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But what do you want to bet (no, not twenty bucks, lol) that if and when she DOES find her way onto the $20 bill, she'll suddenly be sporting a "Just for Me" perm, a nose job and Jada Pinkett Smith-esque cheekbones?


It's easy to see why: the GOP couldn't come up with anything passable, and people are so used to Obamacare that not having anything at all just isn't feasible.

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Republicans are going after the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau but a few GOP Senators are wary of possible public blow back from the public if the agency is dismantled.


Republicans Want to Sideline This Regulator. But It May Be Too Popular.



That seems so severe to me, especially when someone has no perceivable reason to do it. At least it seems safer than it looks, so in the case of people who may need facial reconstruction, that's a good thing, right?

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Yes. Also, I'm not in the public spotlight. If I were the pressure to be perfect might overcome my immense squeamishness. At the risk of TMI I'm sure my life would be much better if I got a breast reduction, but there is just no way I would dare.

This is some good news. I really thought the Republicans would manage to repeal it, but it looks like the conventional wisdom about rolling back entitlements held true thank goodness.

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The head of the CFPB is from Ohio. If they succeed in ousting him, he's already being talked about as a front runner for the Dems in the Governor's race. He did a lot of good here after the housing crash. I hope he can stay at the CFPB but if not I would be thrilled to have him run. He's the kind of candidate that the Repubs would have a hard time attacking except to tie him to Obama and Ohio went for Obama twice.

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Exactly.  For those who NEED it.  And there are those who DO need it, whether due to disease, or injury.  But I don't think JPS needed it.


I'm probably wrong.  However, I just can't put it past this administration to end up doing little-to-nothing to help the Harvey victims or the local law enforcements' recovery efforts.

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With all the wretched crap going on (I have been participating in a phone bank to save DACA for several weeks now myself), some positive news.


1. May not seem like a big deal but the story around this is important. Despite the active campaigning against, the dems got the vote out and won this election. It's hopefully symbolic of things to come. I myself have been asked by a retiring trustee of our community and many residents to run for trustee in our community in 2019 our next local elections. My neighbor was elected to our local school board this past April. I am trying to absorb as much as I can. I am serving on 2 local committees and am shocked to be honest by the efforts of the resident volunteers(pleasantly so) and the laziness of our elected officials and even some of our paid village employees. Oh and our village manager just got a big hefty 25% raise and contact renewal. While our teachers continue with their agreed upon pay freeze year 3.


Anyway here is the story about the Fairfax County election



2. Our Governor in Illinois finally did something right. He signed 2 bills. The Trust Act is the state version of a sanctuary city and protects immigrants and mandates our police force(s) do not target immigrants, do not act as a sister ICE force, no profiling, and to work with immigrant communities. This from our do nothing GOP Governor is a big step


He also signed the Auto Voter Registration Act in Illinois which is estimated to add new voters to our voter rolls by the 2018 election in the count of 1 million more people. Now the hard work, getting them to vote.

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I don't know whether to blame the public's fascination with the Donald/Ivana/Marla triangle for what we're suffering through now, if only b/c it seems like pop culture has always been obsessed, to one degree or another, with the sordid, private lives of public figures.  Johnny Carson's acrimonious divorces come to mind, as do all the innuendos that surrounded the British royal family from Charles and Diana's wedding onward.


To me, it might be more appropriate to say the public fetishization of Trump that began in the glitzy '80's, starting, perhaps, with the publication of "The Art of the Deal," is what is responsible for today.  Without that, I don't believe the D/I/M triangle would have had as much of an impact.

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