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That makes sense.


I saw some article about his "A-team" on agriculture, including Sam Brownback. Other than bankrupting a state I'm not sure what Brownback's skills are, but it got the media gushing as always.


The Kushner article you posted gave a lot of details about his family I didn't know. That whole thing with setting up the brother with a hooker is like something off Sopranos.

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I'd agree with @ReddFoxx, Christie has been doing absolutely nothing for the state of New Jersey so it's highly unlikely that he'd get enough votes to stay in the governor's mansion. He's highly unpopular, which means no Senate. With a failed Presidential bid and hitching himself to the pariah that is currently the GOP's defacto leader, I don't see any elected office which is attainable for him now.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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He couldn't get run for reelection anyway. He likely knows enough people, and enough bodies that have been buried, to always hang around, but his higher aspirations are likely dead. I never understood the hype about him anyway - he is grotesque in every way. 


Speaking of grotesque:



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