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B&B: Week of October 13, 2008

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I like Hunter Tylo a little more now that I know she improvises some of her lines, especially in these blow-ups with Brooke. And I like that they can use the history since she and RM have been on the show so long. It's a nice touch. Something that the all-recast Logan family can't have.

Lol Brandon Beemer almost needs some support for that big chest.

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I dont blame her considering they've been giving her the same script for the past few months. How many different ways can they write an argument between Brooke and Taylor fighting over a man?. After over a decade of playing out the same scenes, HT has it all memorized

BB is wasted as Owen. Owen is a throwaway character with no ties to anyone. He really is doomed. They should have just casted him as the new CJ. He could have played out the same story but would have been stronger thanks to his history. He has chemistry with Ashley Jones and they could have rekindled the CJ/Bridget romance, especially since they seem intent on keeping Donna with Eric and they've moved Bridget away from Nick. He once had a rivalry with Rick and the two could have fought over CJ messing with his father's marriage and later getting involved with his sister. Plus it could have meant seeing more of the now defunct Spectra clan. What a missed oppurtunity

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Deacon was a much more complicated character and I instantly saw the potential in him. Owen is void of personality and is extremely generic and there's nothing that stands out about him. Theres nothing to seperate him from hot nice guys that have landed on this show and left like Mark, Dante, Oscar, etc.... I really saw some potential when he first came on and it looked like they were going to play him off as a bad boy, kind of like early Deacon was, but that quickly went away the minute they had him fall for Donna. He's just boring and I cant see myself interested in him now. I dont know what they can or will do with him now but he seems to be on borrowed time. My prediction is that he's out by the end of the year

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Yeah I don't know what else they could do with him, unless they connect his past to somebody besides Marcus. And it looks like they're playing for Owen and Bridget.

A relationship with Bridget is where random characters go to die (Mark, Dante, Oscar)

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Lol, Taylor is the beacon of common sense, talking about how Ridge and Brooke are supposed to have a perfect life...but they never do, and don't right now.

And BROOKE is talking about feelings? She's the queen of marrying while she has feelings for other men.

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It pains me to say this but I watched Monday's episode and found it almost watchable. The writing surrounding Taylor and Brooke was better than usual and I liked Taylor laying it all on the line about losing her family etc. Of course the redux would be a lot more interesting if we hadn't done it twelve times already.

Donna/Owen bored me. They don't seem to know what to do with either of them and the exposition about using Ashley's old set was painful.

Stephanie/Eric...same old same old.

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Woohoo, the Fish lipped elbow firmly planted between kisses of Tridge are back. Where has this show been without this special kind of passion??

I had to LOL at Taylor saying that Ridge and Brooke's relationship is not legitimate without them being married. When has having this printed certificate been any kind of deterrent to wanting another and adding stability to a relationship on this show? I swear that if it wasn't so easy to get married in the first place and you were only allowed one marriage in your life, the exception being a dead spouse, people would think harder before getting into a marriage in the first place and the divorce rate would drop significantly.

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I concur. I found Monday manageable. I've realized that one of my main problems with the show is Jennifer Gareis. She is like -- no offense intended -- a tranny hooker playing a drama queen. She is like Hedwig (with the angry inch). She should be a camp gay icon...but she's not actually interesting enough to be one. (Her Grace Turner was much closer). She's not aging well, and so it is implausible that she is the female lead.

She also seems increasing unsympathetic. I know we're supposed to believe she LOVES Eric (and not just for his wallet)...but she also knows fine Owen is HOT for her. So she can stand there all c*ck-teasing and throwing herself in his arms...and all he is allowed to do is "be there for her", standing like a (well sculpted) rock and offering her beverages.


Still, the show seemed more bearable than many episodes of late. This is not high praise. I do think they are using Beemer to his best effect, and he should be shirtless and/or in boxer briefs in most episodes. That elevates the show immeasurably.

I could not agree more, and have been floating an idea like that (not with the murders, but with the entire male cast and much of the female cast leaving the show) for some time. I think Beemer could stay, though. I feel he should still be revealed to be Ridge's son, making him the grandson of Stephanie and Massimo. He also needs a darker turn,


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