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There are a lot of wildcards in this election so I think it's important not to take anything for granted. You've got Republicans who say they won't vote for Trump so the question is will they vote for Clinton, third party or stay home? On the other side you've got the bitter Berniacs who won't vote for Clinton. The same question goes for them, will they vote for Trump (I think that's a solid no) but they could stay home or vote third party. In both scenarios, it's down ballot candidates who get caught in the crossfire. Even if the Berniacs won't vote for Clinton, they could help flip Congress if they can see past their spite.

Of course Trump could be a turnout machine for Latinos, Muslims, women, and LGBT but he's certainly a turnout machine for the white grievance crowd. At the end of the day the question will be which of these groups can or will cancel out the others.

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Tim Kaine's a good guy, but not the most electrifying pick. I still would've chosen Castro, who I believe will be president someday.


I'm not looking forward to the barrage of thinkpieces about Hillary daring to choose a white guy.

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It's a fear-based pick. She knows that Trump is cutting into her white vote, and is hoping minority and female voters fear Trump enough to still turn out. The only thing that concerns me is that I do wonder if this type of pick will underscore the claims that she is more of the same, and will encourage voters to stay home. At some point "Trump Trump Trump" may not be enough to get them motivated.

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Doesn't Castro have some sort of simmering controversy with HUD? He seemed to be an early contender but his name began to fade little by little and I kept hearing other names before his. HRC seems to want to stay away from even the least bit of excitement since she's often associated with drama. Though, I think she did well in the South, Dems also seem to want at least one Southerner on the ticket. VA is not the deep South but it is the South.

Some of my friends flat-out think HRC think 2 minorities on a Presidential ticket would be considered too risky.so HRC opted for the safe route.


Personally, I'm fine with HRC and Kaine (although he is not the most interesting choice) if it means we can have the real transformation in Congress (rid ourselves of enough intransigents and obstructionist) and get some consensus builders who can pass actual legislation that helps people as well as a diverse Cabinet and if we can get that, perhaps either get Garland confirmed or a more liberal pick (which I'd honestly prefer).

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I'm already seeing stupid people say things like, "Kaine is more Republican than Trump." Well, Trump isn't a Republican - he's a needy narcissistic stunted attention whore who will do or say anything that soothes his tiny ego. The GOP are hitched to him. I hope people who like to do the "both are the same" or "he's MORE liberal than she is" types will eventually realize this. It doesn't matter if some fantasy position has him more on the left than her or Kaine - he's still a nightmare.

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He's a safe pick that comes with zero drama and perhaps they wanted that. I don't think it will hurt her but I don't think it's going to help her either. I do second the thought that is the fear of Trump enough to get people inspired to get out and vote or will they just not bother. A more inspired(and riskier) pick might have been able to help address that. His being the VP pick isn't going to change my mind but then I made up my mind on Clinton a long time ago, so no matter who she picked wouldn't change my vote.


They need to nip the TPP issue in the bud and both come out against it. If they don't they risk losing Michigan, Pennsylvania, and even perhaps Ohio, although they might have a secret ally in Kasich there.

Oh lord. So if he ends up elected as President is he still allowed to fund super pacs? Unreal. And the entire Cruz thing at the convention was staged to work that way, so why he would now go after Cruz is beyond me. Cruz did exactly what Trump expected and probably wanted.

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No, it's a personal and strategic one. She and Kaine are friendly, he's moderate and - it must be said - male and white. That cuts into the squishy middle vote which could be swayed to Trump by bigotry and/or conservative liberalism. It delivers that conventional vote. And he has no drama. It may not be sexy, but it's solid. Obama is also a big fan of Kaine, and that will deliver.

Edited by Vee
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