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The more I am reading the more I think this was a potential brilliant move on the part of the Clinton camp. No one has challenged Trump on his racist and divisive comments all campaign, even after her speech in Nevada. What a brilliant way to get her emails out of the news cycle just as the press seemed to be starting to move away and shift the narrative. If they talk about it it opens up the dialogue about the Trump campaign because you can't talk about her comments without addressing the reason behind them and going back and showing footage of Trump rallys' is a great tactic also. IF they don't talk about it, the Trump campaign likely gets pissed. His surrogates and now the new great white hope Paul Ryan going after Hillary and the press giving them airtime plays right into the Clinton camps hands.


She's too careful with her words and such. And while I was critical of her saying it at the forum she was at, perhaps it was the only one where she was confident she wouldn't get a few gasps. And trust me I am no fan of that audience she was speaking to.


It also shows IMO while she did backpedal a bit, she really didn't. And demonstrates she's will to accept responsibility, the mark of a true leader. Honestly maybe the best thing to happen is to watch some start challenging her statements and watch Trump's surrogates and even some of the media go after her. In this case all Clinton's surrogates have to do is going out REAL EXAMPLES continually of Trump and his minions and keep beating that drum.


Joy Reid has been on fire by the way.



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Hillary apparently felt 'overheated' at the 9/11 memorial this morning (it's crazy humid in NYC) and headed to Chelsea's apartment to recover, is fine now.


The Breitbart crew is of course jubilant that their "Hillary's Health" memes finally has some new traction, but while they will report it and air Trump's crazy surrogates talking about it I don't really think the mainstream media is going to go with them on this one beyond a day or so, it's too unseemly.

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The video of her wobbling and being supported before she enteres the van is all over Twitter. I'm thinking some reporters are going to have a field day with this...


Some people are speculating that she wears a bullet proof vest (which also influences her clothing choices), and those are known to make heat even worse.

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Don't they all have to wear a bulletproof vest after Reagan's assassination? Then again, Obama rarely looks like he does, but I could see why Hilary would considering how disliked she is. Here is a link with the video of her collapsing: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/09/11/hillary_clinton_leaves_september_11_memorial_after_falling_ill.html

It worries me, not because I think it means she's ill, but because I know what a field day the press is going to have with it and we don't need this for her. Very frustrating. 

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I saw on Twitter that CNN has Dr. Gupta on... I guess he agreed with the overheating and also added that some medicines can contribute to overheating. 


So I did my own research, and it turns this could happen with antihistamines, and we know she recently upped her dose. According to the MayoClinic, "these medicines may make you sweat less, causing your body temperature to increase. Use extra care not to become overheated during exercise or hot weather while you are taking this medicine, since overheating may result in heat stroke."


But the thing is no one is going to focus on that because that's a boring story. They are going to continue with the conspiracy theories, and that worries me. 


Edited to add: I don't know if all presidential candidates wear vests, but I think sometimes it does look she is wearing one and other times not, but that could just depend on the event (outdoor event vs. primary debate). I read she did wear one as First Lady when she was pushing for healthcare.


I think she should make sure she is in public eye a lot the next couple days... show that she's not sick. 

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It was the first article of 40 on AOL's main page earlier (oh wait, still is). Nothing about Trump and his ridiculous or even an in memorial article about 9/11. 2 other political articles... Hillary walking back on fiery comments and Rush angry with conservatives for their treatment of Trump. 

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But should we be worried bout her health? I have to say that watching that video I was highly concerned....I mean Donald trump is older and yet he was able to stand there in the unrelenting sun. Granted no two people are the same and she did have that scare in 2012. 


I truly hope this isn't a "moment" that destroys her. She's so close to making history and to have come so far....

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Same I wasn't at all worried bout the basket fake controversy because the truth is probably is 1/3 of his supporters so the number was just a little inflated.


This health thing does have big consequences. In a way though it makes her pick of Tim Kaine even better for me and I loved that she chose him to begin with. I def think he has the chops to step into the role if God forbid anything should occur. 


I didn't think Kellyanne Conway would be able to do much with Trump but I'm legit worried she's gonna be able to fool independents with this new mellowed out Trump. I know it's risky to pin your hopes on this but at this point I keep hoping Trump will erupt and say something stupid or some major world event occurs to occupy the medias mind. 

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I worry about what the media will do with it, but I think she's fine health-wise. She recently upped her dosage on antihistamines which can cause a decrease in blood pressure as well as overheating. 


I like this article: https://drjengunter.wordpress.com/2016/09/11/hillary-clinton-almost-fainted-im-a-doctor-its-really-o-k/ Hilary Clinton almost fainted. I'm a doctor. It's really okay. She gives a lot of details and then in the end, say it looked dramatic, but it's okay.


I fainted once (and wasn't on any medicine). It was a warmer October day near Chicago, IL and I had been stuck in a car without air conditioning. I knew it was coming, so I was propping myself up in my university's elevator. But I knew I needed water, and on the way to water fountain, everything went black, my knees gave out, and I was on the ground. After drinking a bottle of water and laying down for an hour or so, I was fine. Like nothing ever happened. 


Yep. :(

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She already released her medical records back when she declared. She had to in order to get in front of that whole thing about her past concussion.


I'll be honest, if she were up against anyone other than Trump I'd be worried about this but the bottom line is that anything can happen in two months. Trump could wet his pants during the debate. Pence could get caught pulling a Larry Craig. There's probably going to be one or two more mass shootings before the election.


I'm kind of surprised that the right wing hasn't claimed she was faking the whole thing for sympathy points. They seem to go back and forth between Lying Hillary and Dying Hillary.

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The problem is it just adds fire to the conspiracy crap and CNN and Fox(yes CNN is worse IMO now) just take it and run with it. Isn't that why Obama ended up releasing finally the long version of his birth certificate(don't get me started on the racism and bias the media had with that) was to settle the issue finally. At least the media stopped talking about it endlessly.

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More like 2/3rds.



What mellow Trump? He still says and does insane, offensive [!@#$%^&*] everyday.


Anyway, yes, there will be a field day with this for a day or two but it's ultimately only going to stick so much. The systemic issue which led to the 'basket of deplorables' is not going away and neither will that conversation.


Her doctor reports she has been fighting pneumonia. That works for her, IMO: Iron Woman Clinton fighting pneumonia while still tirelessly campaigning and paying tribute to 9/11 victims. That changes the frame, or should.

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