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B&B: Week of October 13, 2008

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I'm not complaining about Owen being shirtless for an entire episode - Brandon Beemer has one killer body! B)

Why not Owen/Felicia? I can imagine real sparks between Beemer and Lesli Kay!

It'd be a shame if Owen goes the way of Shane and Storm - ie. Bell kills him off in 3 months. :rolleyes:

I don't know about a Tridge redux. Today's kiss seemed very forced to me!

But, I suspect Bell is going back to Tridge and Bricky, with Katie thrown in as the 3rd wheel in a triangle with Nick & Brooke.


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Ridge and Taylor! Oh I loved them today! They are my favorite B&B couple and the reason why I started watching. I hope they reunite. Taylor made an interesting point abut him and Brooke. She has been out of their lives for years now, yet Ridge and Brooke have yet to marry so obviously Taylor hasnt been their obstacle. Maybe they need to reevaluate their relationship and this whole "destiny" line Brooke occasionaly spouts out

Dont like Brooke meddling, but in this case, I'll make an exception she is right and someone needs to end this Taylor/Rick train wreck

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Yet Lesli Kay languishes on the backburner without a love interest. Going with Owen and Felicia could have been a great move; Felicia employs Owen to break up Eric and Donna by seducing Donna, only as they put their plan into action she cannot bear for Owen to sleep with Donna because she's falling in love with him herself. Meanwhile, Owen wonders if his feelings for Felicia are reciprocated as she seems intent on Owen and Donna sleeping together as she refuses to let her guard down and allow herself to become emotionally vulnerable and open to being hurt, causing Owen and Felicia to skirt around their feeings for one another; neither one of them truly wants Owen to go through with his seduction of Donna, but Felicia is torn between her feelings for Owen and her desire to get Donna out of her family's lives...it could be great storyline and add a whole other dimension to the storyline.

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If they do a Tridge redux though, will all their sex scenes involve discussing Brooke's love life before and after the deed? If you look back at every love scene between them they always used Brooke for foreplay. Do most married people use his ex girlfriend or her ex boyfriend as a sexual crutch?

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I actually found myself really wanting Taylor and Ridge together. That just means that Brooke will be prying them apart or going after Nick again. They need to give her a rest. Let Brooke have some business s/l with Rick or something, just get her out of the romance scene.

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This show is just so ridiculous. It was bad enough signs were pointing back to a Ridge/Brooke/Nick go-round, but adding Taylor into the equation makes me want to hurl. Why doesn't Taylor ever get diagnosed with as an obsessive-complusive-in-love-with-being-in-love sex addict/masochist? Nope...Brooke's a whore for constantly being in love with someone she can't have, but Taylor's a friggin' saint who's being pushed into a marriage by her boytoy? GMAFB. Why can't Bell ever just let it these 50ish characters act more mature than their high-school/college age offspring?

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I didn't understand that wedding planning thing at all. Rick would've known that Taylor was at Jack's party. And then that awkward restaurant planner? Rick is the one wanting to have the wedding, so that didn't make sense to me.

Wooo Brooke and Taylor fight! Lol.

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I'm a Ridge and Brooke fan, but I a part of me does miss Ridge and Taylor being together. However, after Taylor gave that triumphant rant at the Forrester house years ago after Ridge left her for Brooke, I can't see her going back to him.

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Talk about blowing things out of proportion. Ridge is throwing a hissy fit bc he doesnt like the way Nick and Brooke looked at each other? Give me a break! Of course he tells this to Taylor who goes off on Brooke about waffling Jack back and forth between the 2 men. This show drives me crazy with its contrived drama

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