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I've loved Joe Biden for many years, long before 2008. He is salt of the earth, a champion of the working man, a very seasoned and battle-hardened politician who knows how to make government work, and just a fine, fine man. I don't know if he'll run, but people in the press belittling his outsize persona underestimate him at their peril.

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Kudos to whoever helped the President write that speech, but the President's passionate delivery was moving and sold it. I love how he embraced the diversity of America and reminded us that it is "we the people." The President sees the real America, the Republicans do not.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Awesome speech!! I loved the passion he showed! I'm so proud of him. And what a beautiful family he has!

Who was the hot the brunette in the black dress that came out with Biden?

Loved the shots of people singing and dancing and throwing confetti and just celebrating.

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Still pretty close for Michele Bachmann....

Precincts Reporting in Contest: 78.93% 221 of 280 Last Updated: 11/07/12 1:05 AM Voters Registered at 7AM : 386597

Results for U.S. Representative District 6

U.S. Representative District 6

Party Candidate Totals Pct Graph Republican MICHELE BACHMANN 134600 49.99% dot_gblue.gif Democratic-Farmer-Labor JIM GRAVES 133880 49.72% dot_gblue.gif Write-In WRITE-IN** 771 0.29% dot_gblue.gif


Wonder if it was Biden's daughter?

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Well...I watched all night on ABC (Big mistake, they called the election 30 minutes behind everyone else) but Diane did seem a little off her mark, or loopy, or something. I watched on KMIZ in Columbia thinking they'd ahve less interruption of national coverage than the Kansas city stations, and they had MORE, cause there was some nut running through the streets in Columbia shooting people. Somehow I picture it being a tea partier gone off his rocker.

Edited by alphanguy74
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In my district, it is looking like we are going to elect Mark Takano (D), and as the press put it "He would become the first openly gay Asian American to serve in Congress." Pretty cool considering my town as a whole leans pretty republican.

Yay for Tammy Baldwin (D)! Wisconsin senator who is the first openly lesbian member of the senate. Even more than that, the man who won her old spot (im not sure what they said it was, sorry) is gay and a Dem as well.

I believe the said same sex marriage was passed in three states? I really should google this and will when I have more time.

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Mark Pocan won Baldwin's seat in Congress.

Sean Maloney, a gay Democrat, also won an upset in New York against Congresswoman Nan Hayworth.

It looks like WA, MD, and ME approved gay marriage, and Minnesota is the first state in the nation to reject a gay marriage ban. I was actually shocked at the last one. It's extremely easy for people to go into a private voting area and vote on something that only affects a minority, and makes them feel like they're helping "family values." I'm in disbelief that voters apparently finally said no.

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I think the change in tone of apprach has helped a lot. Back in 2008 it was, well demanding to be blunt. And i get why. But it seems in the past few years lots of ads and whatnot have taken a "what does family mean to you? that awesome, its the same for same sex couples so should they be given similar rights to you" has won people over, i personally have seen many who were against it shift when engaging in discussions like that. I just read an article about how this is the approach MD & ME took and its paying off. let me go see if I can find it in my history - here it is http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2012/11/gay_marriage_in_maryland_and_maine_the_inside_strategy.html

its pretty remarkable.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Thanks. That was an interesting article. I remember some criticism of some 2008 ads, as being faceless, or not presenting the picture of a gay family. I guess this year they managed to make the pitch in a more effective way. That gay marriage also stopped being something both parties were terrified of must have helped as well.

I was also happy to read that the Iowa justice who was being targeted for supporting gay marriage managed to get reelected.



This was sort of the anti-2008, where gay marriage bans passed in high-profile races, while Democrats were somewhat hesitant to offer any real support. Maybe the last few years showed Democrats the reward was far greater than the risk.

California's new districts have provided many close races and headaches for incumbents. Mary Bono Mack (Sonny's widow) has essentially conceded after an increasingly bitter contest with a man she blasted for being "anti-Thanksgiving." Pete Stark, the House's only atheist and a fixture of CA politics, seems to have lost after behaving extremely erratically the entire campaign season. Longtime GOP also-ran Dan Lungdren is currently losing. Surfer dude Brian Bilbray is up by about 13 votes.

In a reminder of just what a capable politician Gabby Giffords was, it looks like her successor, Ron Barber, is close to losing reelection.

Edited by CarlD2
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I am sad about Pete Stark, just because it sucks to lose the house only Atheist. Im still shocked he ever got in to be honest.

Its very weird to see my little town mentioned, by name no less. We are normally just refer to as Riverside or The Inland Empire.

I am fairly happy with the results of the props. 31/32/33/34/37/38 are all being shut down. The others are passing. Basically how i voted down the line, except i did vote no on 30. 40 was the most confusing on the ballot, IMHO. Im still confused on what a yes or no vote met. It was worded very much like Prop 8 in 2008.

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