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I'm glad you posted this. I grew up and spent all my young years in Ferguson, Mo. I know Charlottesville is a struggling city like many with good, good people....where hate decided to come in and try and take over. Unfortunately, we have people in this very thread that, instead of denouncing this hate, made it political because this person can't and doesn't have the strength of character to look past all this mess and call it for what it is. You have.....thank you.

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I'm sure TONS are complaining about YYR's outing these mf's.  But, hey, it isn't as if they kept their repugnant views a secret!

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I hope they replace it with another statue...of the three who were killed yesterday.



Must we soil ATWT's good name by associating it with that rat bastard?



Yep; and knowing those clowns, they probably will go back to wearing hoods, too.  (Say what you will about groups like the Black Panther Party, but at least they didn't hide under any shitty sheets.)




I guess all great couples are tested every now and then.

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Interesting Op-Ed positing that unlike his presidential predecessors, Trump, more than anyone else, is giving a huge morale boost to despots and dictators like Kim in North Korea and plenty of room for them to maneuver by making the U.S. an even bigger boogey-man, in which North Korea can use to direct the blame for all the country's ills, including widespread starvation among its population.


Donald Trump Is Giving North Korea Exactly What It Wants



On a different topic, I've started reading this interesting article that presents the hypothesis that the woes of struggling retailer Sears have been not only preventable, but constructed in an effort of financial engineering by a hedgefund money-manager named Edward S. Lampert, who apparently use tactics commonly used by Wall Street to extract profits. These tactics include orchestrating competition between the retailer's various departments and starving various stores of cash in severe cost-savings measures.

Not only have these tactics failed to produce profits but have fostered a toxic environment that has led to infighting within the company and the pathetic state of the stores' appearance.

This is an interesting excerpt from the article:


“I don’t think it was inevitable that Sears would find itself in the position it is in today,” said Arthur Martinez, who orchestrated a turnaround of Sears as its chief executive in the late 1990s. “The Sears brand has become largely irrelevant,” he said, “and it breaks my heart to say that.”


Keep in mind that the Trump administration has, contrary to campaign promises, appointed a vast number of Wall Street alumni in numbers that look to be higher than any other administration before it, who look likely try to run the country the way that hedgefund manager runs Sears.


The Incredible Shrinking Sears

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