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Why?  Because it was a BLACK man who (maybe could be a Muslim and maybe could be from another country) came up with the idea in the first place.


If and when the Republicans and TrumpCo. offer their Something Fantastic(TM) to replace the ACA, read it very carefully and then tell me it isn't just Obamacare under another name.

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I remember reading about the working conditions in places like China, India and the like from a friend who traveled there, and the conditions sound horrible. The work for pennies on the dollar and have virtually no holiday pay outside of the new year. If there is ever a talk about a strike, they threaten to move the plant to somewhere else where pay will be cheaper. You can't fight against that kind of greed, because it's a race to the bottom. They have no laws to protect their workers.


Opinions on the Affordable Care Act are just so odd. You have a large amount of American's who receive healthcare from their employer, and you also have millions of Americans who don't want to pay for health insurance and are angry because they don't want to sign up for insurance. But these are the same people who will be in the poor house if they didn't have insurance or if they wind up with a pre-existing condition when they want care.

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Just to be clear, outsourcing to India has been going on for at least 17 years now.  I think *most* of us know that, but the fact it was thrown into a proTrump ramble, I thought it wouldn't hurt to point it out.  




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If this wasn't literally life and death for millions I would say this is hilarious karma, as the GOP likely never thought they would have to actually deal with this issue. I think they had hoped to dance around the issue with a Republican President who would say the right things (again not realizing that the base has no interest in "the right things" unless you mean the right type of match and lighter to burn it all down) and then when Hillary seemed likely to win, they could know they were in a stalemate, with the ACA slowly dying out, as they planned. This is their worst case scenario, because they have a POTUS who isn't interested in working with them, or making nuanced decisions, and is instead badgering them. And while they, and the media, will still blame Democrats, that's much harder to do when they have total control of government. 


I think some, like Paul Ryan, genuinely want to help - it's just that their idea of "help" is terrifying. Others, like McConnell, just wanted to kick the can over and over every 2 years, every 4 years. And now the can is gone. 

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Not only that, Skin, but most working class whites wouldn't take those jobs because they would consider those jobs Beneath Them.  Leaving it to minorities to take 'em because 1) a check is a check, 2) they're used to doing [!@#$%^&*] work for [!@#$%^&*] pay and 3) they know it isn't the work you do but the dignity you bring to it.


As Florida Evans once said, "When I was a maid -- forgive me, Lord -- but I was the best damn maid there ever was!"


(Or something like that.)

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Talk to your incoming president who is one of the biggest abusers of H1B Visa's and an advocate of continuing to increase them along with the rest of the GOP. Your political party is the one who keeps increasing the number being issued each year while corporations bastardize the process saying these are for jobs "Americans can't fill". Guess what. Because they have done it so long, those hotel jobs are not jobs American's want because since they are being filled with legal immigrants, people who will accept pennies, Americans don't want them. These jobs pay minimum wage and I am talking the current minimum wage these same people you support want to decrease. I haven't heard Trump once talk about limiting these Visas or increasing the minimum wage. Oh wait to a measly 10/hr.


I have a real issue with all of this and how corporatists have bastardized the H1B process. I also have an issue with them using H1B Visas to bring in technology workers, replacing Americans at a lower pay-scale. Same thing. Americans cost too much so lets replace them with cheap workers. Not only have they crushed the hotel service industry with this, but they are now crushing the technology industry, one which was and still is to some extent white collar but soon will be just another "service" profession downgraded by making these jobs expendable and cheap. Remember all those Disney workers fired recently? Yep they were replaced by cheap H1B tech workers from various Asian countries. But I hear not one word about any of this. I have zero issue with Asians or Asian workers what I have an issue with is replacing American workers just to pay cheaper labor which is exactly what they are doing. It's not that Americans can't fill those jobs it's that Americans demand fair pay.



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