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I saw Obama is finally distributing his plan for the next four years. He waits for two weeks before the election? Ridiculous.

Republicans, rape and abortion strike again: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2012/10/23/mourdock-god-intended-for-babies-to-result-from-rape/?hpid=z2

If God intended pregnancy from rape to happen, then women whose uteruses prevent a pregnancy from a legitimate rape are defying the will of God. Taking the next stop in this illogical thinking would lead to the argument that God wants rape to happen, maybe rape should not be illegal.

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That page also has a story about the pathetic Tommy Thompson running 2002-era 9/11 hate ads against Tammy Baldwin. The Senate candidates on the GOP this year have been shockingly inept and offensive on multiple levels. It sucks that most of them might still win.

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We're getting election observers from the United Nations and the conservatives are unhappy.


Of course, when it comes to voter fraud the Republicans are fond of saying that if you aren't doing anything wrong then you shouldn't be bothered by voter ID laws so what's bothering them about having observers?

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Can I say how much I LOVE that we are getting UN election monitors. Forty-four are not enough though, a couple thousand would be better. However, they will nicely supplement the AFL-CIO's team of lawyers and the Advancement Project and Election Protection Coalition's poll watchers in monitoring the vote intimidators.

Thanks for posting the link to the article.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Matthews is an arrogant fool. He offers nothing every day. Then there's SE Cupp who has stopped just short of calling him an "uppity negro (You know what I meant to say) who doesn't know his place." Then there's Scarborough. What a moron. Then Jansing, Todd, Mitchell. And the beltway media as a whole, who seem to look at different polls to make any argument that supports their case. I have calmed down watching these people. And will stop altogether once the elections are done.

Edited by Roman
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You deserve a lot of credit for writing that, Ann. And I criticize Romney for failing on this score as well. (He at least mentioned his five-point plan, but he needs to be far more specific than that.)

Even some at MSNBC are lamenting the highly negative campaign tactics Obama is using:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/bVCMgaQde0E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The fear mongering and name calling are a far cry from the days of hope and change.

Edited by Max
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If you were talking about actual Barack Obama supporters at MSNBC this would be surprising but not from Joe Scarborough's show. I'm surprised it wasn't worse.

It's kind of tiresome for people to place Barack Obama in some idealistic box and feign shock that he's become this jaded politician. He doesn't wear this halo that radiates light wherever he goes. If he did then all his goodness would have rubbed off on Mitch McConnell and John Boehner (I don't mean that bizarre tan) causing them to become better people who enabled him to maintain the optimism he once had. We should try to accept that he was unable to change Washington and instead he changed...mourn what we hoped he'd be and move on to the reality that he isn't and life goes on. Or we can just beat this drum over and over and over.....I vote for moving on.

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What's tiresome for me is for people who didn't believe in "hope and change" and actively worked against it to be acting like they're all butthurt because it didn't happen. Spare me.

Just once I'd like to see the people complaining about how hope and change didn't happen, to list specifically what they thought that meant. Because all I see are people looking at Obama and saying, "Waaahhh! I'm pissed off because I voted for you and I'm still ME!" assuming any of the people bitching actually did vote for Obama.

Edited by marceline
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LOL! So true. The Republicans crying, "what happened to hope and change" are hypocrites with absolutely no shame and need to shut the hell up. They openly tried to destroy the President's agenda and by extension the country so he would have only have one term. My only hope is that the President has learnt his lesson from their refusal to compromise. In his second term, I want to see him put a beat down on them that they will never forget.

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