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Check out what the mental health doctors are saying about T****:




I'm not surprised that the Arizona GOP has completely lost it. After all, SIX of Rep. Paul Gosar's siblings publicly endorsed his opponent - TWICE (in 2018 and 2020)!!!


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You could argue that Congress doesn't have enough time to impeach Donald Trump (again), but I agree that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer need to send the message that there MUST be accountability for what happened this week at the Capitol.  The risk of another insurrection (or worse) happening is just too high.

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Impeachment could happen quickly.

They are talking about dispensing the need for committee work on impeachment. 
The plan is to just have the House do an up and down yes/no vote to impeach.  
"Impeach" is like "indict" - to bring formal charges.


Then it's up to the Senate to put him on trial.


The senate won't reconvene until Jan 19th and ...
There's two things.

They need 2/3 of the Senators to vote to convict him.
The Senate needs 50 votes to permanently disqualify Trump from holding "any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States."


Explained much better here:


Edited by janea4old
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Most likely.  It's too bad we can't wrap it up in a half-hour, like they do on "Judge Judy."  On the other hand, it's got to be better viewing than B&B.


ETA: Sorry, @ChitHappens, I misunderstood your question.

Edited by Khan
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Legal experts are mixed on if a president can be impeached and/or convicted after leaving office. There is one precedent that points to yes they can. In 1876, Secretary of War, William Belknap resigned minutes before the US House was set to vote on impeachment. The House went ahead and impeached him anyways. The Senate also proceeded to have a trial. 



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