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Except let me reminded people of something


2009 - 5 Special House Elections - After Obama won - you know what the outcome was for the GOP 0-5. Did they give up? Yes they did change RNC leadership but the DNC has already done that. But I am old enough to remember the media claiming the GO was dead.


I want to know what democrats are ONLY talking about Russia. I have been to several townhalls here in the Chicago area. The reps are not talking much about it and only if people ask.


As for the 4 so called disastrous elections, who talked about Russia in their election - Thompson - check NO, Quist - Check NO, Ossoff - Check NO(only by the was on MSNBC when asked), Parnell - Check NO


You know who is talking endlessly about Russia. The MSM. Why. Because like Fox who endlessly talked about Obama's birth place, it draws ratings, except in this case the Russian interference is true. Or do we now think Obama was born in Kenya.  Case CLOSED.


Now that said, the messaging is still a major issue - hit back. Call the GOP what they are. The party of the 1%. Their policies and what they are doing is showing it.  Call the new HC plan what it is a HUGE TAXCUT FOR BILLIONAIRES.  They need to get their teeth back.


AS far as Georgia, Kansas, SC those are cherry red districts. And are also gerrymandered and Georgia in particular has been for years. Why do people think the south has been cherry red for years. Gerrymandering has worked the south is proof of that. Now they are moved onto places like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.


As far as Pelosi I partially agree with Marceline. Not saying I am not ready for fresh blood but let me tell people something. Here in Illinois we have Rauner as Governor and Madigan as Speaker(a republican and democrat). I have zero love for Madigan. He's a old time politician, and has contributed to the problems in Illinois. BUT we not have a Governor who will only budge if our legislature agrees to property tax freezes, tax cuts, getting rid of workers comp, and making Illinois right to work. Without Madigan in place, someone with power and clout in the state despite my feelings, who knows what a less connected and experienced leader might compromise on. So yes I think there is value in keeping Pelosi and Schumer. Where are the attacks on McConnell and Ryan? The problem really is the dems need their teeth back. Get dirty. Or how about just tell the American people the truth about these snakes. Ryan cost people in Waukesha, Wi jobs and a GE plant employing hundreds of people in well paying jobs will be unemployed. Something I am sure the gentleman with that fabulous ad who is going to run as a democrat potentially against Ryan, will have zero issue attacking Ryan on.

Edited by JaneAusten
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They seem to have heard you Jane. Every Dem I see on social media is mentioning that. Although frankly I don't think that's as strong a message as we wish it were. Trump stood up in Iowa last night and basically told a rally full of poor people that they are too stupid to lead and they cheered him. They'd cut their own wrists in the hope some rich guy would pat them on the head.

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In a way, it's like that episode of "Good Times" where the Evans family ("and you, too, Willona") were divided over the two candidates in the local alderman's race.  On one side, you had Florida, Michael, Thelma and Willona supporting Jimmy Pearson; and on the other were James and J.J., who supported the incumbent Fred C. Davis.  


Pearson was portrayed as young, educated, and full of ideas on how to improve ghetto life.  Conversely, Davis (or "Baldie," as Willona called him on many occasions) was your typical blustery, crooked "career politician," who cared more about garnering votes (and filling his bank account) than actually addressing his constituents' needs and concerns.


At a critical point during their impromptu debate in the Evans' apartment (!), Davis and the Evanses attempted to engage Pearson in "playing the dozens," as it were.  However, Pearson was having none of that.  He wanted to stick to the issues; and though Florida, for one, applauded him for seeing the election had nothing to do with who could out-perform who in "street games," Pearson ultimately lost the election anyway.  Not because his ideas were bad, as James implied, but because, when push came to shove, Pearson couldn't (or wouldn't) come at the people on their level.


So, yeah, I can see Jane's point, and even agree with it on some level.  The Dems SHOULD hit back that the GOP is truly the party of the one-percent, and that all their promises to "fix" Obamacare and reform the tax codes amounts to is trickle-down economics for the Emoji Generation.  They need to "get their teeth back," to quote Jane.  They need to "play the dozens."


But, as they engage in this so-called street warfare with the GOP (fighting fire with fire, as it were) they still need offer that alternative to the GOP's agenda that doesn't feel cherry-picked or cobbled together (to quote the HuffPo article linked upthread) and says seemingly little more than "We're not (as bad as) Trump."


The Dems need grass-roots strategies -- again, starting at the most local level possible, in every state, in every city and small town -- that present fresh approaches to the issues that affect working-class Americans the most: jobs, and healthcare.  They need to take all that raw data that tends to go over Americans' heads and make their eyes glaze over, and boil it down to something useful to them, or else risk being dismissed as elitist again.  And they need to tie up all that platform with a nice, big, pretty bow in the form of a slogan because -- and I cannot emphasize this enough -- advertising is everything.  


MAGA was simplistic as hell, covering up a multitude of Trump and the GOP's sins; and yet it worked, because, as I've said before, it gave the base the feeling that someone was listening.  The Dems need to let the American people know they're not just lashing out at Trump's victory, as the GOP insists, but that they're listening as well and they have their own prescription for the future.

Edited by Khan
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