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There is a whole lot more going on here and I really wonder how clueless some of these GOP congressional members are who voted to certify are that people they sit next to were in on a plot to potentially have them killed. There are a whole lot of members in the House and possibly Johnson, Cruz, and Hawley who knew and collaborated with what happened,  from hostage taking to potential executions including Pelosi, McConnell , Schumer, and of course Pence. 


Along with this that letter published in USA Today signed by all those former Sec of Defense was apparently organized by Powell -  there was intended to be a military presence on the streets not to participate in the "coup" effort that day. Maybe they intended it as a distraction. The leadership of the Capital Police Force had to be involved in some capacity also.


The only black hole for me is the FBI. That weak stmt from Wray makes no sense neither does all these pictures being shown asking for the publics help. There is technology where they can ID cell phone numbers that were in the capital building and it would be easy to get that list and then filter out capital building staff, etc out of that list to get a list of people who were carrying their phones into the building. Some of the more experienced folks I am sure have burner phones.  I see it as a false flag to perhaps give some people a false sense of security and that the FBI knows more but have been wary who to communicate to so are perhaps waiting for the new admin who may already know.


I know this all sounds far fetched I know but the gullibility of some of these GOPers astounds me. Can they be this stupid? 

Biden is not dumb. Do these people really believe they have not discussed it?

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I'm just waiting for one of the arrested to say, "Senator/Representative (or certain other persons) _______ gave me the Capitol map/hired me to do this, and I have proof!" At that point, the fan will be hit with enough s**t to stop turning.

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Who's trying to get Murkowski to change parties? Twitter?  She's never going to become a democrat. But I have honestly been surprised for a long time she's not an independent. She didn't get the backing of the GOP who ran someone else and why she ran that write-in campaign she won. That's about the only thing I can see her doing and she would probably have more leverage with that now then she would if she stayed a republican.

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"there is some concern inside the Pence team that there are risks to invoking the 25th or even an impeachment process as Trump could take some sort of rash action putting the nation at risk."


Oh good grief. 
Pelosi is concerned that if he *stays* in office, he'll commit some rash action!


Pence doesn't care about the country.  He's just trying to figure out how to "look good"  (as if he could) in this situation.






Quoting the article in the washingtonpost tweet:
Jan. 9, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. PST
Amazon suspended the pro-Trump social network Parler from its web-hosting service this weekend, a move that threatens to darken the site indefinitely after its users glorified the recent riot at the U.S. Capitol.

The e-commerce and web hosting giant said Parler had violated its terms of service given its inadequate content-moderation practices, adding in a letter that it would implement its punishment just before midnight Pacific time Monday. 




Why wait all that time? Why not now?

Edited by janea4old
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If Donald Trump stays in office, he's liable to commit another, rash act; and if he is removed, either through the 25th Amendment or impeachment and conviction, he's liable to commit another, rash act.  So, I say, remove him and then brace for the fallout.  Yeah, sure, fit will hit the shan, but at least he'll be out of our damn hair.

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Many people just don't understand how terrifying Trumpers can be.  On the morning of the insurrection, I saw several trucks on the street, decked out in full, red-white-and-blue Trumpian regalia.  The riot hadn't happened yet, but I could tell something was going down.  "It's an intimidation tactic," I said -- to which Mama Khan argued it most certainly wasn't.  "What is SO WRONG about people who just want to show their support for Trump?"


Uh-huh.  They just want to show their support.  Sure, Mom.  Sure.

Edited by Khan
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I mean, it's not hyperbole. He was willing to let Biden die (by exposing him to COVID at the debate). He was willing to let Pence and any number of legislators die on Wednesday. He was willing to let anyone die from COVID. He apparently has no concept of valuing any life outside his own.

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