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He knows it isn't and so do most of his supporters, including me.  Not that I support him now, but I agreed with some of his ideas before things got nasty.  Hillary took on the fight for $15 and I would say that's been proven doable to some extent.  Free college though? No, this isn't that sort of country right now.  We don't seem to even want to give poor kids food or medicine, never mind college. Just like every other person running his ideas and vision will be limited by Congress, especially if the Republicans keep the Senate.


Anyway, I'm hoping that he does not get the nomination, although I would vote for him if he does. There are just too many hard feelings there and he's vulnerable in the general election.  He's never released his taxes for one thing. God knows what's hiding there and he won't get the impunity that 45 does.  No one will.


Plus, let's be real, he's Jewish and he lived in Israel. That may have been ok in 2016, but it surely isn't now.   You see the conspiracy nut bags out there already claiming Jews control the U.S. government and the media. Can you even imagine what would come out of the woodwork if he won the nomination?


In my opinion it will be harder for women in 2020 as well because of the tide of hate that's risen up in the last few years. Maybe our best hope really is Biden, although that scares me too given his penchant for saying stupid $hit.  Trump does it 20 times a day, but that doesn't mean others will get a pass.

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I just heard about the mass shooting at a mosque in New Zealand.  Those poor people.  At first I felt almost deranged when my first thought was "this is Trump's fault".

I feel less deranged after seeing he was named as inspiration in the manifesto.  What a nightmare.

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I'm not sure what people's knowledge of the Muslim faith is but this happened on Friday in New Zealand.  Friday is a day of prayer in the Islamic faith, it is a day when mosques are filled with people praying.  The person(s) who staged these deadly attacks planned this to target the most people possible.

When I went to bed last night, I saw that dozens had been shot.  As it stands now, 49 people (including children, I heard) had been killed. 

The shooter had livestreamed at least one of the attacks, which is why after I posted the news last night, I got offline ASAP so as not to risk seeing it.

The shooters were likely inspired by that Anders Breivik, the Norway shooter but Trump has not helped matters, in his associations with known racists and people tangentially linked to white supremacists.  People like Trump have definitely helped those networks feel emboldened. For example, the shooter, once apprehended, had already claimed that there were more mosque attacks in the works.



Shaun King is another person who needs to open his financial books.  There are numerous complaints about him "fundraising" for vulnerable people but not producing the money.  There is a lot of distrust of him within black social media circles.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Is this woman a friend of Ilhan Omar's? 


I do agree that Chelsea Clinton is not to blame for the attacks and it's disgusting to use the massacre for cheap purity games. 


I'm not sure why someone who works for the Washington Examiner is getting involved, as that is a very far right paper who hates everyone involved in this argument.

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Yeah I went and looked at some of her tweets and people were saying that one of her friends was trying to get people to donate money to her. Then this changed to donating to victims of the massacre, but why would anyone believe that money is going to them now?


The absolute glee some people on Twitter have for dogpiling on Chelsea Clinton while not caring about the Muslims killed in Christchurch is disgusting, if not surprising. I have to wonder how many are secretly glad this happened. It gives them more reasons to tear their hair and act superior.

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Coming after Chelsea is just bizarre.  She is obviously an ally to both Muslims and Jews.  The people trying to force a false dichotomy of Jew versus Muslim are the problem here. Sadly they are succeeding because the American public just isn't that sophisticated when it comes to these types of issues.  That's unfortunate because the last thing we need to do is encourage that kind of bitter feud here. We have enough problems with these violent white nationalist as it stands.

If only I had seen this post last night, but somehow I missed it.  It was a sharp lesson in turning off automatic video playing on Twitter, that is for sure. 

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Some of the people on the left who are coming for Chelsea Clinton-- were they even around during the Clinton years?  Or have they been reading and watching documentaries about it on Netflix/Hulu?

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Clinton made policy mistakes of course (every president does) but employment (i.e. good jobs with room for advancement and growth) and optimism surged during those years. 

I was a kid when Reagan was president and I remember the constant layoffs of friends and family members in the work force.  Do people remember what it was like?  Especially for people of color and women, during the Reagan years?  I got a front row seat to see how hard it was for my mother and people like her during the Reagan years. 

During the Clinton years she (and people like her) was able to buy a house.  Those homeowner policies were unfortunately abused by the GW Bush administration and the ties between the mortgage backed securities and the global recession is well known.

Some of these people are going after Chelsea with not a whole lot of knowledge, they just see a potential person to unleash on and because Chelsea is known as being so polite, she has become their target, similar to how she has become the target of right-wing trolls and blowhards.  Some of these left-wing critics are showing their inability to look at matters from a holistic viewpoint.


And just as I thought, when you try to do a search of what happened with Chelsea and her critic(s) at the NYU townhall/vigil, much of the links are for right-wing websites (which I REFUSE to visit or give clicks to), which just goes to show that this incident is becoming grist for the right-wing.

FWIW, other Muslims are disparaging the critics and defending Chelsea on this one, even those who disagreed with her remarks about Omar.

AOC and Omar need to try to see if, for six weeks, they can actually focus on their actual constituents, instead of riding so hard for a national spotlight. 

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