out and brags about all his ties to the Muslims.

And he wonders why I never have been able to take him at his word and trust him.

I just wonder how he would be viewed if he stood in front of a group of Catholics or a group of Baptists and delivered the same type speech.

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