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I have to laugh at Paul Ryan being forced to endorse Trump. I don't even know why anyone cared, but I guess the right wing always has to fall in line in the end. I hope Ayn Rand haunts him from now to eternity. 

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This is why I believe elections are a process filled with twists and turns, never frozen in one specific moment.  I don't ignore polls but I try to keep in mind their variable nature, especially the ones that claimed that Donald was leading Hillary or that Bernie coulda shoulda woulda beat Trump in a landslide.  Why?  Lemme tell you a little something about polls:


Hillary Clinton Opens Double-Digit Lead Over Donald Trump in New Poll


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The Bernie or busters have become a sick joke. When you look at the trouble outside Trump's San Jose rally, that's what the revolution will look like.


More and more I feel like we're dealing with too many people who simply think everything is a reality show.

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Berniebros are claiming voter suppression in Puerto Rico because Sanders lost.  Having won Puerto Rico, Hillary is now about 30 delegate votes away from the nomination.  California, of course is important but so is New Jersey and NJ's voters will have their say first on Tuesday. Now, of course, Sanders is already moving the goalpost again, claiming that superdelegates should not be counted at all toward total delegates- after last week trying to sway superdelegates to change their votes away from HRC to him.


This is all so ridiculous now.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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MSNBC rips into the imploding Trump campaign.


I'm just gonna say it now, because these last few weeks with Trump U and his finally facing the scrutiny that will come harder during the general race are the first time I've believed he might really do it since long before he began vanquished his primary opponents: I think Trump may drop out. He could blame the media and the GOP and drop out and still call it a 'win' because he was too much for Washington. Then they'll scramble and try to nominate Ryan or something.

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