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I wonder that too. Maybe when it gets so bad the majority of people decide that gun control is the only way.  It's really hard for me to believe it will happen anytime soon.

That's always my first guess when we have a violent incident these days.  I think most of us see pretty clearly that Trump has riled up the kind of losers who gravitate to these views. I'm not even sure getting rid of him will put the genie back in the bottle, but it sure won't hurt.

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How much worse will it have to get though? Sandy Hook, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Las Vegas, Orlando..... To most rational people these horrific massacres should have been enough on their own everyone of them. That people still, after all these shootings, won't face the truth is mind-boggling.


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I'm sorry you even have to think like that.

I really don't know.  The U.S has a gun culture, I'm not sure anything can change it in the short term. The unfortunate thing is now we have an added catalyst for violence in the hate that has become more prevalent in the last couple of years. I think it will get much worse for at least a decade before it can get better. That assumes that young people are less attached to their guns and I'm not entirely sure that's true.

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