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I been hearing about both of those issues.

You know surprisingly, LGBT community has made incredible in roads without Obama's help the last five months. I seriously would have never thought Iowa would be a state where gays would be free to marry. Never. And now Maine? I saw let Obama deal with the economy, swine flu, and foreign related issues.

I was watching a show on Fox News and my God, even when Obama cuts the budget he gets slammed.

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Correction - not just Republican governors. Tennessee has a Democratic Governor who was almost made a member of Obama's cabinet and he has been talking in press conferences about not accepting the stimulus money.

I am against it as I said before on the church/state thing too. Plus as I said the fact of giving equal time to other religions which is what will happen.

I agree that every religion has radicals just like every political sect and even the gays have radicals. Sadly 99% of the time every sect of society gets judged by it's radicals. I don't how many times on boards I have read blanket statements about Muslims, blanket statements about gays, blanket statements about Christians.

This last election on one board there was never anything good that could be said about any Christian. It was all bad because they were judging all Christians by a group of radicals. Same with gays, I have heard so many make blanket statements about gay people as if all we are concerned about is where we are going to get laid next and all we are concerned about is whether or not we can get married.

Each one of these groups have so much more to them than the general perceptions made by the majority of people.

As to Islam Day I agree with you - these people were on crack or smoking something. I just wish they would share - I need a good high.

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It's Fox news why should that surprise you.

I have just come to understand and expect that Fox is going to be against him while other channels are never going to say anything bad about him.

It is just the way it is.

I don't even watch most of the news channels anymore because they are all biased one way or another - so I just don't trust them for my news at all. I look at what they say from time to time but as far as relying on it. No way in hell - they are all too biased.

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I am not willing to allow for more spending on anything at this point. Obama has already pissed off a shitload of money (that we don't have) and dug us into a deeper hole than Bush could have ever dreamt of digging. Besides, the problem with much of Obama's handouts is that they come with strings attached... And President Obama's hands are already in too many cookie jars.

Not shocked at all. You have demonstrated time and time again that you respect the will of the people, even when you don't like it.

I'm glad it's clear to you. Even suggesting such a plan seems rather naive to me... as IF North Korea would play by the rules. What-EVEH!

No, not all. But it seems as if MOST do. <_<

Hell yeah... >>high fives<<

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With regard to the budget, I personally feel proposed cuts amounting to less than one-half of 1 percent of his $3.6 trillion federal budget outline is but for show and spectacle... because it is but a little raindrop in the freakin Pacific Ocean. If he's serious, cool, at least he's conscious of how deep a hole we're in. If he's not serious, at least he's still coscious of how deep a hole we're in and is attempting to pacify those who have no clue how much money he is shoveling down the shitter.

With regard to the impatience of those of your ilk, Greg... I would say I agree. He hasn't given the black community much at this point either, though, so I'm guessing if he doesn't start addressing issues of ANY group that help elect him, he's in deep doo-doo.

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I agree that if he don't move to appease the minorities like the gays who are getting restless that yes he will be in trouble.

But I also have to give him credit that he has tried to deal with the problems that affect more poeple first - the most important being the economy of course.

It would have been easy for any one to come in and try to appease the minority groups who had such hope with him being elected. But things like the economy are more pressing and things like that affect all groups even the gays etc.

So at least he has seen where his priorities lie and I hae to commend him for that - even if I don't agree with all of his approaches.

Now if and when the economy gets better and some analysts are saying it will by the end of this year at least stabilitze - then if he doesn't move - he could be in trouble. When things get better for folks that is when they get restless. And people very quickly forget how tough things were and how much someone was there for them when things get better.


I found a story on Good Morning America this morning very interesting in regards to the economy. Someone on staff there noticed that the lowest unemployment rates now are on the coast of Mississippi down to Houma, LA - the places hit by Hurricane Katrina.

The economy there has been hurt less in that area than any where in the US. So much effort in the last few years has gone into rebuilding the area that the jobs there are secure and there are so many construction jobs that hardly anyone is out of work. The highest unemployment rate in the area was someone in the low 5's.

Some places in Tennessee now are in the 10's with our county gone from 5.3 in January to 15.6 as of March. Tennesse's overall is 9.9 as of March. Our area has had so many businesses to close. We are near the Saturn GM plant and with it down for a majority of this year and last year, so many of the minor businesses that have supplied stuff to them have now gone completely out. We have lost a seat manufacturer. Another plant that my sister worked for supplied the glass for them. They emplyed in the 1000's. The plant shut down and will not reopen. And so many more just like them.

Our town has lost 6 restuarants including Burger King. Now we are losing Circuit City, Goody's clothing store, our mall is down to about 7 stores total now. It is just weird to look around and see so much gone.

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Howard Dean on MSNBC...

“I think we’ve had quite enough capitalism in the last eight years."


Okay, so we've suspected for a while that socialism lurks... Is this proof, friends, that there are some in the Democratic party that embrace that big of a move left? I wonder...

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My take was that it pertained to the brand of capitalism practiced during the last 8 years. But yeah I think a lot of Dems want a shift to the left, what do expect from Howard DEan. He doesn't hide his leftist views.

As to my being the 3rd party PRES that you previously posted, well that would be a first....I would be the first black woman president. I don't think our country is ready for me, Steve Frame and you, GD. We would definitely be a force to be reckoned with :lol:

I was intrigued by the Time article Roman posted. It was very in depth and I thought it hit the issues with the Republican party dead on. I hope that the "new" groove works out for them. This country need another voice. One party rule is frightful.

I will be lurking for the next few days. It is my "favorite" time of the school year.........standardized testing time. This is when all of my special ed students get slapped in the faced with their disabilities as they are required to take grade-level tests when they don't perform at grade level. It's a lot of fun. ;)

Edited by UCLAN
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Once again, you have it wrong. My BONER started the night of November 4th, 2008, and it'll stay hard for the next 4 years.

Also, see how the clown who engineered that stupid fly over got canned? Hmm. Seems in the previous admin., that very same person would have been told "You doing a heckava job!"

Now, Brian, the next time you ask me a question, and want my honest opinion, try leaving out the BS smart ass crap, and then I'll answer it (that is, if you actually interested in hearing an opinion that disagrees with yours).

Edited by Roman
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Your boner for Obama -- calling him a good President after only a little more than 100 days -- indicates you have no clue what's good or bad or otherwise. Just as I've been told to wait to cast judgement on his legacy since he's only served 100 days, then you need to wait to extoll his virtues until he's actually been in office for at least... ohhhh... six months?? :rolleyes:

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I'm actually interested in hearing from someone who actually knows their ass from a hole in the ground.

I'll stick with UCLAN, Steve, Greg... hell, the list of thoughtful, provocative posters goes on and on... but sadly stops with you.


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