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AMC: October 27, 2008 Discussion Thread

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AND...OMG! After reading your posts in the spoiler threads....you're judging and hating Reese just as much as other people are judging and loving Reese BEFORE SHE'S EVEN AIRED! No wonder you condone Kendall's hypocrisy....bc you're just as hypocritical!

You're hating Reese and hating Tamara Braun before she's even aired bc she's a threat to Zendall's happiness. I can't handle it!

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Oh, please! The only person saying the Reese is so wonderful crap is... see if you follow this... REESE'S GIRLFRIEND!

I'm sure all the Zendall fans would have a massive titty attack if Zach went back to his friends and family and said, "Yeah, this chick Kendall I married... That chick's alright," and have that be the end of the day. People who are in love should be allowed to express it. Call it propping (which is about as played out as "HACK" in my opinion) if you want, but it's just simply ridiculous to bitch and moan and hate on a character who's never even aired simply because the person is being talked up by their romantic partner.

People are allowed to be in love and talk about it endlessly... even if their last names aren't Slater.

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Ok guys, lol lets reign it in here. No need to antagonize members here for their viewpoints no matter how objective or subjective they are. Healthy debate is fine, but lets not belittle fellow members ok. There is an ignore button for a reason.

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word. word. and more word.

david can leave now, im over it already.

Umm really? So poor innocent helpless Bianca was forced to get prego by Zachs magic stuff than Reese somehow got from him. With her super mindpowers or ... a more hands on way?

Bianca was down for this, it seems from the get go. Zach didnt seem to have much of an issue with this either. I actually think Reese is the one person involved whod eosnt take the blame, IMHO. She doesnt know Kendell, she doesnt owe anything to kendell. Bianca & Zach betrayed kendell, went behind her back, and kept it a secret. Then ontop of that Bianca keeps the news that shes prego from Zach.

i couldnt agree more.

I hated Bianca in her previous comebacks because she was Saint Bianca. Now? I love her. Keepin secrets and whatnot. I also lvoe how she knows it was a mistake, no she hasnt said it, but you can see it. Eden is playing it so well. As Bianca tries to tell people what happened it seems like shes trying to make herself believe it more than them.

And as much i dispise Kendull i cant wait for her tow ake up. This is one hell of an amazing storyline. Family drama, secrets and lies, all mixed together with a much needed socially relevent storyline. This is why most people watch soaps, IMHO.

And dont get me wrong, its far from perfect. It is contrived and out of nowhere. The backstory is weak, but with the actors we have? It can so be pulled off even with just halfway decent writing.

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:angry: sigh. Babe maybe dead but the "Babe Is LOVE" still love on in Binks. So now Binkss new baby won't get to know the woman who kept her from ME (BINKS) for months.

There's something fishy about Reese. I mean what kind of person "charm's" a happily married man into giving up his swimmers?

David in jail for assault and Rage Monkey is NOT!!!! :angry:

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Ahhh! I love David. He seems even more demented this time around. And, yes, we know that Babe and David didn't have a "strong" relationship, but David coming back regardless and declaring his revenge is completely true to his bat-sh.t-crazy "I Save Lives!" persona. Welcome back Dr. Evil.

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