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Considering that Obama has lost his lead in a couple new state polls (Florida and New Hampshire), he is going to have to get more than a draw from the next debate. I still don't see him losing the election, but damn he has made the road ahead far harder than it ever had to be. One day, I want to hear the real story behind his piss poor performance in the first debate.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Yeah, the press pays more attention to overt racism during Obama's presidential election. The Virginia GOP had pictures on Facebook of the President and First Lady in "primitive" African outfits. Someone shot at one of the Obama campaign offices in Denver. Hey, the Romney people think the same way. There was that anonymous quote when he visited the UK about the UK/US special relationship had to do with their shared "Anglo-Saxon heritage." Too bad the Democrats don't like to wade in the sewage like Republicans because now is exactly the time to whip out the "Mormonism is a cult and not a Christian denomination" card much like the Republicans constantly play the "Obama is a Muslim" card.

Edited by Ann_SS
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This disgusts me, and it's from my own town, I'm utterly disgusted and ashamed anyone would wear this:


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If I had to choose between the Democrats and the Republicans, it would be like choosing between boneless buffalo wings and bone in wings. There's not a whole lot of difference to me on the issues of racism and racialism between covertly and overtly. Most times I think it's better to know what someone really thinks of you than it is to have them pretend to like you to your face. Democrats have said some things that have gotten completely swept under the rug because they're Democrats. Some of those things, such as Joe Biden's "clean" comment, may not have been said with any malicious intent but they still indicate a particular way of thinking.

The more I listen to some of those MSNBC show hosts (including some of the former ones), the more keenly aware I become of how much of a charitable project they see black Americans as. There's this air about them in portraying Democrats as the party who cares about all these minorities who just aren't at the level of intelligence, etc., as they all are.

People are so enamored of Bill Clinton. The economy was great when he was President which is the key to greatness. He approved at least four bills/plicies that would have caused a lot of whining had they been approved by a Republican President: DADT, Three Strikes legislation, Prison, Welfare Reform Act, and Prison Litigation Reform Act. The first one would have been seen as homophobic and people can say it was better than nothing but why not just go all the way? The last three would have been called racist and probably have been called racist by those who have no idea that they came under Bill Clinton. And I'm one to run this right into the ground but Diane Sawyer was able to find Osama Bin Laden in the dessert somewhere for an ABC News or maybe it was 20/20 interview after the first bombing of the World Trade Center prior to 9/11, yet Bill Clinton couldn't. I already had the Gennifer Flowers lie against him and it's not that I cared about his personal life at all but what he said about her to save his Presidential bid was totatlly unnecessary. So I don't worship at the altar of Bill Clinton. Nor do I think that the fact that they can use perfume to cover up some of their stench makes them smell that much better than the Republicans.

Where the Democrats hae the Republicans at an advantage is that they seem overall to be more genuine about their concern for the people in this country and even abroad, and they aren't overtly antagonistic about diversity and so are able to attract more diverse people to their party. A big plus is that they don't seem to have as many overtly insane party leaders as do the Republicans who have become increasingly scary in that regard.

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Over the top, Ann. You're so over the top.

You think someone shot at an Obama campaign office because he's black? How do you know that? I've grown suspect of those who imply racism is at the root of everything these days. I swear, people of all races, religions, creeds and sexual orientations got along better years ago than now, for all the "progressive" assistance out there.

Have you ever stopped for one moment - just a single moment - and thought that maybe people differ with Obama because of his POLICIES and not the COLOR OF HIS SKIN? I personally could care less about the man's skin color. What I'm interested in is what he has done - or not done - as President. Do I like his policies?

Oh, sure... there are still racists out there. And I say we condemn ignorance, blow apart stereotypes, enforce laws where civil rights are violated... and stop painting groups of people with the same broad brush - as you like to do when it comes to conservatives. I'm beginning to think you are one of the most intolerant posters I've ever seen here or anywhere online.

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The problem is that instead of condemning or ignoring the racism that the psychos fling at Obama, the mainstream right embraces it. For example Mitt Romney stating that he's never been asked for his birth certificate. And then elected Republicans trying to bar Obama from the ballot if he does not produce it. Never before we had a black president were birth certificates such an issue.

The mainstream Republican Party flipping on ideas it once embraced and ignoring its own recent deficit spending is politicking. It has nothing to do with his race and they would've done the same [!@#$%^&*] if Hillary had been chosen. But all too often the mainstream right, which could ignore the whole birther thing, promotes and encourages it and does make things racial.

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How, Juppiter? Explain to me how the mainstream right has made Obama's presidency all about race. Cite examples... and I'm not talking fringe politics - you said MAINSTREAM right. By mainstream right, you are talking about people like me. So explain to me how guys like me have made this about Obama's skin color.

With regard to the whole birther thing... what IS the guy's background? Look, I have no idea where he's from or what his background is, etc., except that he was supposedly born in Hawaii. Whatever. Some may find the circumstances of his birth and where it took place troubling... and let's face it, even IF he wasn't a natural citizen, it would be the most closely guarded secret EVER because of the constitutional crisis it would create.

Of more concern to me are his policies and where things stand almost four years since he took office. The fact of the matter is that, for as rotten as the economy was he says he inheritated from that awful man, George W. Bush - all created by monster Republicans - why did he waste two full years with a Democratically-controlled Congress ramming through Obamacare rather than fixing the economy HIS WAY? If things were so terrible and dire following Bush's reign of terror, why not fix the economy FIRST, then deal with Health Care? Simple question... should be a simple answer. TWO FULL YEARS of total government control... and that wasn't enough time to tick off the major items on his to-do list?

The problem with Obama isn't a matter of race or where he was born. Black man, green man... It just isn't an issue for the majority of Americans. For the hating fringe, perhaps... but for most of us? Nope. This noise about racism is smoke and mirrors designed to distract from the President's terrible record.

Juppiter, what about this issue in reverse? Is it racist to vote for Obama based solely on the fact he's black? Let's face it, his Presidency is historic and will always be remembered as such... is THAT point racist??

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From day one the mainstream right has made his race an issue -- John McCain, to his credit, did not. But you had the Kansas Secretary of State, an elected Republican thus very much in the mainstream, trying to keep Obama off the ballot in Kansas. You have Joe Arpaio on his racist crusade in Arizona against not only anyone who looks Mexican but against Obama as well. You had the infamous "Obama invites Hip Hop stars to chill at the White House" article on Fox Nation. And also this lol : http://mediamatters.org/video/2010/04/14/fox-amp-friends-sees-muslim-image-in-logo-for-n/163159 . Michele Bachmann stated that the first black president was running a "Gangster Government." Choice words from her. Not to mention the way the mainstream right constantly refers to him as "Barack Hussein Obama." Why is his middle name important if you are not bringing race into the conversation?

And I'm tired of hearing about the "two full years" of government control, when really you cannot do anything in the Senate without 60 votes these days and the Republican minority filibustered him every chance they got. I also object to this argument that just because we were in a Recession, he should have abstained from any legislation not relating to the economy. Then they would just be campaigning against him from "breaking his promise" on health care reform. Also, if you are going to state that he spent two years not doing enough for the economy, it is intellectually inconsistent to then state that the "gigantic, wasteful" trillion dollar stimulus was some awful thing. If that was not a massive-scale solution, whether you consider it good/successful or not, then it was just a drop of spit in the ocean. You can't have it both ways where you say he didn't do enough and then consider the stimulus a gigantic behemoth monster.

It is racist to not vote for Obama because of his skin color. It means you don't believe a black man can lead the country -- that there is something un-American about being black. On the other hand, it is not racist to vote for Obama BECAUSE he is black. That is not discriminating against whites or saying you will never vote for a white president. We have had 43 white presidents already. Of course once a black option was available the vast majority of black people would vote for him to see one of their own in the Oval Office. There is nothing discriminatory or racist about that in the least.

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I would have said this long ago regarding the debate, but I had to be away from SON for the last week and a half (in order to study for a test on an accounting software program). That is, while I am thrilled that Romney won that debate so decisively, I just cannot get my hopes up thinking that he will actually win the election (and I urge other Republicans to follow suit, unless they want to be even more depressed on Election Day). I have a sinking feeling that any good news for Romney will be short-lived. I guess I should be thankful for any good news Romney has, because prior to the debate, this election was so incredibly depressing day after day.


While Arlen Specter was far from my favorite senator, I did not hate him. I did get really pissed how the Democrats went on and on about how the GOP has "no room for moderates," only to then turn their backs on Specter after he switched parties. (He was defeated by somebody considerably more liberal than him in the 2010 Democratic primary.) As far as it appeared to me, the Democrats felt the only thing Specter was useful for was a (temporary) 60th seat in the Senate.

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